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feel like im dead

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  • feel like im dead

    I had it all until this snake ruined my life she has clearly lied in her police report changed the story more then 3 times and they are still charging me its been since feb THEY ARE STEALING MY EXISTENCE I CAN NEVER EVER FORGIVE THE INJUSTICE DONE TO ME THE POLICE LIE not that it matters because if i have not done what is being said what does it matter ! i have the best lawyers money can buy in my country my lawyer is famous i have to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars i have worked my whole life for rather risk letting these corrupt people try falsely accuse me i am learning it's better to just become numb as all this pain started killing me i put on 20 kilos i have become serverly overweight this doctor put me on anti depressents I HATE IT BUT I HAVE CONSTANT NIGHTMARES i have become a hermitt im scared to be alone with any female when i get upset my nose starts bleeding so weird suicide would work but why should the people i love have to suffer but dying has never been more appealing main thing i got to do is stop binge eating it's like all this pain and bitterness has left a hole in my stomach a big black hole and i just need to eat all the time im scared im going to die before this trial even begins it's so sad MEN HAVE NO CIVIL RIGHTS I NEVER KNEW A GIRL CAN SAY ONE LITTLE LIE AND YOUR LIFE IS OVER FOR YEARS THIS IS WORSE THEN PRISON i forgot to go to bail one day and they put me in prison with 2 dangerous guys it's horrible the gaurds were weird they are like obbsesed with searching private parts its very degrading was horrible could be another year before anything is heard i have decided 2 things im going to fight till the bitter end and also i want to let the world know HOW AS BEING BORN A MALE YOU HAVE NO CIVIL RIGHTS I ALSO WANT TO FILE LAWSUITS I WANT MY REVENGE I HATE BEING THE VICTIM BURN IN HELL I HOPE SHE BURNS IN HELL EVIL SADISTIC SATANIC GYPSY

  • #2
    I must also say i think the ending of this hell would be the most liberating thing that could ever happen to an innocent man even though life will never be the same damage is done more needs to be done to protect mens rights I ALSO HOPE THIS HAPPENS TO THE EVIL PEOPLE THAT KNOW IM INNOCENT SO THEY CAN SUFFER LIKE I DO I PREY TO G-D IT COME'S BACK TO THEM


    • #3
      Hi there, would it be a good idea to see a psychiatrist to help you cope at this horrible time. If you had some help with coping with your anger and any suicidal thoughts, maybe it will help you to think more clearly in order to build your defence?
      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


      • #4
        Hey Buddy.
        I've been where you are now. Let me tell you things are going to get better. It all seems to hard and too unfair right now but you will get through it. Your innocent and however complicated the case innocent people are normally fount not guilty (not always, but mostly) I've lost my company, my carrear and over £5 million pounds (no bull****!) through all this. I was ready to kill those responsible and myself but somehow you make it through. My nightmare ended a few weeks ago, and even though it still really p****s me off things are soo much better than they were and I can start to move on. Get as much help as you can, doctors, therapy, family support your going to need it all. But please try to remember life will be better. Soon, and strangely I've come out the other side with far clearer and more meaningful priorites in life which wouldn't have been the case if I hadn't been through all this ****.
        Keep writing on here it does help.
        One mor thing, gets some help with the over eating, I figure the jury would want to see you in your best light, well dressed, teeth whitened, good hair cut and good body shape. An attractive guy that the girl wanted to sleep with.
        Try and get positive about the situation, you did nothing wrong remember.


        • #5
          wow raptorace,
          Thank you so much i know when this is over i will be changed forever I feel like if i can just get over this i can get over anything i used to judge people before now i learnt in life there are some poor people that have been sent to the slaughter and their sin was they were innocent i learnt not to judge a book by it's cover wow i can't imagine losing 10,000,000 your story breaks my heart your story you have inspired me to exercise everything you said was true there is still hope in the town


          • #6
            Good on you! So much of what's going on is out of your controll, so the things you do have control over you've gotta get serious with. Yer the money loss stings (a lot!) but your right when you say if you can get through this you can get through anything. To my shame I used to judge people too, and if I heard someone was accused of rape I would have thought there's no smoke without fire. How wrong you realise you can be when it happens to you. We live and learn.
            Take care and pm me anytime if you need to.

