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Can we change solicitor with four weeks to go

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  • Can we change solicitor with four weeks to go

    Oh god i dont know where to start, my son split from hes ex partner well over a year ago she had him arrested first for harrasment about three times but as bad as it sounds it was only texts he never hit her went around there or anything like that, then this june the police arrested him again for rape four counts.
    Its all lies she has made it all up and the reason i belive my son is because something happened in beetween the dates that these offences supposed to have happened and i was there, she has lied so much they are jumping out of the statements.

    Now your probably thinking well thats good aint it, hes currantly being keep in prison as the defence said she is frightened of him she had him arrested on three separate instances and not once did she mention rape, this women is being allowed to lie time and time again.

    The problem we have is we dont feel that hes solicitor is doing anything to prove hes innocence, they have only been in prison to see him 3 times and hes telling us there are other people in there getting visits once a week, on monday the barrister tells him to prepare for the worse, he had told them loads of things where she has lied that includes in previous statments he also said to get the texts have they done it no so he feels like they are just gonna take their chances there is no dna no evidance only the statment she has made up.

    What we need to know is it to late to change solicitors as he feels hes fate is doomed because he does not feel they have him in their best intrest.

  • #2
    changing solicitors

    my advice is try ringing an expert solicitor in these type of cases fast .. see what he says .dont make the mistakes we made and stick with them because we felt we had to they let us down badly .......

