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child,youth and family caregiver (cyps) falsely accused of rape and sexual assault

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  • child,youth and family caregiver (cyps) falsely accused of rape and sexual assault

    I apologise in advance for the length of this post, its a bit of a long read:

    ok so, my parents are (or rather were) cyps caregivers, over the years they have had countless children come through their care all with different circumstances ,situations, backgrounds and ages.

    At one point, they had two teenaged girls under their care, neither of the girls related to the other.
    one night the two girls came in quite late and went straight to bed, my parents thought rather than confront them about it that night they would talk to them about it in the morning, after all they were home safe and thats what mattered.

    the next morning however, my parents noticed the younger of the two girls was trying to conceal a blackeye behind a huge pair of sunglasses and had "hickies" all over her neck. when my parents confronted her about it she told them that she had been seeing a boy who was gang related and that they had been together the night before and were "fooling around" but when she refused to go futher he hit her thus causing her to have a black eye. my parents called the police and cyps head office to report what had happened.

    Then the girl changed her story and said that it was the other girl in my parents care (the older girl ) that had punched her in the face and given her the blackeye. The older girl denied this and maintained that it was the younger girls "boyfriend" that gave her the blackeye and there was still a neck full of hickies to explain so the younger girl retracted that story and went back to her original one.

    The next day when my father returned from work he found that same girl had changed her story yet again but this time she was accusing my father of inflicting the blackeye and the "hickies", she had told my mother this new story. my mother confronted my father (as she believes all accusations must be investigated even if she believes them to be false), while the girl stood behind my mother smirking and grinning at my father.

    once again my parents rang the cyps head office to report these new allegations even though it meant that my father had to be removed from the home till the issue was resolved.

    care of this child was given to another family and my father returned home, about a week later they were in town when the same girl came bouncing up to them all bubbly and happy to see them, trying to give them both hugs and show off her new cellphone, my parents both walked away from her and drove home.

    now about 3 years later this girl and another former foster child of my parents (completely seperate) have decided to accuse my father of rape and sexual assault, both girls are from the same small home town and have had ample time to fabricate these new allegations and make sure their stories line up with each other.

    my father was asked to go in to the police station (friday) which he willingly did and was held over night in the police holding cell and appeared in court the next morning(saturday). he received bail and has to reappear on wednesday. he was shocked to find out these girls were charging him with such horrible crimes and broke down upon hearing details of what they accused him of doing, he was disgusted. During the police interveiw on tape, he had no legal representation throughout the whole thing so far and was only able to obtain a lawyer today (monday) due to the weekend. he was told that there were in fact 3 girls that were former foster children of his and my mothers that were laying the complaint ( all who live in the same very small hometown) but when the judge read out the bail conditions only two names were mentioned as "people he must not contact". apparently one is a complainant and the other a witness , these girls all resided in my parents care at completely seperate times ranging from months to years apart, so im not sure how there could be witnesses to something that allegedly happened when they werent there at the same time.

    also because there was originally 3 girls involved and now only 2 and I know the accusations are false, i was thinking that maybe the 3rd girl "chickened out" of this plan to accuse my father, otherwise wouldnt her name be read out as part of the bail conditions too????

    when the police told my dad that there were allegations made he assumed it was about the girl having the black eye and hickies but these new accusations had nothing to do with that so he was genuinely shocked that they ( the girls) had banded together to concoct new lies about him and very serious ones at that.

    when my father asked the police detective that was interveiwing him about the incident with the blackeye and hickies the officer said he didnt know what my father was talking about.

    there is no physical evidence of abuse and both girls have a history of making false allegations but its like hes already assumed to be guilty untill proven innocent, any advice would be appreciated at this point.

  • #2
    Hi NBTT

    Are you in the UK or US? I ask as the laws and procedures are different.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      thanks for replying to my post

      neither, we are in New Zealand.

