Please help me, urgent request for comfort and explanation as to why i suddenly feel so bad............................
I got my NFA just over a fortnight ago. I have had a hellish 5 months. The NFA came just before a really busy time away on business. I got back home in the early hours of Monday having had no time before that to even process in my head the NFA news. I have been in bed with Bronchitis all this week - am still feeling rough.
I have had four days to think and process the NFA news - and I am now really distressed and extremely pissed off and angry. So cross i don't know what to do.
It appears this woman has utterly screwed up my ability to business in the USA and Canada because of getting me arrested. I wonder if the arrest was justified because there was no need to arrest me to get evidence - the only evidence was on my computer and mobile phone which I was quite willing to surrender. There was no question of my denying where I was at the time concerned - that was never in question.
But now i have an arrest on my record, I have nothing in writing from the police that I have been NFA'd, my solicitor is on holiday, the police still have my computer, laptop and clothes, I feel in a frustrated limbo.
I don't really even recall the details of many allegations - just that they were ludicrous ******** - since i had been in custordy 20 hours and was kind of preoccupied at the time....
I don't know what to do and feel like turning up on this woman's doorstep and doing justice Judge Dredd style. Yet I am a mild middle aged white professional, never before arrested or anything.
I got my NFA just over a fortnight ago. I have had a hellish 5 months. The NFA came just before a really busy time away on business. I got back home in the early hours of Monday having had no time before that to even process in my head the NFA news. I have been in bed with Bronchitis all this week - am still feeling rough.
I have had four days to think and process the NFA news - and I am now really distressed and extremely pissed off and angry. So cross i don't know what to do.
It appears this woman has utterly screwed up my ability to business in the USA and Canada because of getting me arrested. I wonder if the arrest was justified because there was no need to arrest me to get evidence - the only evidence was on my computer and mobile phone which I was quite willing to surrender. There was no question of my denying where I was at the time concerned - that was never in question.
But now i have an arrest on my record, I have nothing in writing from the police that I have been NFA'd, my solicitor is on holiday, the police still have my computer, laptop and clothes, I feel in a frustrated limbo.
I don't really even recall the details of many allegations - just that they were ludicrous ******** - since i had been in custordy 20 hours and was kind of preoccupied at the time....
I don't know what to do and feel like turning up on this woman's doorstep and doing justice Judge Dredd style. Yet I am a mild middle aged white professional, never before arrested or anything.
