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My story.

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  • My story.

    I haven't been on here for a few weeks, unlike my tag suggests my nightmare has now ended. But I do feel a responsibility to share my story and some advice for anyone else who has been falsely accused as this site was a big help - particularly going through the court process.

    Where to start...early 2010 I was told a female cousin of the family only a year younger than me had been to counselling and had disclosed to other family members I had abused her when we were younger. I was absolutely dumbfounded because it never happened, this particular girl had a terrible history with men, married men, drugs, alcohol. On the same day this "scared, frightened, vulnerable" girl disclosed this she was out shopping, got her nails and eyebrows done and went for a tan!!

    My partner and I were absolutely devasted and worried about our son as she allegedly rubbed her hands together relishing it saying "I've got a big decesion to make!" She and her concerned friend (who had only known her two years-not the previous 30!) had prepared a dossier to show to the family detailing all kinds of terrible things...that may well have happened to her- just not by me.

    We heard nothing for months, then one evening I got the chance to pop home for a quick cuppa (I work as a delivery driver) and two poker faced women from the SS turned up, as my partner wasn't home they wanted to speak to us together, I panicked I thought it has started. I did the rest of my drop offs and went home- that night I was escorted out of my home by the SS and had to stay on a pull out bed in my brothers (somewhere I would remain for 11 months). For the first month I wasn't able to be in my home at all- then the SS after 4 meetings and several assessments they said I could be in the family home under supervision but not stay overnight.

    A few weeks later I recieved a call "inviting me" to the police station for my side of the story. Luckily I got a really good solicitor who just told me to be completely honest- the police were not interested in a single thing I had to say...the arresting officer looked like she was about to cry when I exposed a massive hole in my accusers story, who got times, dates etc mixed up, then quickly moves onto her next point, they weren't interested whatsoever when I said me and the accuser always got along fine until recently, they wanted to know every single little minute detail of life and something that allegedly happend 18 years ago. My solicitor interjected and told the officer that I was being interviewed as if this happened last week.

    They took my mobile phone off me (there was a few topless pics on there from a stag do in a strip club - of women in their 20s- but they kept it anyway- then denied all knowledge they ever had it) So to my surprise there's a message left on my brothers home answering machine advising my accuser not to worry we've got him...we'll get you the justice you deserve and I'm reccomending he be charged ASAP. So you can imagine how I felt after that...luckily we kept the recording. (the soft cow got the contact numbers mixed up)

    A few weeks later after ringing the officer several times she finally said "the cps want to charge you I left the decesion up to them" another lie. At this point though my solicitor said " it might be a good thing they want to charge you because at least we can fight it in court and win, rather than a caution which carries a whole host of problems with it"

    I went to the solicitors to watch a video of my accusers interview...which she was led through by the officer every step of the way, it looked rehearsed- unlike my interview where every single detail of my life was pounced upon...her vague information was glazed over and the officer praised her every step of the way...also I am from a place with a strong regional is my accuser...on the video she had this posh accent on no one had ever heard! The last ten minutes of her video interview with the police was spent talking about foreign holiday destinations, music and beauty products. (they never played that bit in court by god I wish they did)

    Went to the police station, got charged had to appear at magistrates twice to get it committed to crown court. (I'd like to mention at this point I have never been in any trouble before or been arrested)

    Goes to crown court - finds out the trial will be delayed because the accuser is going through intensive counselling and therapy.

    6 weeks later- Case is adjourned again because of mental state of accuser - still havent entered a plea

    6 weeks later- PCMH - Finally enters a plea and finds out that the night before the CPS had changed all the indictment dates over to make me older and therefore charges carry more weight.

    Amongst all this we have social services sniffing round all the time one visit and one meeting each month plus a review group meeting every three months. They stare down their noses at us and tell them we're here to protect your son - luckily only being 2 at the time he doesn't understand. My partner and I both loose our jobs- an anoynomous phone call to my work was all it took - my partner has to leave work to look after our boy.

    At this point I'm back and forward to regular meetings with my solicitor- I give him lots of information about this person who allegedly was scared of and avoided me for years! I gave him photos, emails and birthday cards/letters etc...which came in really handy later on.

    I meet my barrister for the first time and he is really helpful, handpicked by my solicitor for the case...I look the barrister up and find out he's dealt with some real high profile stuff- his opinion was that my case should have been NFA'D long ago (he also tells me after the trial is over that 5 prosecution barristers refused to take the case - maybe they didnt want the loss on their record!)

    Before court my solicitor gives me a long explanation of what will happen start to finish.
    First day- we are told to get there for 10am - jury is sworn in at half 3 - then we go home.
    Second day- told to get there for 10am get called in at 2pm- watch video of accusers evidence then go home - prosecution is ummming and ahhing about prosecution witnesses not being available - judge orders all of them into court for the third day.

    Third Day - Accuser on the witness stand puts on posh accent then starts getting angry returning to her native tone - is smiling and laughing screaming across the courtroom (she asked for a curtain so I could not see her) tells everyone she has always been scared of me and avoided me for years- Barrister pulls out photo of a few of us on a ride in Chessington world of Adventures in our teens- which she actually paid for me to go on because I hadn't been paid when they were going (she drove!!) She tries to dismiss this, then she says she was very concerned and I would not make a good father...barrister pulls out card from when my boy was christened and photos which she was on quite a few of- claims she only went because other people expected her to (note- her own sister did not come and no one batted an eyelid). She gets years wrong on the witness stand- didnt even know what year she started secondary school.

    Her friend that helped her write the dossier gets on the stand...tries to say I'm a wierdo...forced to admit she had met me on a handful of occassions...once at a concert where you couldnt hear yourself speak anyway, twice at a meal where the table was long and we were at opposite ends. Is forced to admit she doesnt know me and only knows what the accuser has told her.

    Police officer gets on the stand - is ripped apart because of the phone message- her response- oh sorry it was my mistake the numbers were on the same piece of paper.

    Private physcaritrist gets on the stand...when questioned didnt actually know in which manner myself and the accuser were related...thought my accuser was a few years older than me...admitted in the court that she only contacted the accuser because she had lent her a book in one of their last sessions she had not given back...(made to look like idiot- prosecution barrister didnt even question her)

    Defence time- I get up am shaking like a leaf but like my barrister told me - JUST TELL THE TRUTH AND YOU CANNOT GO WRONG- was answering the defence questions quite well. Prosecution guy- I thought I was going to be up there for an hour- he cross examined me for 10 minutes...(at this point I could feel the tide turning) I would later find out the prosecution barrister was filling in for someone else who accepted the case...he had originally refused it.

    My partner gets on the stand- refutes all claims of a scared little girl who avoided me (partner has known the accuser a very long time) touches upon the accusers dodgy past (doesnt go into great detail- it left the jury wondering about her though instead of mud slinging) Prosecuter asks one question then sits back down.

    My cousin gets on the stand (also knows both of us since birth) - Says she has never been timid, scared- first one at the party last to leave- did have a rep for disappearing with men and involved with married ones from a very young age. Prosecutor doesn't ask any questions.

    My Uncle gets on the stand- Blows another massive hole in their case - accuser claims sitting in his car on a trip worrying about what never happened...he didnt buy that car until 2 years later - in fact the model and shape had changed completely.

    Summing Up- the prosecution summing up it seems like he was challenging the jury to find me not guilty- he kept saying to them only if you are sure.

    Defence summing- done brilliantly he laid all the facts out and spelt them out - talked about my good character and co-operation with the police despite their faults and errors throughout the investigation.

    Last Day- Judge sums up - says that there's no medical evidence to suggest my accuser has all these deep rooted physological issues, mentions the police being full of praise for her- mentions the passage of time and the haziness and vagueness of evidence given.

    Jury retire and after 15 minutes I'm told they either have a question or a verdict--HOWEVER- the court is being used for another sentancing...30 minutes later we can go in...however can't go back in the dock yet because someone has just been sent down, can here him crying in the little room at the back and I think he'd soiled himself- could hear the handcuffs being put on him that was scary!

    The jury come in and the foreman stands up he says not guilty on the first could then in the same tone on the second count and finally not guilty on the third.(Ironically I entered my plea with a similar speed and tone!)

    The judge commends the jury and says to them "When we heard all the evidence I told each one of you that the decesion was yours and yours alone to make...which is still correct- but I praise you because in my opinion the right decesion was made" My barrister then got a letter directly from the judge telling the SS where to go.

    The SS didnt believe we had a judges letter at first but a few weeks later they finally backed off once and for all and we have no involvement with them again. So I'm back home and all is well for the most part...although some nights in my sleep I'm back in that dock and things dont go my way!

    Never stop fighting...if your not guilty then plead not guilty, don't do anything rash to get things over quickly, do your own work the solicitor, barrister cannot do it all for you...if there is something you want brought up/mentioned TELL THEM. Be yourself on the witness stand, tell the truth - do not try and outsmart people or get cocky or be clever - my accuser spoke alot of legal physcobabble- forgetting that the people she had to impress were 12 normal people who got jury service letters a few weeks earlier.

  • #2
    Thanks for posting this up Neverending - it just goes to show how such ridiculous cases get to court - because no-one does their job properly and grasp at them to bolster up target figures.

    I hope that you and your family will get back to 'normal' soon.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3

      Fantastic news!

      Congratulations and hope you and your family will get back on track


      • #4
        Push to have her arrested. Few words to your old boss too.
        Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


        • #5

          Thanks for taking the time to write this up; it will be a help to anyone facing the same ordeal.

          Glad that you did get the SS sorted out!
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #6
            Hiya, congratulations on getting through and finally getting the correct result. It is amazing to me it even got to court - what a horrible time for you and yours, and what a waste of public money. Your story is inspiring as it shows the amount of effort on your part it took and how people in this position can work towards the desired result when falsely accused of this heinous crime. Thankyou for sharing that.
            Kind regards
            Jen x
            False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


            • #7
              Thanks for the replies

              I'm grateful to this site for the info and advice and hope someone can take something from this, police can ignore or glaze over things you say in interview...they can't in front of an entire courtroom.


              • #8
                Originally posted by neverending! View Post
                I'm grateful to this site for the info and advice and hope someone can take something from this, police can ignore or glaze over things you say in interview...they can't in front of an entire courtroom.

                Unfortunately as some people here will know, they can. the jury does not always get it right......
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  incredible story

                  are the police as lazy corrupt and incometent as this


                  • #10
                    a lot of the time yes - all fuelled by targets.

                    I'm sure others will be along to tell you too!
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #11
                      Sorry to be late with my congratulations (I have been away) but I am so happy to hear this wonderful news. I hope you and your loved ones can get back to "normal" soon xx


                      • #12
                        Thanks for posting this, my husband has his trial in a few months and we have been feeling pretty hopeless. You have given me the strength to keep believing in justice.

