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Not guilty

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  • Not guilty

    Hello, just to let u all know my partner was found not guilty on 6 charger on thursday! by 12 of the 12 jury members the Jury took a couple on mins to give the verdict! And he was then aquitted of ALL charges it was ment to be a 4 day trail .... started on the wed 11:30 finished on the thurs 4:30

  • #2
    It's brilliant news Doubletake - here's hoping that more innocent men receive the same commonsense judgment.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Thank goodness. Great news, massive relief for you both. Enjoy the buzz!


      • #4
        That is brilliant news!


        • #5


          • #6

            Absolutely great news so pleased for you both, bet your so happy.
            My son is appearing at the crown this morning for his first appearence up there, we are nervous but full of strength and posititivity especially after reading your news XXXXXXX


            • #7
              Just stay strong Kazz the truth will come out xxx


              • #8
                How did it go Kazz?


                • #9
                  Feeling positive

                  Hi everyone that has been following us and supporting us.
                  It was very quick this morning, we were only there for a matter of minutes (in the court room that is) My son was very nervous as this is the frist time he has seen the inside of the crown court, he has been given a date for his plea which is obviously not guilty for the 16th september.
                  We got to meet his barrister for the first time and he seemed very confident about what he has read so far. (there are lots of indiscrepencies in her statement)
                  He also asked for a trial; date to be set today as apparantly they are very busy and if he left it till his plea iot could be as late as march, it has been set for January 16th which is longer than we wanted, we all want it out of the way as soon as possible but this is not to be. Considering he was arrested for this on July 10th 2010 the night it alledgedly happened and we dont go to trial till January 2012 its a joke.
                  All i can say is its a good job he is not the Rapist they are saying he is else roaming free on the streets for this long would be unthinkable. It will be 18 months in total when we finally get there. At least we know where we stand now and can try to get on with the rest of this year if we can. Again thanks for all your support i really dont know how i would of got this far without this forum. Love to you all xxxxxxx


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the update Kazz. Sorry it's come this far.
                    Good that you have met the barrister and that he seems confident.
                    Keep on keeping on. We are all here for you xx


                    • #11
                      Hi doubletake,

                      Many congratulations it makes you wonder how small the prosecution case was when it takes just a day and a half for the full case to be heard and the jury reach a unanimous not guilty verdict!

                      Hi Kazzarat,

                      Not sure if this will help, i was given some far off date for my trial and after discussing this with my solicitor and advising him that I wanted it over and done with as soon as possible he , I believe, spoke to my barrister and my case was put onto what I think was called a 'floater list' which meant that should a scheduled case be delayed for what ever reason, a case on the 'floater list' was heard instead.

                      The drawback with this however, is that it would mean you would be given very short notice.

                      As it was, my case was not called and I had to appear at the previously alloted date so I cannot realy comment on any drawbacks to this arrangement but it may be worth discussing it with your solicitor.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the advice Davet, i will have a word with our soliciter and see what he says, in one way im releaved we have a date because now we know but on the other hand we want it out of the way one way or another.
                        I have been asked to give a witness statement about the night in question as the accusers farther came to the house threatning me and my son, and told me he daughter was only 14, (she wasn't) this means that i wont be able to be in the court when it is all happening. I think this is going to be a good thing for me because as strong as i have been up to now after seeing my son in the witness box yesterday and only saying yes to his name and address i was in pieces then so how i would cope with seeing him grilled and made out to be a liar i dont know ! My job as a mum is to protect him and i cant in there it makes me feel so helpless !!!!!
                        He was also so nervous and it so horrible to see him have to go through this unneccessarily. If only the accusers could flip the coin and see how this effects everyones lives. Agagin thanks to you all and ill keep you posted xxxxx


                        • #13
                          Doubletake, would love to chat more...

                          Hi Doubletake,

                          Firstly, let me congratulate you and your husband on his acquittal, you must be very relieved!

                          I'm a freelance journalist/ master's student and I'm looking into false rape accusations for a sensitive, people-based, in-depth feature, and I'd love to talk to you more about your and your husband's experience, especially considering the fact that he was unanimously acquitted. The fact that he was acquitted so quickly shows how obviously he was innocent and the flaws in a system that allows people to be accused in such a way, and how much of an effect it can have on someone's life. Especially as a wife of the falsely-accused, it must have been very difficult and I'd love to hear things from that perspective

                          Yours and your husband's anonymity would be assured throughout if wished, and, as I said, the feature would deal with the issue very sensitively and with utmost respect.

                          I understand that you probably want to put this ordeal behind you, but in this feature I want to give a voice to people like yourselves to make others aware of an unfair system and how a situation such as this can ruin lives.

                          Currently, I am working for The Independent (in an unrelated area), and this would be a possible place I would pitch my article to, although it would also form part of my master's dissertation. I also have contacts with the Mail on Sunday, so there's a possibility I would approach them.

                          To assure you of my credibility and authenticity, you can view my Journalisted profile at and I can be reached on my official Independent email

                          I understand that, as a new member, I cannot send or receive private messages yet, but feel free to email or call me, I would really love to hear from you.

                          If you don't wish to talk to me, I understand, and all the best.


                          Email, work:
                          Email, personal:
                          Phone, work (between 10am-5.30pm): 0207 005 2318
                          (Mobile number given via email)


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by doubletake View Post
                            Hello, just to let u all know my partner was found not guilty on 6 charger on thursday! by 12 of the 12 jury members the Jury took a couple on mins to give the verdict! And he was then aquitted of ALL charges it was ment to be a 4 day trail .... started on the wed 11:30 finished on the thurs 4:30
                            Congratulations! It's all over, take care, love and best wishes!

