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Please can any one help me

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  • #31
    Wake up Bez

    Sorry to talk to you like this but please keep fighting.I feel for you and I am also down in it like a lot of us in this forum.You musn't do anything silly.I also don't have many friends here ,I have been accused with my own wife after more than 11 years of marriage.All my family is abroad...and so on.I stand alone but even though some days are...hard.I will fight to prove them that I have been set up.Nowadays it is so easy to claim for anything.I read about your past and yes it was a different matter!
    I am as well ready to go through a lie detector if I must because she said to the police that I would kill myself if she was talking to them about this false accusation.I will stay alive to prove her wrong.
    Chin up Bez!!!
    Non,je ne regrette rien.


    • #32
      Bez - I've removed your post - I think you know why.

      I know you're hurting, but it really isn't the way to prove your innocence.

      Sometimes you have to go through a lot of **** to get to the other side, most of us here have had to do the same thing - so you're not on your own - you can do this, please have a bit of faith in yourself.

      Keep talking on here and we'll all try to get you through this.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #33
        I tried every tablet now i take something called sertaline 100mg a day and i the depression has been reduced by 90% they have falesly accused me since febuary the police hate me like i hate them I start to get physicaly sick when i see a police person maybe 9% off them are not corrupt in my country I SADLY COME FROM THE MOST RACIST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD my only advice is instead of commiting suicide start on the anti depressants if you can't handle shiz it takes away the pain does work Also borrow if you can or repayment plan get the best lawyer who specializes in defending falesly accused of rape victims to the police your we are a joke a number if we look funny it's a bonus to them THEY LOVE PICKING ON PEOPLE THAT'S THE HIGHLIGHT OF THEIR JOB SEEING HUMAN MISERY have you noticed when something goes missing or etc they have never been able so solve your problem but they love LOVE ruining your life DONT SPEAK TO ANYONE ABOUT YOUR CASE they can use it against you they will stop at nothing to make your life a living hell there is no NO JUSTICE SEE A GP AND GET THE BEST LAWYER IF i did not get medicated i would have jumped all i can prey for is the people fallsely accusing me get to see me in an after life or if they shot me in the head i can come back as a ghost and never let them rest as they have done to me sucks ey one day life is fine and you get caught in a spiders web and it wants to kill you slowly the weaker you are the more they want you I HOPE ALL CORRUPT POLICE BURN IN HELL AND TO ALL FALSELY ACCUSED SITTING BEHIND BARS NEVER GIVE UP PLEASE FIGHT BECAUSE THIS INJUSTICE CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE WE ALL NEED TO FIGHT POLICE CORRUPTION TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM THOSE ANIMALS


        • #34
          You are absolutely right

          But i am tired of fighting to have a life that everyone deserves, the spiders web you mentioned i have been entangled in for over 30 years and you can only try to free yourself so many times, you get tired, worn down, struggling day after day and in the entanglement you see the world from your cacooned prison and look out at HUMANITY and hope the spider comes soon to take your life because you dont want to be a part of that world anymore, a world you now understand is so corrupt and EVIL, where is the goodness? the love , support, understanding, not guilty until proven innocent yeah right. Sorry but for me anti depressants are not the answer but a deadly dose of heroin if i am charged WILL end my misery and leave the guilty persons to live with what they have done. Thats all im waiting for, the day i answer bail and if charged its ASTA LA VISTA BABY, but no i will be back. Again sorry for my thoughts and feelings but i think its important for people to see where these allegations take people and what outcome false allegations can have on a person, HUMAN BEINGS life. Sorry im not happy. Take care and thanks for your concern.


          • #35
            a deadly dose of heroin if i am charged WILL end my misery and leave the guilty persons to live with what they have done.
            Actually that is not what will happen.

            What will happen is that those surrounding the accusers (and the accuser) will say "look he's guilty - he couldn't live with what he did".

            You cannot prove their lies from the grave.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #36
              RF is absolutely correct. If you kill yourself, your accusers will crow from the rooftops that you "couldn't live with the guilt of what you had done". No-one will think "poor bloke obviously was innocent".
              Hang in there. Please.

