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Attempted rape after consensual sex

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  • Attempted rape after consensual sex


    I have another thread on this site about my story but would like to start another to ask specifically about attempted rape following conscensual sex.

    As many will know I went to court charged with rape and attempted rape.

    I was found not guilty of rape but was found guilty of attempted anal rape.

    The attempted anal rape charge is to do with a position change during the intercourse where no penetration occured and as soon as the accuser said no I stopped.

    I have been looking on the internet to see if i can find some similar cases of attemped rape following conscentual sex and what the sentence was.

    In my eyes I cannot understand how it can be attempted rape when as soon as the accuser said No I stopped.

    It goes to show that in this day and age even when you get told no and then you stop that it is still considered attempted rape.

    So as above really just seeing if there are any similar cases and the sentence that was given.



  • #2
    well so far i have found that for an "attempted" at an offence you usually get a little less than the starting point for the full offence. Also found that if consensual sexual intercourse took place before or after the offence then that will also reduce the sentence to a degree. So that and the circumstances of the offence in my case I would assume that i will get around 3 years. but that is a guestimate.

    However my barrister said they will suggest a suspended sentence to be considered so in that I assume that any prison sentence wont be that big if my barrister thinks that a suspended sentence would be considered.


    • #3
      well sentencing was on Friday, I ended up being given a community order where i have to attend a sex offenders course and have been put on the sex offenders register for 5 years.

      My barrister said there are no ground for appeal.


      • #4
        Obviously it is no walk in the park to be on the register but the community order suggests that the judge thought that the verdict was perverse (on the basis that as the jury brought in a guilty verdict he had to sentence you to something but made it as light as possible)

        I'm guessing that as you thought you might get a custodial sentence you must be relieved? Well done for enduring the ordeal
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #5
          It's a bit of a bitter sweet ending isn't it. Good to hear no prison term though x

