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2 of us falsely accused :(

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  • 2 of us falsely accused :(

    Just wanted to put my story here in the hope I recieve some positive advice from anyone who has experienced this awful situation I find myself in.

    Me and a friend have both been accused of rape. We found out the police were looking for us but only had photos of us so we contacted them to confirm it was us they were looking for. We are now to go for an interview on Saturday, we were both more than willing to give our side of the story as we've nothing to hide but upon some online reading in forums ect it doesnt seem that this is the best idea? I've contacted a solicitor and am meeting them today, my friend has also done this. The inspector I spoke to on the phone was giving off a vibe to us that we shouldn't worry too much and that they only want to interview us to get our side. He was saying things like not to inform our partners of this as there was no point in ruining relationships over it and that girls also get charged with wasting police time, he also assured us that theres no chance we'd be remanded and urged us to make sure our story was the same (which it would be without us even discussing it) Thing is he told us that they had cctv of us in the club with this girl and they have her statement and that of a friend (the friend was only in the club and the incident was alleged to have happened in my freinds house) other than that they cant have any evidence other than her word against ours, I think and I hope that theres far more evidence in support of us than her. Like the cctv WILL show her all over me in the club and her leaving freely with us. Thing is it was HER who asked me to take her home. I can't believe she is saying this, I'm still in shock. I'd even do a lie detector test. She's obviously a pretty nasty peice of work, she's potentillay going to ruin 2 innocent peoples lives, I have a great job opportunity come January that i've worked so hard for, i'm gutted.

    Please help....with anything. I just want it over with.


  • #2
    Take anything told to you by the police with a pinch of salt.

    Its good that you have a solicitor sorted for when you are questioned, as advised here before - answer only the question asked, don't try to expand the answer as anything can be taken down and twisted against you.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      If you hadn't contacted the police the chances are they would have found you eventually, especially if your photos were published in a "have you seen these men" type manner.
      RFLH has given good advice there. Let us know what happens at the interview. In the meantime, welcome.


      • #4
        Hi mate
        My situation is quite similar to yours so please read through my thread to get same sort of advice i have. I really hope it all goes ok for you i am too absolutely bricking it as to what the future will hold i hope the truth comes out and all of us can continue on with our lives.


        • #5
          Spoke to solicitor and he thinks I should go with 'no comment' as from what I've told him he thinks they have evidence other than a statement and some footage of me in a club and also says it's not my responsibility to help the police and if I were to admit anything then i'd only be giving them one less thing to prove. He reckons if theres no DNA to prove sexual intercourse taken place and we give no comment then it will more than likely go nowhere......I sooo hope he's right.

          He also said he gave the same advice to another client recently but the client was adament to tell the truth and did just that and was fine, nothing progressed.

          It's like Russian roulette, I don't know what they have and don't have, all I know is that we've commited no crime, surely that counts for something, I just pray our justice system prevails in the end.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BrickingIt View Post
            He reckons if theres no DNA to prove sexual intercourse taken place and we give no comment then it will more than likely go nowhere......I sooo hope he's right.

            Not sure from your OP if intercourse actually took place; if it did and the girl made the allegation immediately (i.e. within 24hrs) then it is likely there will be DNA evidence.

            In this instance, should the matter go to court, the prosecution will say that you refused to answer any police questions and the jury may draw an adverse inference from this.

            This needs careful consideration......however your solicitor should get disclosure re. the DNA before the interview so you could make a late call
            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


            • #7
              For my second interview my sol advised me to no comment the whole thing because I was extremely anxious and could barely speak. When the interviewing officer gave me a lift home afterwards he had some interesting things to say about that, trying to "advise" me that the sol doesn't care and I should answer questions regardless of what she says. After the 3rd interview he again gave me a lift home and asked me outright if my sol had advised the same again, even though I'd answered their questions...


              • #8
                I have recently done through this interview thing after I was accused of a rape which is a complete pack of lies.
                You are on the right place and you will have enormous support so stick around. Re your sol; I would suggest if you say 'no comments' and later you say something then your answers may not be taken as 'solid answers'. Ifyou say no comments then my advise is to give a little line to justify your 'no comments' as the 'no comments' can be risky.
                In my case I know I am innocent but whilst you are under caution then it is actually your chance to convince them that you are innocent but remember do not say too much only restrict to the asked question.

                If they are unable to find anything then they surely would ask you one question, '' then why she made this accusation against you''? be prepared to express your understanding for their consideration.
                Not sure if it will work for you but my sol advised me which I thought was the correct advice.

                Stay around and come back with your thoughts. I found this place extremely positive and full of support. Thanks to all who advised me on my thread.


                • #9
                  he also assured us that theres no chance we'd be remanded and urged us to make sure our story was the same (which it would be without us even discussing it)
                  Really? that's PCJ
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    Well we went to the police station today, I had my solicitor in attendance, my friend never. We both 'no commented' everything on tue advice of our solicitors, even though up on hearing the complainants story I was tempted on various occasions to say my part. I can't believe how someone can lie so much. The interview ended with us both being charged with rape. They didn't give us a court date there and then which my solicitor says is a good thing, it means the report will go to the pf to decide if the case should be progressed. Also the girl claimed she was so intoxicated with alcohol and possibly other substances that she was unable to consent although I was shown 'stills' taken from CCTV it it clearly shows the girl leaving the club unaided and standing pretty upright which my solicitor pointed out. We also have a witness who said she was all over me in the club and 2 that will say she got in a taxi voluntarily with us although the CCTV will show this, also apparently after the incident a taxi driver said he saw her with my friend and they kissed before she got in the taxi, I hope this is all relevant. Anyway I didn't feel pressured in my interview although my friend said that they turned off the recording at the end and told him that 'he'd f****d up by listening to bad advice and that his chance to put his side across had gone' and also that 'they'd be knocking at his door soon to drag him to court', those are pretty much quotes. I must admit I'm absolutely s******g it now and I've not told anyone yet, I'm continuing my life like nothings going on, with my gf, work and my studies. I'm not sure I can wait all this time for a knock at the door and knowing that I could end up in prison. It's gonna have a massive impact on us both.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BrickingIt View Post
                      it means the report will go to the pf to decide if the case should be progressed.

                      Is 'pf' short for prosecutor fiscal; if so this has a bearing on the advice we might be able to give you.

                      Pre-charge & pre-trial procedures are different in Scotland and England; not all of us are familiar with the Scottish procedure.
                      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                      • #12
                        I'd advise you to tell your parents and girlfriend - you need them on side to talk to about this. Besides which they'll be hurt if they find out when if you should be charge.
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • #13
                          He just said his interview ended up with him being charged - I think he needs to speak to his loved ones right now before it goes any further :/


                          • #14
                            My mistake - in which case I hope he tells them soon.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by RFLH View Post
                              My mistake - in which case I hope he tells them soon.
                              Sorry, didn't want to seem like I was pointing out a mistake, I just think that when it's gone this far every minute he delays telling his loved ones is going to be difficult.

