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torn us all to pieces

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  • torn us all to pieces

    My parents have fostered for 40 years and in february this year, 2 of the sister we looked after for ten years have falsely accused my father. He has had his bail reschedules 5 times and is due to answer again tomorrow. He is not a well man and has had several health issues thid year and understandably his health has deteriorated since all this began. He has his whole family behind him, willing for all this to be over. The girls in question have a terrible history, which is written in many reports from social services and school etc. Never before has anything like this has happened and I can vouch for the fact that all of the things they are saying are completely false. What happens when he goes to answer bail, if he doesn't get charged can we just get on with our lives? If he does what happens then? I am truly at my wits end, we have been destroyed through this, emotionally and financially. I really need some help, support or advice x

  • #2
    hi hurtanddistressed, sorry to see you here.

    Until we know what happens tomorrow we can't suggest much - of course we hope that he doesn't have to go back again, but should it not be so - we will give you all the help and support we can.

    Just remember, heads held high and let us know how things go.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3

      Sorry that you and your parents find yourself in this situation, but welcome to the forum.

      Will this the first time your father has actually answered bail? i.e. was the previous rescheduling by means of a phone call?

      He may be re-interviewed or NFA'd rather than charged or he may be re-bailed.

      Did he have a solicitor at his previous interview? If so they might be able to find out what will happen prior to him attending.
      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


      • #4
        Hi Hurtanddistressed

        I'm sorry you are here, but I welcome you.
        Unfortunately there is little you can do until (if) your Dad is charged. Your sol will not have access to any paperwork/prosecution statements until then. Pray God it doesn't come to that.

        These girls are clearly troubled, but that isn't necessarily going to be in your Dad's favour. They could claim that the "trauma" of being assaulted made them "go off the rails". However, I recommend that your sol applies for their medical records (this will be refused of course, but you can appeal this and it IS possible to get disclosure) and that you get as many people as possible to agree to give character references for your dad. These can be anybody, but those from "professionals" such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, engineers, architects etc are highly valued.

        If your Dad can, get him to write down everything he can remember about the alleged dates. Any tiny details could be helpful.

        Finally, look after yourself. Being the "strong" one is exhausting.

        I'm sorry to welcome you, but glad you found us.


        • #5
          That is such a horrible situation for your parents to be in. From the small passage you have wrote they seem like genuinely good people helping others less fortunate. If there were more like that in this world then we probably wouldn't have the problems we do! I can't offer any real advice but I genuinely feel for your family and wish you all the best. The short time I have been in my situation has radically changed the way I look at life.
          Good luck and I hope the truth comes out.


          • #6
            Now will be a good time to see who among family members kept diaries/calendars from all those years back - they can be very helpful sometimes. However, it is not a good idea to provide the police with alibis if the accuser claims something happened at a specific time or between specific dates because they are likely to go back to the accuser who will then feign a memory lapse and change her story accordingly.

            Hopefully he has a duty solicitor who also specialises in such cases.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

