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It's good news week!

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  • #16
    What's the saying?????......Oh yes, What goes around comes around!

    Serves the nasty piece of work right. I hope he gets the book chucked at him


    • #17
      Originally posted by Verity View Post
      What's the saying?????......Oh yes, What goes around comes around!

      Serves the nasty piece of work right. I hope he gets the book chucked at him
      Fingers crossed, he is probably a tad worried now hopefully.
      Bro isn't back to his old self he keeps waking up crying, doesn't know what he's dreaming but wakes up having been crying. What's that about? He's still really quiet too.
      He is coming over tomorrow, so will find out more I expect.


      • #18

        Your brother will not be back to his 'old self' for a very long time.

        He will never be the person he once was, this will change him permenantly.

        At the moment he is suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and reactive


        He is ill, get him professional help and support asap as this will get worse for him

        before it starts to get anywhere near better.

        The nightmares, crying out in his sleep, lethergy, mood swings, anxiety, panic

        attacks, physical health problems, social anxiety, and a plethora of other psychological and physical ailments will emerge over the following months and will last for a long time.
        See the post of the chap who has just joined us who went through the kafka nightmare eleven years ago.
        He is still suffering badly.
        This experience never goes away, I think we learn to live with it.

        I am experiencing all sorts of physical health problems from a fibriod that is turning nasty to a basal cell lesion on my scalp which refuses to heal to burning tongue syndrome, which is an autoimmune disorder. My body is attacking itself. That's not even considering the psychological injuries I am having to re-deal with.

        So what the hell Mark is going through, he was the targeted victim, I was just the one who took charge of him and the case, God only knows.

        Don't be surprised if you start having health problems as you are very much in the position I was and it takes one hell of a toll on you and you only start realizing it after the event and the dust seems to be settling.
        That's when the deep bruise begins to show itself and it hurts like hell.

        My thoughts are very much with you and your brotherxxxxxxxxx


        • #19
          Thanks Verity, he is still really quiet. Didn't seem to want to talk about it yesterday.
          So I didn't push it. He's been told to contact the police in a week when they will have been notified of the result then he can collect the clothing they took.
          His solicitor isn't going to be involved in the case against the guy that broke his arm it seems, he said he is a defence solicitor, which is double dutch to me, I thought a solicitor was a solicitor! lol but I am hoping the police dont try brushing it under the carpet now & not push forward with that.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bigsister View Post
            His solicitor isn't going to be involved in the case against the guy that broke his arm it seems, he said he is a defence solicitor, which is double dutch to me, I thought a solicitor was a solicitor! lol but I am hoping the police dont try brushing it under the carpet now & not push forward with that.
            He is a defence solicitor, not a prosecution solicitor, so how cannot be involved with prosecuting the other guy. You need to ask the police whether they intend to investigate this with a view to prosecution.

            Even if he was a pros sol, he still could not get involved as there are procedures to be followed. This starts with the police....
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
              He is a defence solicitor, not a prosecution solicitor, so how cannot be involved with prosecuting the other guy. You need to ask the police whether they intend to investigate this with a view to prosecution.

              Even if he was a pros sol, he still could not get involved as there are procedures to be followed. This starts with the police....
              Oh, so he only helps people if they have been charged with something. I never knew until now that solicitors only did one or the other, not both.
              Yes I mentioned to him about getting onto them about it. Thery said they wanted to see the outcome of this one first, which they now know, so no reason they can't crack on with it!


              • #22
                I've visited prison inmates who thought the same as you "a solicitor is a solicitor". They said to me: "well he was great doing my divorce......." What the hell does being a good divorce lawyer have to do with defending somebody falsely accused of rape?

                No.............solicitors specialise in different fields.

                I am not a solicitor but people know me for the work I do and the times people approach me asking for free "legal advice" on subjects from divorce, family law, fraud, business "my car has been stolen what do I do??".....I get sick to the back teeth of it sometimes.

                In your case the police have to decide whether to ask the Crown to consider charging. If they agree, the Crown will use their own solicitors.

                Your sol might be able to find out what is going on but don't forget s/he needs to be paid. You would not expect the plumber to fix your taps for nothing!
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                  I've visited prison inmates who thought the same as you "a solicitor is a solicitor". They said to me: "well he was great doing my divorce......." What the hell does being a good divorce lawyer have to do with defending somebody falsely accused of rape?

                  No.............solicitors specialise in different fields.

                  I am not a solicitor but people know me for the work I do and the times people approach me asking for free "legal advice" on subjects from divorce, family law, fraud, business "my car has been stolen what do I do??".....I get sick to the back teeth of it sometimes.

                  In your case the police have to decide whether to ask the Crown to consider charging. If they agree, the Crown will use their own solicitors.

                  Your sol might be able to find out what is going on but don't forget s/he needs to be paid. You would not expect the plumber to fix your taps for nothing!

                  Yeh, can see what you're saying. I bet the other guy will get legal aid though if it does end up in court.

