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Falsely accused

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  • Falsely accused

    I've just read though the posts, and i know theres not a lot that can be done but i'm in a similar situation...

    A few days ago i went out, i had drunk a fair amount and was pissed and a girl who i seen a couple of times came up to me and started chatting. she told me she had fancied me for ages. we shared a few drinks, we kissed a bunch of times, she even turned to me and said she wanted to f*ck me. As the bar shut we decided to go to a club and have a dance. All of the bar staff and bouncers saw us chatting, kissing, flirting etc.
    We left the bar and headed to the club. on route it ended up that we had sex in a car park. she was the one to initiate it, she was also vocal all the way though.
    Afterwards we went back to the bar, the staff who i am friends with, were still tiding the place so we went to see them. this girl was the bubbly chatting to them etc to start but then she went quiet. i just thought she had started to feel rough because of the drink.
    I got my mate to drive me, her and someone else home. when i got back i even added her on facebook saying i had a great night and to call me leaving my number- genuinely wanting to meet her.
    next day however the cops showed up at the bar looking for me. After hearing about this i went straight to the station to find out what the hell was going on. i was promptly arrested and spent the next 9 hours in a cell. she has told them that she woke up in the car park to find me having sex with her. i had my clothes ceased, swabs taken and eventually they took a statement, i told them everything- holding nothing back, going into every detail, giving them names of witnesses, possible cctv locations absolutely everything.

    I'm now sat in limbo, on bail. i know i've done nothing wrong. countless witnesses saw us both before and after, and they all have said that there was no way i raped her, & that she showed no signs of anything afterwards.
    Is there anything i can do other than wait, this is destroying me, i'm constantly breaking down- one minute i feel that its all going to be ok, the next i'm terrified thinking 'what if' Should i be preparing anything, should i try and contact anyone- i'm clueless, i've never been arrested before and the image of going back into a cell haunts me. all i can think is why would she do this? i was nothing but nice, I only did what she wanted
    Any advise would help, tbh even just writing this has helped- i've stopped shaking for the moment at least

  • #2
    Hey Freaked out. Welcome but I'm sorry your here.
    You should probably start a new thread for the best support and advice.
    I fully empathise with your situation, quite similar to mine, and I have now been released from bail with no charge so keep positive!
    I know how scary this is but you have no choice but to carry on as best you can. This process is not very fast so there's a lot of waiting. Did you have a solicitor at interview?


    • #3
      Hi Freakedout
      Just to let you know, I have moved your posts to a new thread so that more members can see it and respond.
      In the meantime, welcome.


      • #4
        Hi Freakedout, this must be absolutely awful and bewildering for you. I am glad you have come here for help and support.

        It sounds as if there are lots of people who can attest to you and she being keen on each other and friendly. Sounds like she regretted her actions or somesuch but to cry rape is disgraceful.

        I have little knowledge to impart but I think people here would say to write out a detailed time-line of the whole evening and events up to the point the police got involved - it will be easier to do it asap - people who saw you, times,drinks even. Keep a copy away from your home as you will need a copy for your solicitor. Were you questioned with a sol present - sorry I can't recall as I write this.

        More experienced people will be along later

        Kind regards
        False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


        • #5
          Thanks for the replies


          i really appreciate the replies, my friends have all been incredibly supportive but to hear from people that have been around similar situations means even more.

          I did have a solicitor present during the interview. They're due to write to me about whats happening next however I had to go to work on sunday night and have been away from home since then. As soon as i get back on friday i'm going to contact them to see if i can do / need to do any more.

          I've been reading through loads of different posts and while some of them have helped me feel more confident others have done the opposite.

          as i have said i have at least 4 totally sober witnesses that saw us both just before and immediately after, along with at least another 4 that saw us just before.
          Even if it goes my way & the case gets thrown out will i still have it on record and how will this affect me. I've always dreamed of traveling- surely if i have an arrest for something so serious on record will i ever be able to get visas etc


          • #6
            Hi again Freaked out,
            I'm NOT a solicitor, but from what you say my gut feeling is that you will be fine. I say that because in my case the witnesses who saw us together (before and after being in my hotel room together) where vital and it sounds like you have plenty of witnesses. CCTV was also helpful to me so I hope there is some you can get but you need to push on with that as older CCTV systems mays still use tapes that are recorded over after x amount of days/weeks. What about motive? Do you have a theory why she would cry rape? The good news is she reported it right away so she will have had a full body check for brueses etc as will you, so this should show it wasn't a forced encounter. Also she will have had a test for alcohol levels which will hopefully show she wasn't so drunk as to be unconscious. Cheers


            • #7
              Oh forgotten to say re travel visa etc. The only countries were there is a possible issue is USA and Canada. However my sol told me there is not even a problem with these countries, but some on here say differently. But basically when asked on a visa app for these countries if you have ever been arrested just put "no" and you'll be fine.


              • #8
                The second i was able to speak to the police after being arrested i listed off all of the cctv cameras in the area. There is a street camera, there should be cameras by the cash point we went to & most importantly there is cctv inside the pub which will show her all over me, and i have since found out, all over a number of blokes prior to me meeting her. this should also show us coming back in afterwards.
                the police have already ceased the footage from the pub.

                thankfully another witness has just come forward tonight, one of the doormen saw us leave and then he apparantly passed us as we came back to the pub, he phoned tonight to say all he saw was us talking, joking etc after & he saw no signs of distress in her

                Regarding a motive as to her saying what she has said i truly have no idea, i only met her properly that night, i treated her really well and genuinely thought i would meet her again afterwards- the first i knew of any problem was when the police came looking. all i can think was she was embarrassed by her actions, i know we dropped her off at a male friend of hers that night rather than her house- perhaps she was making excuses to him and things just spiraled

                i'm slowly starting to feel more confident about things, everyday more people are coming forward and telling me that they saw nothing but a couple of people having a great night. As with anyone in a similar situation all i want is for this to be over- it has to be before i can continue with my life.

                Again Raptorace i really appreciate your replies, and those from others. I can't believe how much this site has helped especially as i've had to go away with work.
                It really hasn't been the best time to do a tour of the uk staying in travelodges- premier inns pikey little brother


                • #9

                  usually i am pretty positive on the support and will continue to fight with each one of you until justice is served... but sometimes because of this one person, your whole live has gone upside down, is not a good feeling... sometimes its hard to tell them everything to the people u love the most... but this forum has been so great for me to express my thoughts and my emotions... finding others in the same shoes and supporting each other draws strength to myself to be strong

                  so you have come to the right place, please continue to keep us updated and we will be supportive of u! i am just at the beginning of this horrendous fight process but so far everything has been going my way... minimum damage to work, family and reputation... i kept thinking nothing is going to happen to me right to the very last day before court... and it was CANCELLED the day before initial appearance! haven't heard anything from them since but lawyer says just move on with my life as normal... so try your hardest not to be too sad about all this, i think this is a test for us to be stronger and meant for better things in life


                  • #10
                    fasely accused


                    I am currently going through the same situation.Almost similar to Freakdout's.I am currently on bail and investigations are still being carried out.I am so freaked out cause we was having a party and she asked me to have sex with her until later after the party was over police came into my house and arrested me.
                    I do not know what to do cause they took my bed cover and sheets for DNA evidence yet i masturbate at times during the night and she could claim that as evidence.What should i do....please help

