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  • #16
    Originally posted by davet View Post
    May I suggest that the solicitor is made aware of this fact and decide with the barrister what they should do with this information.

    Please feel free but do not be surprised when/if the barrister refuses to use this against the complainant. Or if the barrister does attempt to use this, then the judge will probably remonstrate with him/her or will cover this in the JSU to the detriment of the defence. As I said - it is a bad jury point and will look like straw-clutching.

    I can only advise on years of experience - what the OP decides to do with it is their own personal choice.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #17
      Fair point Rightsfighter. I have told him all this but he wants to mention it to his Solicitor anyway. From what you've said, his solicitor will probably say the same thing as you.


      • #18
        I can fully understand the def's need to paint as black a picture as they can of the accuser after all they are fighting - literally - for their life. However, it is true to say that women (and men) with loose morals can still be sexually assaulted/raped and they have a right to say "no I don't want sex with you".

        Not all jury members will come from a background of such a judgemental outlook on such accuser.

        One or more may be the same way themselves. By the same token one or more jurors may have family members who are promiscuous and who may have been sexually assaulted.

        What you need to remember that not all jurors are highly respectable law abiding people who live within strict moral guidelines.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #19
          I truly hate the women that do this. They have zero idea of the pain they cause. Tell your bf I too was in the same state mentally, but he should use this site for support it helps alot.
          Take care


          • #20
            Thank you raptorace. The advice, comments and good wishes are really appreciated. No doubt I will be back on tomorrow once I know how the meeting with his solicitor went.


            • #21
              Any good news from b/fs meeting with solicitor?


              • #22
                Meeting had to be rearranged for Friday, so I'll let you know then. Thank you for asking.


                • #23

                  I promised an update on my b/f's meeting with his Solicitor yesterday. Not much to report really, as he's still waiting for the rest of the paperwork and some CCTV footage.

                  Basically he cannot understand why it was his employer that reported the 'incident' to the police and not her. B/f has read her statement and says it is all fabricated. Apparently the police 'should' have transcripts of text messages. That's about it really. He did say he came out feeling a bit flat though.


                  • #24
                    sorry to hear your b/f feels so low after your meeting , we all had the same feelings when in his situation , its because the whole process is out of your hands , things will get better ,


                    • #25
                      I would imagine that your b/fs employer, thinking that this girl would report it, was probably trying to safeguard themselves by reporting it first, anticipating police questions such as 'if you were aware of it why did you do nothing etc?' and by doing so were under the impression that they were safeguarding their licence prefering to sacrifice your b/f and get another doorman.

                      i had numerous appointments with my solicitor during my 'debacle' and I felt pretty much the same as your b/f after each visit. i think the reason for that is you go expecting answers, not to what will happen, what is the next step in the process etc, but 'Why is this happening?'and of course you do not get an answer to that (I doubt many people ever will)

                      Stay strong


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by davet View Post
                        I would imagine that your b/fs employer, thinking that this girl would report it, was probably trying to safeguard themselves by reporting it first, anticipating police questions such as 'if you were aware of it why did you do nothing etc?' and by doing so were under the impression that they were safeguarding their licence prefering to sacrifice your b/f and get another doorman.

                        i had numerous appointments with my solicitor during my 'debacle' and I felt pretty much the same as your b/f after each visit. i think the reason for that is you go expecting answers, not to what will happen, what is the next step in the process etc, but 'Why is this happening?'and of course you do not get an answer to that (I doubt many people ever will)

                        Stay strong
                        Me too...i felt exactly the same every single time that we left the solicitors office. I now realize that all i was ever expecting from my solicitor was for him to tell me that "everything is going to be ok, you will be found not guilty because this is so obviously all made up"...realistically, they cannot possibly say anything of the sort. They are concious of having to remain professional throughout, for the clients sake.

                        So just about the most you will get is the occasional " i believe you " and the obligatory handshake to see you on your way until next time. Keep strong and try to keep it real because this will not hurry away like you want it to do. You will suprise yourselves though, by just how well you come to adapt to this horrible situation, and then build yourselves up to fight it. Keep strong, I am positive that the truth will be seen for you.

                        Good luck and best wishes to you both.



                        • #27
                          Hi Corkeycat. Thank you for your lovely message. Not much going on at the moment, all has gone quiet. B/f has had some really down days as he's convinced he's going to prison. He has a 13 year old daughter and it out of his mind with worry as to what will happen to her if the worst happens, despite us having numerous conversations about it. It's so cruel. He can't renew his SIA badge while he's on a charge and it runs out at the end of this month. He's still been working part time as a doorman, albeit miles away from the town where he was accused, because he needs the money. We can't make any plans until this is all over and this is also really frustrating.

                          Sometimes I just don't know what to say to him. I want to believe that the truth will come out and he he'll be found not guilty but obviously I have thought about the other scenario.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by lifesnotfair View Post
                            Hi Corkeycat. Thank you for your lovely message. Not much going on at the moment, all has gone quiet. B/f has had some really down days as he's convinced he's going to prison. He has a 13 year old daughter and it out of his mind with worry as to what will happen to her if the worst happens, despite us having numerous conversations about it. It's so cruel. He can't renew his SIA badge while he's on a charge and it runs out at the end of this month. He's still been working part time as a doorman, albeit miles away from the town where he was accused, because he needs the money. We can't make any plans until this is all over and this is also really frustrating.

                            Sometimes I just don't know what to say to him. I want to believe that the truth will come out and he he'll be found not guilty but obviously I have thought about the other scenario.
                            You know what, i just don't believe this this has happened to me again, i wrote you a really long message and the thing wouldn't post and now it's gone. That is the second time that this has happened to me!!! Grrrr.


                            • #29
                              Administrators, why does this happen?


                              • #30
                                There was a technical explanation posted previously about this which I've forgotten but as a 'get you home' solution:

                                ....either write the message in Word & copy 'n paste;

                                ....or just before submitting, highlight your message & right click copy; if the message then disappears, just open up a new reply box & paste.

                                I've been there, done it & got the T shirt, not on this forum but elsewhere (apparently over there on that one, if you're too long composing the message, the software thinks you've gone off and forgotten to log out, so does it for you)
                                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

