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Please can any one help me

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  • Please can any one help me

    I have been falesly accused of historic rape and feel suicidal, depressed, no motivation, my world has fallen apart, i am now so alone because the police have turned everyone against me, even my partner, no friends left, no life what is the point. I could really do with some support or advice. Thank you.

  • #2
    Hi Bez, sorry to see you here. Have you seen your GP at all?

    Others will be along with more practical advice, but if you've had a look through other threads you will see that your reaction is 'normal'.

    Please don't think about doing anything drastic, its not the answer and the accuser will have won - you'll be providing proof positive that you must have been guilty.

    Fight, you have all the help you need right here.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply

      The people who have accused me are my own sister and her daughter, my neice, i was serving a four and a half year sentence in prison when i was supposed to have raped my neice. I havent had a great life and at my age now i dont know if i have the fight left in me. What i find most difficult to understand is other eoples attitudes and behaviours towards me when they dont even know the story behind the accusations, i had faith in humanity and now its gone again, why as a asuposedly HUMAN race do we feel the need to destroy, i have seen so much hatred, selfishness, bitterness. Im sorry i have lost faith and just wish it was all over. I can not find a solicitor in Manchester who i can trust and who will take my case on with legal aid, can anyone help, have tried Chris Saltrese.


      • #4
        If you were inside when it was supposed to have happened, surely the police will have checked that?

        Rights Fighter may be able to tell you of a legal.

        Can you think of a motive why they are making these allegations?

        You will be feeling grim and down, but you must try to turn those negative feelings into fighting ones.

        Don't give up.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bez View Post
          i was serving a four and a half year sentence in prison when i was supposed to have raped my neice.
          Hi Bez,

          Did you mention this at your interview or did you realise this afterwards?

          If the dates you were given for the alleged offences against your niece all fall within the period you were inside and you haven't yet been charged it may be worth seeking another interview (together with a solicitor) to tell the police this. It might result in the CPS to dropping the case (or they might just drop this bit and concentrate on the offences against your sister, it's a judgement call for you to make)

          If you have already been charged and the CPS aren't aware that you were inside for the relevant dates (stressing again that all the dates must be inside this window, otherwise they could argue she just made a mistake over some dates because of the passage of time) it would be worth discussing with your solicitor and barrister whether it is possible to hold this information back and spring it as an ambush in court.

          As RFLH has said this should have been checked out by the police so you need have no compunctions about playing dirty.
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #6
            Thanks for advice.

            I did tell the police at interview about being in prison at time of allegations, in hindsight ths may have been the wrong decisison as now my neice could say she got dates wrong, i should have kept it to myself then she wouldnt have been pre warned. In relation to my sister, i can only assume she is making her accusations to back up her daughter as she believed her. My concern is i was told by police they have to look in to it further and then take it to CPS, they also said they would be in touch if i wasnt required to answer bail which is what i was hoping would happen when they found out i was in prison at the time, so i do feel i cut my own throat, as the bail date is getting nearer and it looks like i will have to go which can only mean i wil be charged. Why would my sister say i raped her ? i have no idea, dumbfounded, i am Godfather to her two twins, she used to get me to look after her other kids who havent made allegations, she got me to be father christmas at her childrens playschool one year giving presents out to over 50 children. This is why it has devestated me so much. I have had a lot of problems-un related in my home town and can only think people, vengefull families have been on facebook with neice and set me up, £30.000 is a lot of motivation for people especially an 18 year old girl.

            Does anyone know of a good solicitor please as i think i will need one, all of the ones i have tried have said to get in touch if im charged, but i need one when i answer bail. Thanks once again for replies.


            • #7
              It's not all bad that you told the police that the dates didn't match up; just that it now can't be sprung as a surprise defence.

              The positive thing is that you haven't been charged; if you read of other folk experiences on this forum you will see that many are NFA'd and not charged.

              Nevertheless prepare for the worst by collating a defence; you've made a start by thinking over motives, dates, etc, but put it all down on paper then you will have something to discuss with a solicitor if this becomes necessary.

              Sorry I can't help with suggestions for a suitable solicitor but they only get paid for attending interviews with you, or if you get charged so, unless you are very lucky, you won't get much advice unless you are able to pay them privately.

              Don't panic about not hearing about bail dates, it's down to the individual OIC how they play it,' some may ring the day before, some may actually let you attend before cancelling.
              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bez View Post
                Why would my sister say i raped her ? i have no idea, dumbfounded, i am Godfather to her two twins, she used to get me to look after her other kids who havent made allegations, she got me to be father christmas at her childrens playschool one year giving presents out to over 50 children. This is why it has devestated me so much.
                This is all important. IF you are charged you should tell your sol all of this. If she had genuinely been raped by you then you would think that she wouldn't let you anywhere near her kids. The fact that you are Godfather to two of her kids and have looked after her other children on a one-to-one basis counts massively in your favour. Why would anyone let their children be looked after by a person who had raped them?

                Take screenshots of any facebook pages that have been set up to get at you. Also take screenshots of anything the accusers write in their status updates that you think might show that they are lying.

                Good luck. Let us know how you get on.


                • #9
                  Olliers in Manchester are supposed to be quite good. Stephenson's in Wigan too.

                  Solicitor Chris Saltrese is a self-employed sol and cannot afford to take on public funded trials as sols no longer get paid by the hour, only by the case. As he puts as much time in as is necessary then if he did trials on public funding then he would be massively out of pocket.

                  So sorry to read that you are going through the mill - the only comfort I can offer is that false allegations are not as unusual as one might think. It's always best not to give alibi evidence to the police in these cases as they will go back to the accuser who will then change his or her story.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    Blind faith works until you walk off a cliff.

                    I am not used to these forums or how to answer the threads, so i will just thank you all for the advice and support, i feel more positive allready. The world is in such a mess, what the answer is i do not know. They say that strenght comes through adversity and suffering and whilst i do believe that, it doesnt necessarily help at the time. My faith in humanity has dwindled.


                    • #11
                      Keep your chin up and stay positive in the knowledge that you know the truth. Now is the time to prepare to fight, not get yourself down.

                      Make the most of your time now because if this does end up going to court and you are found guilty then you may have wasted the last bit of freedom that you will have for a while.

                      Don't let this feel like a sentence!


                      • #12
                        I may be wrong, but just because you answer your bail doesnt mean you will be charged. By putting 'the cat amongst the pigeons' by telling the police you were in prison at the alleged times, they will obviously need to make further enquiries. and the way I understand it is that by answering bail, this gives them the opportunity to interview you again and it is possible that you may be bailed again. As I say I may be wrong and others more experienced on this forum could advise.


                        • #13
                          Not nervous just so ANGRY.

                          I have been in prison many times over the years though never for any sexual offence. I know how the system (doesnt) work at times and what the police WILL do to secure a conviction and seem willing to discard evidence to the contrary. I think i will have to prove my innocence after my release and getting a not guilty in court will not be enough for me, i want my accusers to admit that they are lying and that for me will be the only thing that will totally exonerate me. The Jury system is a farce, its like a lottery, built on opinions and feelings, prejudice and dissassociation, how many misscarriages of IN-JUSTICE do we see time and time again ? I dont mean to worry anyone and sicerely appollogise if i have but this system that is meant to work for us only does so until we are then in this position and it then becomes very clear that at times it does not. You see i know how much of a fight this is going to take, i have just started to see a glimmer of me sorting my life out and this comes along, i have been fighting all my life against another monster, ADDICTION, and now i am faced with fighting again, theres only so much a person can take. Yes ok i am feeling sorry for myself but also sorry for all of you who are faced in this so called civilised world with having to prove your innocence against people who just want to destroy, abuse, damage, break down, tear apart other peoples lives for their own misguided irrational reasons, i am ashamed to be a part of this in-human race. Yes i am very ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          • #14
                            Hi Bez

                            I hope you don't mind me asking (and feel free to tell me to mind my own business if you like!) but what were your previous sentences for? I am just asking in case there is anything there that means the CPS could argue for "disclosure" on previous offences. Disclosure can prejudice a jury, so it is important.
                            As I said, please don't feel you have to tell us. I'm just trying to help.




                            • #15
                              Hi Saffron.

                              No i dont mind you asking about my criminal background, i have nothing to hide and as i have allready stated i have been battling drug addiction for over 30 years so it may come as no suprise that all of my previous convictions have been for dishonesty in relation to stealing to obtain money to buy drugs.

                              Whilst this may raise some eyebrows in relation to wheather i am now being honest i dont really care, even in a court to a jury, i do understand that this may prejudice my case but i am not ashamed of my past, it has been a battle and is a wonder i am still here. I have been to court over 30 times and not once pleaded guilty to an offence but rather choosing to take responsibility for my actions.

                              I have done a lot of rehabilitation at various places over the years and was given a whole new set of skills and tools from which to live my life by, one of them was Honesty and i whole heartedly stand by that value as the mainstay of humanity (laugh if you will) but without this fundamental word the world in which we live falls apart and is one of the reasons why it is in such a mess, it is a plague within todays society.

                              Because i have had issues with addiction doesnt mean i am a rapist, allthough i do understand that the way in which juries work may in fact means that this may happen.
                              Last edited by Saffron; 15 July 2011, 03:03 PM. Reason: Putting in paragraphs for easier reading

