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Help, Im scared ****less.

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  • #16
    Thank you for your post

    Your post is really well written and from the heart. I recognise so many aspects of your story, the numerous delays and the general exasperation and loss of faith in the police/cps. I am sorry that you had to go through this horrible ordeal alone, please pause and recognise that if you can survive this you can survive anything. You are a changed person due to your experiences but you have also learnt that you are a survivor. Try to be kind to yourself and give yourself credit for what you have achieved. I think you should seriously consider writing to your uni and asking to resit your third year. Your next step, which is different but equally challenging, is moving on and claiming your life back. You are innocent, you are strong and you deserve better. Give yourself some time to heal and then allow yourself permission to be happy again. I wish you all the best. Thank you for your post.


    • #17
      scaredstiff, thank you so much for posting your experiences. I can't believe you went through all that alone, so incredibly bravely.... As exhausted says, you have proved to yourself that you can survive this torture and ultimately prove your innocence... I'm so, so sorry for everything they put you through. Congratulations, and God bless and keep you too, always.

      Unlike casehardened, and as befitting my youth, I'm going to do a whole page of bananas, more than ever known before in the recent known history of dancing bananas....

      Last edited by just married; 24 January 2013, 11:47 AM.
      I'm not ready to make nice


      • #18
        What an ordeal scaredstiff
        Thank you so much for sharing this post, it will be an inspiration to others.

        You should be proud of yourself for surviving this with next to no support.
        Your life is ahead of you and you have earned every moment of it.

        Sometimes you feel when you spend so much time on a forum like this that you are desensitised to it all.
        Your post has reminded me otherwise. I read it from start to finish, enraptured. Even though I knew the end result, I was still agonising for you as I read.

        Casehardened has a very good are a very good writer. Perhaps it might be therapeutic to put it down on paper in it's fullness. I am doing that, although admit that I have to take significant breaks.

        Anyway, thanks once more for sharing your story. That takes guts; something which you clearly have in abundance.
        I hope we might hear from you again but if not, I genuinely wish you the most happiness for your future, and say that with real sincerity. Here's a banana, it's only one, but it's probably one of the most meaningful I've given out:
        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

        Numbers 32:23


        • #19

          You leaved me speechless.
          I know exactly how you felt when you couldn't concentrate and lost everything but I have admiration for you and other members who don't tell anyone about their turmoil.

          You are still young and everything will take a while to heal but you are mentally strong and you can be proud of yourself.

          Don't give up your studies and take care of yourself.

          Non,je ne regrette rien.


          • #20
            Sorry,you left me speechless.

            All the best.
            Non,je ne regrette rien.


            • #21
              Well done, Scaredstiff, that was a lovely post. I, too, think you have done brilliantly, going through all this on your own and at such a young age too. I really do think you deserve bananas tho!

              Your story is similar, in a way, to my husbands, in that there is no real dna proof that this (rape) took place, but the cps still decide to go through with it! The system NEEDS to change.
              I am so glad things worked out for you, despite all the set backs. Please try to go back to uni, this country needs strong men like you. All the best


              • #22
                Originally posted by Angry and frightened View Post
                Please try to go back to uni, this country needs strong men like you. All the best
                What a lovely thing to say
                "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                Numbers 32:23


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Angry and frightened View Post
                  this country needs strong men like you. All the best
                  I second that. What were you studying at university?
                  I'm not ready to make nice


                  • #24
                    What a very moving thread, scaredstiff and so strong of you to come out the other side relying only on your own inner strength. That will be depleted now for a while but it will rebuild and you can move forward a stronger and prouder man for it. Here's one of these and one of these
                    "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                    • #25
                      So hurt and angry

                      Well done to you ! You certainly deserve your bananas ,and did you ever think of becoming an author!
                      Why you could turn this whole experience into a fortune ,good luck with the rest of your life were ever it takes youbanana:::

