First of all Hello im Colin.
This is my Story.
Im 21 Years old and there is a girl that lives across from me shes only 16. she was always up at my house with my little brother and when i seen her id say hello cause i aint cheeky. my family and her family have had fall outs her mums been at my door starting on my mum before and my mum has been shouting at her for giving abause. for the girl only being 16 she has caused so much trouble.
i use to text the girl and i made mistakes by flirting with her and she was 15 at the time now it was harmless fun i would NEVER EVER EVER go near her. i have a girlfriend now been with her a year. and love her very very much
heres the story.
i was walking to meet my girlfriend one day she had falling out with her mum and i was walking to try cheer her up abit. on my way down out of my housein estate i ran into her and bassicly she started to walk with me i said to her i was going to meet my girlfriend and i told her i did not want her near me so i walked on and she was just there and would not go away from me. i got to The of a hill and i turned around and said to her please go away im going to meet my girlfriend. so i walked off and on way road my girlfriend had rung me and said to me she was just going to stay in so i walked to my local shop to the bank machine to lift money for my mum. house keep lol
.. before i had got the shop my mum rung me said my little brother was at the shop and he drives so i ran to get a lift because i did not want to walk. and behind me on the road upto the shop my other little brother had seen me he was with his mate he seen me running tought i was in trouble so came running up and waitied at the top of the road. i got in the car with my little brother and picked my other little brother up and went to head home before we got home i seen the girl walking by herself. and she just grined at me i turned my head away. thats it.
like a week ago her her boyfriend her boyfrinds brother and his girlfriend were drinking about my estate. the 2 girls are 16 now and the boyfriends are 18. so me my little brother and his little friend were just walking about having a laugh
. we ran into them she said here comes hardman 1 2 and 3 , when we got near them my little brother said why are you going on like that. straight away the girl came into my little brothers face and we all argued for 10 mins or so. then she head butted my little brother and hit me in the face and my littles brothers friend to. so we walked away and they were right behind us and she came up to hit me again so i nudged her away from hitting me again and she feel on the ground then she started to shout to her boyfriend i raped her :S .. this is the first time ive herd of it and i was shocked and angry to here this so her boyfriend and his brother came up and hit me and we got into a fight and they were hitting my little brother who is 17 and his friend which is only 15 so i was protecting them bassicly. then the police were up and did not do much that night the next night it started off again .
the same girl that acaused me of this , acaused my little brother and his friend of trying to pick up the girl her mate in the car soem day which is lies my brother is in a serious realistionship with a girl. and there the best couple ever
. so me my brother and his girlfriend and my bros mate went down to her house to tell the parnets to say to her and we just want it all to stop.
oh and my brothers mate , was down to say this to her parents.
the girl that acaused me , she had before rang his girlfriend and said she had sex with him and loved it and went into detail everything she did etc!!..
so he was down for that reason to. during the time down at her house her mum was to cheeky to the point were i tought she was going to hit me and my bro and his girlfriend.. the young girl has the implant to stop her getting up the dove got it like age 14 , says alot for the girl and her mum said to me she can do what she wants sleep who she wants and drink if she wants , shows whats great parents they are ehh!!..
during the day it all kicked off once they girl got back arguements everywere then 6 police cars were up because there was like 40 people involved. they were orignaly up about all the fighting and it all got sorted. BUT because she seen i did not get in trouble , and this is after eveything was sorted she said to the police he raped me i went mad in my house when i herd this , i was so angry it took my 3 brothers and my dad and neighbour to hold me down from running to the police car and saying to her. thank god they did well.
the next day i get 4 police men at my door came in said to me i was being arested on supposition of rape and asault by penatrastion. i stayed calm because i had did not a thing wrong. they also said at the day this took place i was meant to have been wearing black calvin boxers , i dont even own such a pair. so they searched my bedroom for them and i was even helping them to show i did not have them i lifted my bed and emptyed my cuboard. then i was took off to the police station. the took my fingers prints , Dna , and pictures.
at this point i was really upset and tryed to hold my tears in as i was put in a cell first time ive been in one and i was in bits and was just so scared.. i was took out and my lawyer had came , i talked him trough it all. he was good and listened very well. then went into the interview and they went trough so so much it lasted like a hour and a half
later that night i was realised on bail and i was shocked to see i was not allowed anywere near home , im now staying with a friend of a frineds and im happy here , shes a single mum with 2 kids and they treated me so well so thankfull for them taking me in.
the girl has changed her story 3 times , saying it was 1 month ago then 2 months , then a week ago , Sorry but if you were raped im sure you would remember the day / date / time .. i find this a JOKE!!. , she said my little brother and his mate and her ex best friend was there and another boy to.
for a start , 2 of the boys were away on hoilday , 1 away with the scouts and the other to spain , and the girl was at her dads. and my little bro was in the house at the time..
and was meant to have happined in a school forest but i was no were near there and my little brother and his mate seen me bymyself walking up the road. and cctv at the shop could easy prove i was there by myself..
days passed and good news has came in.
she had texted her ex best mate her name is Terri , she texted her asking her to lie and say she was there and to say she was traumatised the day after and she was upset etc!!..
the day after this was meant to have happiend she was at the beach with her family and terri having a laugh!.
now im in the waiting stages at the min just waiting for news
the girl has took this a step to far and its ruining my life i cant get to work i live to far away , i cant go into town cause i dont want people thinking im a rape'est!!. i cant do anything , i even tought about topping myself.
but with the support of my big family and my AMAZING girlfriend there keeping me in high hopes
. there amazingg 
what do you think will happin with this all guys ?
This is my Story.
Im 21 Years old and there is a girl that lives across from me shes only 16. she was always up at my house with my little brother and when i seen her id say hello cause i aint cheeky. my family and her family have had fall outs her mums been at my door starting on my mum before and my mum has been shouting at her for giving abause. for the girl only being 16 she has caused so much trouble.
i use to text the girl and i made mistakes by flirting with her and she was 15 at the time now it was harmless fun i would NEVER EVER EVER go near her. i have a girlfriend now been with her a year. and love her very very much

heres the story.
i was walking to meet my girlfriend one day she had falling out with her mum and i was walking to try cheer her up abit. on my way down out of my housein estate i ran into her and bassicly she started to walk with me i said to her i was going to meet my girlfriend and i told her i did not want her near me so i walked on and she was just there and would not go away from me. i got to The of a hill and i turned around and said to her please go away im going to meet my girlfriend. so i walked off and on way road my girlfriend had rung me and said to me she was just going to stay in so i walked to my local shop to the bank machine to lift money for my mum. house keep lol

like a week ago her her boyfriend her boyfrinds brother and his girlfriend were drinking about my estate. the 2 girls are 16 now and the boyfriends are 18. so me my little brother and his little friend were just walking about having a laugh

the same girl that acaused me of this , acaused my little brother and his friend of trying to pick up the girl her mate in the car soem day which is lies my brother is in a serious realistionship with a girl. and there the best couple ever

oh and my brothers mate , was down to say this to her parents.
the girl that acaused me , she had before rang his girlfriend and said she had sex with him and loved it and went into detail everything she did etc!!..
so he was down for that reason to. during the time down at her house her mum was to cheeky to the point were i tought she was going to hit me and my bro and his girlfriend.. the young girl has the implant to stop her getting up the dove got it like age 14 , says alot for the girl and her mum said to me she can do what she wants sleep who she wants and drink if she wants , shows whats great parents they are ehh!!..
during the day it all kicked off once they girl got back arguements everywere then 6 police cars were up because there was like 40 people involved. they were orignaly up about all the fighting and it all got sorted. BUT because she seen i did not get in trouble , and this is after eveything was sorted she said to the police he raped me i went mad in my house when i herd this , i was so angry it took my 3 brothers and my dad and neighbour to hold me down from running to the police car and saying to her. thank god they did well.
the next day i get 4 police men at my door came in said to me i was being arested on supposition of rape and asault by penatrastion. i stayed calm because i had did not a thing wrong. they also said at the day this took place i was meant to have been wearing black calvin boxers , i dont even own such a pair. so they searched my bedroom for them and i was even helping them to show i did not have them i lifted my bed and emptyed my cuboard. then i was took off to the police station. the took my fingers prints , Dna , and pictures.
at this point i was really upset and tryed to hold my tears in as i was put in a cell first time ive been in one and i was in bits and was just so scared.. i was took out and my lawyer had came , i talked him trough it all. he was good and listened very well. then went into the interview and they went trough so so much it lasted like a hour and a half

later that night i was realised on bail and i was shocked to see i was not allowed anywere near home , im now staying with a friend of a frineds and im happy here , shes a single mum with 2 kids and they treated me so well so thankfull for them taking me in.
the girl has changed her story 3 times , saying it was 1 month ago then 2 months , then a week ago , Sorry but if you were raped im sure you would remember the day / date / time .. i find this a JOKE!!. , she said my little brother and his mate and her ex best friend was there and another boy to.
for a start , 2 of the boys were away on hoilday , 1 away with the scouts and the other to spain , and the girl was at her dads. and my little bro was in the house at the time..
and was meant to have happined in a school forest but i was no were near there and my little brother and his mate seen me bymyself walking up the road. and cctv at the shop could easy prove i was there by myself..
days passed and good news has came in.
she had texted her ex best mate her name is Terri , she texted her asking her to lie and say she was there and to say she was traumatised the day after and she was upset etc!!..
the day after this was meant to have happiend she was at the beach with her family and terri having a laugh!.
now im in the waiting stages at the min just waiting for news

the girl has took this a step to far and its ruining my life i cant get to work i live to far away , i cant go into town cause i dont want people thinking im a rape'est!!. i cant do anything , i even tought about topping myself.
but with the support of my big family and my AMAZING girlfriend there keeping me in high hopes

what do you think will happin with this all guys ?
