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Decison not to Proceed vs NFA???

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  • Decison not to Proceed vs NFA???

    Having been told verbally by my solictor NFA a couple of weeks ago, the letter from the police reads "decision not to proceed". Does "no further action" and "decision not to proceed" mean the same thing??

  • #2
    I think they do mean the same thing. Both mean that the CPS have decided to not push the case to charge. This could be for a number of reasons, but essentially it boils down to the fact that they believe they have a less than 50% chance of a conviction of it goes to trial.

    Reasons for NFAs can range from the police recognising that the allegation is fabricated to the complainant not being considered reliable or convincing as a witness. It could also mean that the complainant refused to be called as a witness.

    Have you thought about making a formal complaint to Plod about the accuser?


    • #3
      Yes, but peole on this and other forums say the police are very unlikely he proceed against the woman. She is a member of the legal proession, well connected, london based, and black


      • #4

        In your position I wouldn't care if she was the Queen of Sheba.

        She has made a false allegation, a false statement and as a member of the legal profession she has abused her position of trust and attempted to pervert the course of justice in full knowledge of the risk she was causing you.

        This is my personal view but I feel it is even more important that this type of person is exposed when they commit a criminal offence in public office.

        Will this woman be prosecuting cases of a sexual nature knowing what she did to an innocent victim falsely accused.

        Not only can she not be impartial but I would postulate she is unfit and in no position to prosecute anyone.
        She should be kicked out of the profession forthwith.
        If she is a member of a chambers, write a letter to the senior partner.
        If she is a solicitor, write to the Solicitor's regulatatory body, write to the Law Society, write to the Criminal Bar Association.
        Don't let her walk away from this.
        The witch hunt against the male gender has to stop, and it's people like you, me and all members of forums like this and our families who will have to do it as those who are in a position to put right this abomination have no interest in doing what they know they should do, so we will have to force them to.

        No one, but no one has the right, excuse or justification to make a false allegation for any reason whatsoever and expect to walk off scot free.

        Thinking of you,


