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inconclusive DNA

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  • inconclusive DNA

    My partner was accused and charged with the rape of a local women. to cut a long story short police arrested him, kept him in custody 4 3 days then charged and bailed him 2 a hostel on the condition of not entering our city. This was on the "evidence" of an inconclusive DNA match from police data base only! The discription was opposite, no witness nothing. After 6 weeks away from our family and young children, and a terrible self harm inccident we got him 2 our area on 24hr tag. only 2 be rung and told that after a thorough DNA test it was impossible 4 him 2 be the attacker. After all this we are told the cps are not to blame nor the forensic science for picking him out 2 accuse. Any1 no or have heard of such a case to come to light could you pls give us some advice.