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I sympathise with how you must be feeling. My son's case is not as straightforward as that, but I admire your confidence in the future and the fact that it hasn't put you off anticipating a relashionship with someone who will love and trust you in return.
Thanks everyone, RF I hope the same too so much. Although my supporting officer (army thing) is quite looking forward to a week in a hotel in cornwall i think. Every cloud and all.
I have met Chris and Tania in person at the PCMH and the moment that i met both of them i instantly felt at ease and confident in them. Tania was so warm and caring towards me putting me at ease, although i have heard that in the court room she is relentless, something that im almost looking forward to seeing her put the pressure on the 'crocodillapig' (edit that one daftmoo) that has caused this.
I think that confidence in them is what has allowed me to enjoy a full and awesome life still up untill now, also the fact that my girlfriend is amazing and im totally not worthy.
Im going up to see Chris and Tania in a couple of weeks for pre trial,stuff. Quite looking forward to it even though its gonna make going home and seeing Girlfriend that weekend a 780 mile round trip (good job a drive deisel)
As for forgiving, im not sure. I certainly wont be spending my life hating and wanting bad things to happen to her as that is just a waste of energy. And also it takes two to tango, whilst i certainly did NOT rape her, i made the decision to go with her that night (even though it was a drunken stupid stupid decision). Also nothing in this universe comes for free. One day you will die and i would rather look back and see good, loving times, not hatred and regret.
Brilliant post Billy. Pass on my best to your other half too, been a while since I heard from either of you
Good for you for maintaining normality as much as possible; this is your year, mate.
Will do thanks Faith. Yeah we havent been intentionally quiet, we have just been getting on with life. I wish i could be more supportive and helpful on the forum it just seems that every week there is at least 2 new members with a new story, its so sad the way the country is and how common these situations are. I have nothing but respect for the likes of you and all the other regulars on here that help everyone. In fact me and the other half were just discussing the injustice that likes of RF will prob never be on the list for MBE's etc purely because its not a popular subject however you are all so deserving. Without doubt you guys will have directly and indirectly litterally saved peoples lives with the support you have given.
I would like to personally thank you Billy because I know you did post on my thread just before and after my trial.
One year already next month and I can't believe you are still waiting.
You did really well by keeping busy and never giving up.
I sincerely wish you all the best and I will send you all my positive vibes and support when you will be in court.
Actually you will realise that it is better than waiting and not knowing.
Erin is right when he wrote that you feel like having a weight on your shoulders.
But when you will be out of the tribunal it will suddenly disappear.
Just been reading the local newspaper about a guy that got 10 years and another guy with a case similar to mine who got found guilty recently! Silly as I've scared myself a bit now, but it seems they don't publish a story when it's Not guilty. I just hope the courts and jury down here can see the wood from the trees with my case!!