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my boyfriend has been falsely accussed of rape. He no family where he can stay outside the borough of the x girlfriend who accussing him.

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  • my boyfriend has been falsely accussed of rape. He no family where he can stay outside the borough of the x girlfriend who accussing him.

    Hi my story is similar to a lot of other peoples my boyfriend was arrested 3 weeks ago accussed of raping his 'x' girlfriend, he has been reminded in prison ever since, today he was in court in front of the judge of chambers. We have been advised that he could get bail next friday providing he could find residence outside the borough of the 'x' who is accussing him. The problem is we dont know anyone who lives out of the borough. What are our options? his trial is not untill october.
    My boyfriend has family in Ireland would they accept that? although that would be in pratical because he wouldnt be able to see his children often, although it would be better than him staying in prison.
    Or could we rent him a property?
    please can someone help and give me some advise
    thanks xxxx

  • #2
    when I was on bail, my bail conditions stated that me, my partner, my family, and her family weren't allowed to contact my ex or anybody in close contact with her.

    I was also given a boundary in which I wasn't allowed to go which was about a mile either side of her house (pretty much her council ward), excepting a way to get my current partner to work (after a bit of negotiation) and to get to the police station

    It seems punitive that he would have to reside outside the Borough as his ex wouldn't be living in a house on every street. a radius from her house of up to a mile would seem fairer


    • #3
      Firstly, my accuser's lot tried to have me barred from my home town. Eventually, the magistrates restricted me to not enter their town. So it is entirely justified to restrict someone to be barred from an entire town, not just a few streets.

      Secondly, you could rent a place, or worst case, B&B (my family put me into one for a week until a room in a house became available).

      I would be surprised if they let him live outside the UK (Southern Ireland), or not exactly local (Northern Ireland). Not only regarding the risk of doing a runner, but they might want him a bit nearer.


      • #4
        just to say my son was allowed to live in Northern Ireland while on bail, but he had no bail conditions as such. We are mainland UK



        • #5
          Whole borough bail conditions aren't that uncommon. The guy who attacked me wasn't allowed in the borough where his family lived and worked even though it wasn't the borough I lived in (my sister lived there as did most of my friends and he worked in the family business a few doors from my best friend and knew that). Not that that stopped him...

          It may not be ideal but renting somewhere in the next borough may be the best option. If he is currently unemployed or on a low wage you may be able to get housing benefit to cover the costs if financial issues may prevent that being an option. It is certainly worth looking in to if it means he can see his kids regularly, not only for his sake but for the kids.

          I really hope you find a solution soon
          "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)

