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Yeah me too i cant imagine what kind of evidence they must have against me i just told the truth
soon you will see what they have against you. what statements they have and then you can now form your defense strategy with your solicitor. It was the same for us; because it was a historical case; all statements were the basis for charging us
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Thanks RF im ready. Dont spose you could maybe let me know what sort of payment options are available for Chris Saltrese i want to know if i can afford the best. Im just waiting on a call from Nunn Rickard too at the moment.
Chris will accept instalments if necessary. I have PM'd you.
But you know what? Now you will be able to prove your innocence.
Now you can do something to show everyone that she lies.
After 9 months on bail, I was feeling much better when they charged me than rebailed me. I know it's crazy, but now I can fight, now I can tell the true.
Your not alone in this so please post anything if you are feeling bad or good.
We will listen and we will talk if you need this
Last edited by marynarz; 16 January 2012, 05:05 PM.
Thanks everyone i really need it right now. Im gonna fight this.
And im getting Chris Saltrese on board so i reckon i got one of the best teams available.
I got charged with one count of vaginal and one of anal rape i cant believe it. The custody SGt seemed shocked that i had and seemed genuinly concerned for my welfare and offered me the best of luck.
sorry about the charges Billy, but we'll be fighting with you all the way.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Thanks everyone i really need it right now. Im gonna fight this.
And im getting Chris Saltrese on board so i reckon i got one of the best teams available.
Well done; your profession makes you a fighter so yourself and Chris will be an unbeatable team.
Just got back to camp and im not gonna lie i did a fair bit of crying like a small girl (not sure how safe driving 240 miles like that is) but as the motorway went on and i turned the tunes up louder i thought that no matter what, that as long as i have a tommorow on the calendar and my wonderful girlfriend supporting me then im pretty much invincible.
In the morn i will be in front of my sergeant major explaining what has happened and as he has stated before that i also have a whole regiment of men and women behind me.
So now the truth will come out and im gonna fight till im free or cold and dead not just for my freedom but every other poor person that has had this thrown at them.