It's over!
Just got home from court today and we are thrilled that the hellish nightmare that we have been living for the past nine months, is finally over. Please please please people, do not give up hope until the very end! I know first hand what you may probably be thinking..."i wish that was me" well trust me when i say that the truth will definitely come out in court and that the jury will see the truth. Just hold your head up high and combat the negative thoughts that seem to relentlessly haunt you. You will suprise yourself with how you scratch and scrape through it, but you will, and at times you will be completely numb and totally without ability to see any light at the end of the tunnel.
I want you all to know that i truly will think of you all, every single day! If you feel that i can offer any help with any aspect of your ordeal, then please just ask. I have lived this and survived it, please believe that you can too...i promise you can!
Going to have a beer on the back garden now, with my ever loyal and faithful partner, i love her with all my heart and will spend the rest of my life showing her so.
I feel for you and will constantly have you all in my thoughts, i promise. Don't give up, ever, we have to fight the filth that try to wreck our lives, and be there at the end to prove them for what they are....LIARS!!!
Love to you all,
Just got home from court today and we are thrilled that the hellish nightmare that we have been living for the past nine months, is finally over. Please please please people, do not give up hope until the very end! I know first hand what you may probably be thinking..."i wish that was me" well trust me when i say that the truth will definitely come out in court and that the jury will see the truth. Just hold your head up high and combat the negative thoughts that seem to relentlessly haunt you. You will suprise yourself with how you scratch and scrape through it, but you will, and at times you will be completely numb and totally without ability to see any light at the end of the tunnel.
I want you all to know that i truly will think of you all, every single day! If you feel that i can offer any help with any aspect of your ordeal, then please just ask. I have lived this and survived it, please believe that you can too...i promise you can!
Going to have a beer on the back garden now, with my ever loyal and faithful partner, i love her with all my heart and will spend the rest of my life showing her so.
I feel for you and will constantly have you all in my thoughts, i promise. Don't give up, ever, we have to fight the filth that try to wreck our lives, and be there at the end to prove them for what they are....LIARS!!!
Love to you all,
