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    Hello, I have been reading the threads on this site for some weeks now and only just found the courage to register yesterday. I would like to share my experience and would really welcome any comments/encouragement. My story is as follows:

    My boyfriend of two years (a wonderful man) worked part time for many years in a nightclub as a door supervisor. He is well known and respected around town for being very friendly and efficient at his job. In January this year, he was arrested for supposedly having assaulted a young girl in the toilets. It was the end of the night and he was doing his usual sweep of the building to make sure no one was left behind. As usual, he found a girl in the toilets, unconscious and covered in her own vomit. This girl was known to him they were friends on facebook. This was not an unusual occurrence. She was known to be out of her face on many occasions and had even had to have an ambulance called on a few occasions. He picked her up off the toilet, at which point she came round and fell on him. He picked her up again at which point she became very distressed and ran out of the toilet and down the stairs into another doorman. The doorman asked her what was wrong and she basically said that she thought she had been assualted. The doorman informed the manager who said that if she thought that she should go to the police. The girl refused and said she just wanted to go home so they put her in a taxi. The next day my b/f was arrested. It later transpired that the manager called my b/f's boss at the security company and he called the police. She made no complaint to the police they approached her. After being bailed for a few months he was recently charged with rape by forcing her to perform oral sex on him. His Solicitor does not have all the paperwork yet but he has noticed that the police only have one piece of CCTV footage - that of her leaving the club in a distressed state. There are 10 other cameras that they could have taken footage from but didn't. Additionally, they did not take statements from all possible people, there are at least four other people they could have taken statements from but did not. In the words of his solicitor 'the whole thing stinks'. The other ridiculous thing about it is the girl in question was texing b/f next morning thanking him for looking after her yet again and at least this time she didn't need an ambulance. There were posts on her facebook page the day after b/f was arrested saying things like 'god I'm such a good actress'. She later deleted her profile but now she is back on there.

    Needless to say, b/f is very worried. He's convinced he's going to prison. She is about 18, he is 46. He says they will take one look at her and one look at him and it will be all over.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you in anticipation.

  • #2
    Sorry you and your boyfriend find yourself here, the situation he finds himself in is very familiar!.
    With no forensics it will be down to whose statement the cps decide to believe and unfortunately if a conviction is possible ,this may take some time you them to come a decision .
    You said you already had a solicitor, was he the duty or someone specialised in false allegations? .
    If he isn’t if you pm one of the mods they should be able to give an address.


    • #3
      Thank you for your response. It was the duty Solicitor, but she works for a very familiar local firm of Solicitors. I have been told that the partner she reports to is the best in the county, so that's one plus. He has told b/f that obviously he will pull out all the stops for him but at the end of the day, it is down to the jury. His case probably won't go to trial until about March next year.


      • #4
        We had a similar story posted up not long ago where a doorman had been accused of sexual assault in a toilet in a nightclub.

        Would this be the same one?
        Last edited by Rights Fighter; 9 July 2011, 01:59 PM.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          Hello there. Thank you for taking an interest. I've had a quick look at the thread. It's not the same one, but the circumstances are quite similar: doorman retrieving woman from toilet on his own. She has also resumed her busy social life since then but has been barred from the club in question. Why are doormen sent into ladies toilets on their own? It leaves them so wide open to accusations. Half the time the girls are so drunk they're barely conscious and can't stand up. What is the doorman to do? Leave her there to choke on her own vomit?

          It makes me so angry on so many levels.


          • #6
            Tell me about it. I've heard of cases where the guy has gone to help some pis*ed up girl only to be accused of "touching".

            A couple of years back an experiment took place where child actors played the part of lost children in a shopping mall. Very few people went to help them as they were scared of a false accusation being made.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #7
              What a sad way to go. The thing that really makes me angry about this girl is the number of times that b/f had shoved her into taxis, propped her up whilst waiting for the taxi, etc. He is a father of three children; one of which is a 22 year old girl. He always said he could never leave a girl in that state to fend for herself because he'd never forgive himself if something happened. What a sorry state society is in.

              In the words of his solicitor the whole thing stinks. I can't help feeling that he's been well and truly set up and hung out to dry, but for what purpose I have no idea.


              • #8
                Possibly she should not have been out or needed to provide and explanation to a boyfriend/parent for her sorry state.

                Let's not forget that when she "came to" she might well have remembered that she could stand to make thousands of pounds from tax payers money under the guise of "compensation".
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  Hmmm, interesting. I hadn't thought of that!


                  • #10
                    hi lifesnotfair,

                    I too was falsley accussed some years ago, although with GBH, and was represented by a duty solicitor.

                    I did find that I had to pester them all the time with regards to obtaining statements from witness's which the police seemed to have 'overlooked' and I would suggest that you pester your own to obtain statements from these other people, obtain cctv footage from the other cameras, and to contact both your b/f mobile provider and facebook in order to validate the text she sent your b/f and her entry on her facebook page.

                    I would also suggest that you get as many people as you can who would be prepared to offer character statements, friends, work colleagues, ex employers etc.

                    Also, from my experience of the crown court there is the opportunity to make an application for bad character, this is basically an opportunity to drag up various aspects of a complainants or defendants past which may have an influence on the court/jury, so should you also be able to provide witness's to her previous and constant drunkeness it may help to persuade the jury.

                    As I said, pester your solicitor, and unfortunately you may have to do a bit of legwork yourselves as you know who will help and stand by both you and your b/f.

                    You are in a very unfortunate situation as your b/fs job will always leave him open to accusations such as this and he is a very lucky man having a lady who stands by him like you have.


                    • #11
                      Thank you for that Davet. He has a meeting with his solicitor this week some time. We are always trying to think of things that will help. A few weeks before this incident she made an allegation against another doorman. He got the sack for that but wasn't reported to the police! I've encouraged b/f to mention that in the meeting as I think it might be significant. The police confiscated his phone and kept it for a few months. They should have seen the texts that she sent him. I spoke to him on the phone tonight and he's on a real downer; he's convinced he's going to prison. I will continue to stand by him as I know for a fact he didn't do it. Even if the worst happens and he goes to prison, I will stand by him.

                      I really hope we can get character witnesses, etc because he was a doorman for a long time and was well respect, both by other doormen and clubbers.

                      Thank you for your kind words. No doubt I will be on here again with updates of progress.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lifesnotfair View Post
                        Thank you for that Davet. He has a meeting with his solicitor this week some time. We are always trying to think of things that will help. A few weeks before this incident she made an allegation against another doorman. He got the sack for that but wasn't reported to the police! I've encouraged b/f to mention that in the meeting as I think it might be significant. The police confiscated his phone and kept it for a few months. They should have seen the texts that she sent him. I spoke to him on the phone tonight and he's on a real downer; he's convinced he's going to prison. I will continue to stand by him as I know for a fact he didn't do it. Even if the worst happens and he goes to prison, I will stand by him.

                        I really hope we can get character witnesses, etc because he was a doorman for a long time and was well respect, both by other doormen and clubbers.

                        Thank you for your kind words. No doubt I will be on here again with updates of progress.
                        Hi lifesnotfair,

                        He most certainly should advise his solicitor of her previously accussing someone else and your solicitor should obtain a statement from the man she accussed.

                        Dont put too much faith in the police seeing txt's and them subsequently considering dropping the case, the likelyhood is that if they have seen them, they will have conveniently 'forgotten' them. You should ensure that your solicitor has printed copies along with confirmations from your b/fs network provider.

                        In my own circumstances, the police 'forgot' to advise my solicitor that an independant witness had come forward to them and their statement verified a number of points in my own statement. When my solicitor became aware of this statement he found that the police had also 'forgotten' to say that this witness had been interfered with by persons unknown and had subsequently withdrawn the statement, so please do not put too much faith in the integrity of the police.

                        As amatter of interest, I saw another thread the other day which I think may be yours which advised that your b/f accusser was working as an escort, if this was your thread your solicitor should also be made aware of this.

                        It is perfectly understandable that your b/f is on a downer and he believes he will go to prison. He will over the next few months, run an extremely wide gamut of emotions, self doubt and fear and I am so sorry to say there is nothing anyone can do to help him, but believe me, the support he gets from you, friends and family will go such a long way in making it bearable
                        Last edited by davet; 11 July 2011, 10:53 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by davet View Post
                          Hi lifesnotfair,

                          As amatter of interest, I saw another thread the other day which I think may be yours which advised that your b/f accusser was working as an escort, if this was your thread your solicitor should also be made aware of this.
                          it makes no difference what her "job" is. If a prostitute says "no" to sex, then "no" means "no". It's a bad jury point.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                            it makes no difference what her "job" is. If a prostitute says "no" to sex, then "no" means "no". It's a bad jury point.
                            I fully appretiate and agree with what you are saying here RF, however as I am sure you will be aware, the prosecution will try as hard as possible to 'blacken' lifesnotfair's b/f character in order to sway the jury, and I am sure that the majority of escorts etc are decent hardworking people, however, the general concensus throughout the general public is quite the opposite, and may just help to sway the juries decision, its sad that something such as this should be brought up, but unfortunately that is how it is. please do not think I am one of the sad people who would think that just because someone is in that particular industry that they deserve what they get, because I certainly do not.

                            May I suggest that the solicitor is made aware of this fact and decide with the barrister what they should do with this information.


                            • #15
                              Thanks again for the advice Davet. He has a meeting with his Solicitor tomorrow and he is definitely going to mention about the escorting thing. The girl is 18 years old. I will mention to him about the other things you have brought up in your post.

                              You're definitely right about the emotions I've seen all already. Tough, tough times.

