You go get em billy . I hope I'm as strong as you are when mine starts . To tell the truth mate your a tower of strength and reading your posts has given me a different perspective on what will be happening when it's my turn . Your attitude is absoloutly amazing . Only thing I'm going to be missing is someone to hold my bl00dy hand , good luck mate ,
No announcement yet.
So worried
Today was very tough! My turn in the box and he just kept repeatedly saying that I'd raped her, to which all I could reply was no! That's not true. I broke down a bit at the end, quite un characteristic for me, but I just felt like 18 months of hell had got ontop of me and looking at my girlfriend in the court just cut me. Anyway sorry if this doesn't make much sense but I'm pretty tired, gonna go curl up with girlfriend for a bit.
Happy valentines day
P.s. really great to have you there today Myhome sorry I didn't get to chat much today.
So hurt and angry
Just wanted to wish you all the best for this week, you sound amazingly strong and I think that too shows innocence,it doesn't matter that you broke down a little that just shows you are human, if you hadn't they may find that stranger still.
We are waiting with our friends with pages of bananas for you , just order them up when you are ready.
I can tell you from experience that it's a wonderful feeling looking at them, I kept going back for another look, I even screen shot them on the iPad !!!!
Take care look forward to more news xx
Originally posted by billykickass View PostToday was very tough! My turn in the box and he just kept repeatedly saying that I'd raped her, to which all I could reply was no! That's not true. I broke down a bit at the end, quite un characteristic for me, but I just felt like 18 months of hell had got ontop of me and looking at my girlfriend in the court just cut me. Anyway sorry if this doesn't make much sense but I'm pretty tired, gonna go curl up with girlfriend for a bit.
Happy valentines day
P.s. really great to have you there today Myhome sorry I didn't get to chat much today.
I hope you are very proud of the character references - not just the words that were said, but also the real conviction and sincerity with which they were said...I told your mum that she has two very lovely sons and she should be proud of them!!! She pulled a bit of a face and so I said that just because you'd been a bit daft it didn't stop you being a lovely person and she had to agree!!!!!
Please please - there's no need to apologise for not chatting to me much - you were a tad distracted!!!!!! I hpoe you both have a lovely weekend and that GF feels better real soon. I'll give her a call and see you Monday x"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Hey Billy hang in there mate. You must be going through hell at the momentbut it's allmost over and you will be a free man soon! how many days left do they (the lawyers) say it will be till it's over?
Be strong it's ok to break down in court it show's you are you a human and not some animal trust me the prosecuter is secretly freaking out when you cry because he is trying to paint you as a monster when your a good guy. DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT! we are all with you mate. Hang in there
Thanks for the update Billy.
Don't worry about breaking down in the witness box - as others have said it shows you are human and horrified by the alllegation against you.
I hope you have a good weekend and I'll be thinking of you and sending you my very best wishes on Monday xx
The very best of luck for Monday Billy. You have been so stoical throughout this ordeal and I'm sure others have benefited from your positive attitude throughout.
Kind regards to you
JenFalse Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.
Well yesterday was closing speeches, whilst the prosecutions was pretty horrible for me to listen to he only really went over similar weak points repeatedly and used lots of emotive language (more like reading an article from the sun newspaper) whereas Tania simply underlined and reinforced the points of independant evidence that were in my favour and to be honest she was quite simply amazing, i was actually blubbing a little whilst she was talking.
So as for monday judges summing up then jury go out and its in the hands of the almighty!
The weather is beautiful today and im in Gods country so were gonna go get some beers and light up the BBQ play some tunes and put this behind us untill monday. So therefore in the event that the worst happens this may be my last post on here, Just in case i will put a few words about my defence team (feel free to copy and paste this into the specialist solicitors sticky).
I instructed Chris Saltrese and Tania Griffiths QC (and Harry his assistant has been with us all week..he is a genuine top bloke too) Now obviously they dont work for free and to me and most £36k is a hell of a lot of money! But I say this: if you have to sell a kidney, a leg or your soul to the devil, just do it!
To coin a term they are 'fire and forget' once you instruct Chris he is relentless he digs deeper than you would think possible. You may not hear from him for several months at a time, but do not worry the work that he is doing in the background is unbelievable. I found myself emailing him reguraly expecting updates etc. but this was completely unnessasary if he needs some info from you then they will be in contact.
As for Tania who we have had this week I litterally dont know where to begin with how amazing she is, i have felt like she is prepared to fight to the death for me! She has gone tooth and nail just fighting every single point for me, i honestly wish i could say more but my own litteral skills dont allow me to convey it! The prosectution barrister is a complete tool and keeps huffing and puffing and just generally being rude to her to which she puts him in his place, which is quite funny too! I dont know where in the day she finds the hours to do what she has done for me, or even how she figures things out and deals with witness's etc. I think most people wouldnt even have the capacity that she does to considder the options and methods that she does. To be honest she is quite simply an inspiration not only as a barrister but as a person, that is from my whole family, who she has taken time out to reassure and care for this week as well.
They are obviously both exceptional in their respective fields but more importantly they are genuine caring people.
If anyone was on the fence then I hope this helps.
Well its passed mid day so time to crack a beer!
Just in case, its been a pleasure to talk to you all on here, thank you again and perhaps we will talk again sometime in the next 4 to life!
Keep smilling, I will be.
now then Billy - you'll be back Monday to tell us the rest.
Have a great weekend, you and they - have done all they can.And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
I'll echo Billy's remarks about Tania and Harry, evenn though I've only seen them for the 2 days I was there....and also seeing the bumbling numpty prosecution barrister has really convinced me that if mine goes that far, I want someone who is going to do a first class job of trying to keep me out of prison, not someone who doesn't appear to have the skills to sort out a primary school playground tiff!!!! I would be mortified if I went with someone different and they turned out to be like him!!!
Enjoy your weekend both of you.....see you Monday......"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh