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Help!!!!!!!!! - this is not working......

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  • Help!!!!!!!!! - this is not working......

    Please help me, urgent request for comfort and explanation as to why i suddenly feel so bad............................

    I got my NFA just over a fortnight ago. I have had a hellish 5 months. The NFA came just before a really busy time away on business. I got back home in the early hours of Monday having had no time before that to even process in my head the NFA news. I have been in bed with Bronchitis all this week - am still feeling rough.

    I have had four days to think and process the NFA news - and I am now really distressed and extremely pissed off and angry. So cross i don't know what to do.

    It appears this woman has utterly screwed up my ability to business in the USA and Canada because of getting me arrested. I wonder if the arrest was justified because there was no need to arrest me to get evidence - the only evidence was on my computer and mobile phone which I was quite willing to surrender. There was no question of my denying where I was at the time concerned - that was never in question.

    But now i have an arrest on my record, I have nothing in writing from the police that I have been NFA'd, my solicitor is on holiday, the police still have my computer, laptop and clothes, I feel in a frustrated limbo.

    I don't really even recall the details of many allegations - just that they were ludicrous ******** - since i had been in custordy 20 hours and was kind of preoccupied at the time....

    I don't know what to do and feel like turning up on this woman's doorstep and doing justice Judge Dredd style. Yet I am a mild middle aged white professional, never before arrested or anything.

  • #2
    Hi Felix - what you're feeling is entirely 'normal'.

    Your emotions will be all over the place for a good while yet - all I can say is - go with it and don't panic.

    Whatever you do - don't go and see her otherwise you'll end up back where you started and we don't want that.

    Rant on here instead, its much safer.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      in canada u can ask for the arrest record to be erased i believe

      thats what my lawyer told me, i would wait for your lawyer to come back from holidays and see if there is anything they can do to erase ur arrest record... i think for canadians after 1 year it will automatically be destroyed... not sure exactly


      • #4
        hi felix,
        wow , you have been through the mill , its no wonder you feel this way. It will be an explosion of all the turmoil your emotions have been through , its only natural.
        please dont do anything hasty especially while you feel this way.
        Dont play into her hands by giving her opportunity to have you arrested a 2nd time.
        Enjoy the fact that she didnt beat you felix, dont let her win.
        bigs hugs
        letty xx


        • #5
          Hi Felix,

          It might help to write it all down, as if you were writing an article for a magazine, it is surprising theraputic to put your feelings on paper even if you have no intention of publishing.
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #6
            I have written the first part - but I do not know if it is safe to publish even on a forum like this???


            • #7
              Rant at us

              Hi Felix

              If you write things down just for you to read it may help!
              Kermit is writing down his day by day in prison feelings as it was advised to help with his anger against the lying ????? and also i was given same advice yesterday.
              We all know how you are feeling and the pain anguish revenge that we all want but would only be falling into the pathetic lying ??????? hands. If you feel you want to rant at us, we all have the same feelings so nothing can shock. I would drive 600miles right now if i could and beat the truth out of her but that would only give justice in Kermit would be free but i would be in prison.
              Hold your head high your better than her Felix
              take care of you Kermit's Fiancee


              • #8
                Originally posted by felix View Post
                I have written the first part - but I do not know if it is safe to publish even on a forum like this???
                No I wasn't suggesting actually publishing it; but write it as if you were intending to expose the justice system & your accuser to the world (then copy it on a CD & put it with your will)
                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                • #9
                  There is a word for it carthesis. Which means displaying strong emotions through writing. I did that and published it but I got into trouble by doing it so be careful. And also as my sol said now nfa the police do not have any legal power. To hold your property. So make complaint against them and u will get it back.

