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And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Brilliant Billy! Can imagine just how you and your girl-friend must be feeling.... I hope you'll be able to have a hard earned rest - after a joyous celebration!
Hey Billy
I have been reading back through your thread and I just wanted to say that you have been an inspiration to me. You have been unflinchingly honest; very kind; supportive of others and 100% genuine.
Thanks for everything. I hope you will choose to come back here and support others but I will totally understand if you just want to forget the whole terrible experience.
Now you can marry your beautiful fiancee and live the rest of your life as a wiser, kinder, nobler person.
You dont know how right you are saffron, this has been a terrible experience however it has been a deeply positive affect on my life, and has in fact reinforced my confidence in some of the human race i.e. you wonderful people.
Right must go beers are on ice, but I will be back to tell more of the story in a day or two.
P.S. the quiet little mouse who was to shy to talk without a screen in the court house (my false accuser) was brazen enough to stand outside the courthouse smoking a fag and flipping us the middle finger! Make of that what you will.
Hip hip horrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy ,it's all over yipppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeee ,let's have a party ,so happy for you and WELL DONE I love yellow pages xxxxxxx