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Falsely accused of Rape im 16 and feel stuck Please help

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  • Falsely accused of Rape im 16 and feel stuck Please help

    I got arrested a 2nd June back for Rape me and my friend who is 17 had consensual sex with this girl when she was 15 and i was 16, she's 16 now it was on February 26th. So we had sex this girl liked me but after having a threesome she expected me to be her boyfriend. I told her straight no and to leave me alone. Like two months later in May 26th to 31st of the month she reported me for rape to the police. She said we pinned her down when in fact she started the sexual acts she kissed my friend and asked me to join in and i did.

    Anyone seriously willing to help me leave your email I get thoughts about suicide then thoughts about ripping her head off im a business studies student and could get kicked off my course.

    She told the police a pack of lies saying we pinned her down. THIS IS WHAT I WANNA KNOW ANYWAY:

    2 days after she alleged I raped her me and her had sex and she collected the morning after pill this proves she is lying does it not? Why would you come back and have sex with someone who raped you and she didn't tell the police that she had sex with me again and the pill will be in her medical records? My solicitor has not told the police about this and im getting angry and depressed at the fact that this lie can ruin my life and my solicitor does not want to tell the police this.

    She told me she was 16 is well and I have about 2 witnesses to this including me and my co-accused.

    The reason behind the allegation is to get at me cause i told her i have a girlfriend i have messages from her on facebook , from February 28th in these messages which i still have she messages me hello and how you doing and stuff will this not help me prove she is lying. I have messages from March is well of her initiating conversation.

    Do i have a strong defence I haven't been charged yet but im on bail till 11th August with conditions so im getting agitated. Its gonna ruin my whole summer. is my evidence like the pill and the facebook messages all of which are from after she, saying we raped her are they good enough should I give them to the police now or listen to im solicitor and see if I get charged.

  • #2
    Hi there, I am so sorry that you are in this situation - it is hellish and I guess more so because you are quite young. Have you told your parents all about it? More experienced people will be along later but there are a few things you can do in order to help yourself and also help straighten out your thinking instead of it being all over the place.

    You mention suicide - if you are feeling very low and that life is pointless and you can't cope with the stress, you must go to the GP and express how you are feeling - they might arrange counselling and/ or prescible anti- depressants. Anti-depressants are not addictive and simply help the amount of serotonin in your brain to reach the proper levels. You need serotonin in your brain and times of enormous stress can lead to the amount your brain needs to drop, then you feel very down and maybe even suicidal.

    Suicide is something many people here have considered but it will mean she will have won - added to what it would do to your family - and this horrible time will pass.

    Make a time-line of everything that has happened with this girl - include times, places, people, any contact between you.

    Take screen shots of all facebook comments/messages etc. Keep a copy and keep another at a trusted person's house (same with time-line).

    Think about what reasons this girl may have for lying. For example, to get out of trouble/revenge for you not wanting a relationship/ money etc.

    Make sure you talk things through with your parents/relatives or someone you really trust.

    Keep coming back here - people here know what you are going through and you can ask questions or just have an angry rant - we are mainly victims of false accusations or family members of people accused or friends of the accused (it was my best friend who was accused.

    Best wishes
    False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


    • #3
      Hi again,
      I wondered where you went.
      Have you told your parents yet? if not do so. You are still a minor and therefore a vulnerable person and must have the support and protection of adults.

      You are far too young and immature to deal with this on your own.

      You must ask your solicitor if you are not happy with something you wanted them to do and he doesn't do it. Get an explanation as to the reasons.

      Please read the other posts. You will find information that could be helpful to you.

      Please tell me when you have told your parents/relative the whole story.
      Someone in your family needs to be the 'appropriate adult' and be with you for bail returns and visits to the solicitor and assist you in communications with the solicitor.


      • #4
        Hey buddy,
        I've just been through this and I know how bad it all seems right now, but it's going to get better, but your going to need some help and support from a few places.
        First you need to talk to your Doctor to help get you anxiety and bad thoughts sorted. I also felt suicidal and even wanted to go harm the girl so I truly understand, but it's unproductive and those feeling will pass but you might need a little something from the doc for a few weeks.
        Second, you need a close adult to help you through this, at 16 you may think you know everything, but just accept for now that you don't and get a partent or older member of the family upto speed so they can assist. It will also be a huge weight of you mind when you tell them and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at their reaction.
        Third you need a good solicitor that deals with these type of cases, if yours doesn't you need to change, post on here if you need a new sol and people will suggest someone good near to you.
        Forth, use this site, for help, advice or just letting of steam, everyone here understands, so you can say what u like and be understood.

        Don't drive yourself mad over this, you have some good evidence, but make sure you get screen shots of those FB posts as someone else said, V important and she can remove those posts at any time.



        • #5
          Thank you Jen and I have got screen shots I actually just feel confused i honestly do not know what is going on. Im no rapist and this could ruin my life i could end up on the sex offenders register and all my hopes and ambitions down the drain because of a lie.


          • #6

            Thanks verity my dad knows and was present at the interview to be honest I feel that rape is worse then murder and its the fact, I know im so young and on bail fro rape I have no previous convictions or anything.


            • #7
              Don't drive yourself mad over this, you have some good evidence, but make sure you get screen shots of those FB posts as someone else said, V important and she can remove those posts at any time.


              I have got a screen shot of our messages there not posts there all in my inbox so only i can delete them the police asked for access to my facebook account and my solicitor said i should not agree to this. When i got home from the police station i logged on and saw messages from her two day after she is saying i raped her and asking to meet up and stuff. Im young and actually thought that are relationship was actually just sex, but she wanted more i didn't and then two months after we stop communicating she reports me for rape. Do you reckon i would be charged and do i have a good defence. Im just so scard of going to youth prison when i actually have not done anything.


              • #8
                Hiya, I really feel for you you must be in terrible turmoil. Hopefully it will all go your way and you will be able to get on with life and enjoy it again - alll be it older and sadly wiser to the injustices in life.

                All of this is a total headf*** for you but try and talk about it whenever you need to with trusted people. I know with Tony, we basically talked about the same things - what happened - why would she do this-How could she do this- what might happen - his fears- what do the police really think, who has she told - who will believe her etc. and going over and over everything as it just all needed to come out. This was for 4 months, and it was therapeutic for him in it's way. I came on here a lot for help and advice and just to let off steam with people who have been where Tony was - and also those who have seen a loved one have to go through it.

                Do any of your friends know? If so, are they being supportive of you?

                Is the other guy you mentioned being seen by the police?

                Good wishes to you

                False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by whyisthishappeningtome View Post
                  Im just so scard of going to youth prison when i actually have not done anything.

                  You have "done" something. You had sex with (an underage) girl who you dumped later on. She says it was not consensual and that she was under 16 year of age.

                  Your defence is in three parts:

                  1: It was consensual

                  2: You believed that she was 16 years of age.

                  3: She has made these false allegations because you used her, basically, and that is her motive.

                  If you have evidence to prove that she had consensual sex with you after the alleged offence then you should make sure that you tell the solicitor about this. How you will find evidence of this I do not know but you say you have it. The fact you say this happened could well be denied by the complainant - so that is not a defence unless there were others present - ie witnesses.

                  If what you say is correct then you must be very careful what you tell the police, because they will report back to the complainant, who will then alter her story accordingly.
                  Last edited by Rights Fighter; 14 June 2011, 09:20 PM.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    Thank your rights fighter i have been sitting here scard although i have actually not committied any offence and it is really getting to me. But hopefully the messages and medical records will prove my innocence .


                    • #11
                      If what you say is correct then you must be very careful what you tell the police, because they will report back to the complainant, who will then alter her story accordingly

                      Can that happen?

                      When I was interviewed and gave my side of what had happened they then told me the whole report would now be sent to the Procurator Fiscal, I did not think they would contact the accuser and give her my account so she could 'alter' her story.

                      I know nothing about what she has said, so why should she get to know what I have confirmed and be allowed to fit her allegations around it?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by edinguy View Post
                        If what you say is correct then you must be very careful what you tell the police, because they will report back to the complainant, who will then alter her story accordingly

                        Can that happen?

                        When I was interviewed and gave my side of what had happened they then told me the whole report would now be sent to the Procurator Fiscal, I did not think they would contact the accuser and give her my account so she could 'alter' her story.

                        I know nothing about what she has said, so why should she get to know what I have confirmed and be allowed to fit her allegations around it?
                        That's just the way it goes. She's the accuser.
                        People need to remember that the police have targets, it's not about what's right or wrong, in my opinion anyway, it's about getting convictions, & occasionally they'll go out their way to make everything fit nicely to achieve that conviction.
                        It's a bit like benefit fraud at the moment, you swindle DWP out of 3k by giving false details, you're very likely to be prosecuted, if you swindle tax credits out of 3k by giving false details, you're very unlikely to be prosecuted. Benfit help forum is full of them at the moment. And the differences in the treatment of 2 frauds that aren't really morally any different are massive.
                        It's because there are different targets set for different offenses, & very little to do with 'doing the right thing by the 'victim'
                        Mostly only my opinion of course.


                        • #13
                          What is likely to happen

                          Whilst we were having intercourse my friends mum walked in and if someone is raping you surely you will raise the alarm wont the police and cps think about this. I know the police are stupid but its common sense.


                          • #14
                            Everybody in town thinks im a rapist

                            I nearly had a fight some boy is veryone I've been arrested for rape.


                            • #15
                              Keep your head down.

                              Sorry to hear about the trouble you are going through whyisthishappeningtome, I am lucky since I have not been charged no one knows about my indecent or will connect it to me because names have not been released. I of course worry about what would happen if the name does come out and my family targeted ect, so I can only sympathize with you.

                              My advice is just to keep away from these people and do NOT get involved in any fights or trouble as this will do your case serious harm, I know it is easier said than done and you are a young lad but honestly try to keep out of trouble. The last thing you want is to be done with ABH/GBH or anything else when this is all going on.

                              Hope you are ok!

