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Just need some advice

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  • Just need some advice

    My ex girlfriend was cheating behind my back to move away she accused me of rape.

    She said that she went to the police to people (my dad) that she made all the accusations up she said that she told the police she made lies.....but i have now later found out that she just dropped the charges.

    My dad has just phoned the officer in charge and told her what she said to him, she said she will goto tell CPS what he said and would he make a statement.....

    what do you think will happen.....?

  • #2
    No idea exactly what will happen but yes, go make a statement. Get your Dad and anyone else to write down NOW everything she said and time(s) and date(s) to the best of their recall, and email it to someone to get a time stamp on it. Then he should go to the police clutching these notes.


    • #3
      Originally posted by felix View Post
      No idea exactly what will happen but yes, go make a statement. Get your Dad and anyone else to write down NOW everything she said and time(s) and date(s) to the best of their recall, and email it to someone to get a time stamp on it. Then he should go to the police clutching these notes.
      she only said it to my dad and my little sister was in the room too at the my dad has just come off jury service he isnt the kind of person just to make stuff up...but at first he didnt know who to believe......this has been going on since feb and she told him this about two weeks ago.....just hope law dont think its family sticking up for family but at the end of the day she has been here........she even started making phone calls to my dad saying the person who shes with now smashed her phone and gave her black eye......i think she was talking alot of bull sh**t


      • #4
        My advice stands. Get stuff in writing, sign and date it, take it to the police. Hope all turns out ok.


        • #5
          Originally posted by felix View Post
          My advice stands. Get stuff in writing, sign and date it, take it to the police. Hope all turns out ok.
          I think the ds is coming to take a statement off him.....they will doubt her story now anyway seems shes dropped charges but not told the truth.


          • #6
            Just got to hope they dont think any witness intimidation or whatever they call it has been going on, and then put pressure on the girl into going ahead with the allegation.
            Sounds far fetched, but you are best to be aware that anything can & does happen..


            • #7
              here in canada

              even after the "victim" decides not to proceed with the case, the police and the crown still has the right to continue to charge... that is so weird.... the "victim" is already dropping out.... the police still wants to press more charges?


              • #8
                Originally posted by psychotic View Post
                even after the "victim" decides not to proceed with the case, the police and the crown still has the right to continue to charge... that is so weird.... the "victim" is already dropping out.... the police still wants to press more charges?
                They can, & they do it a lot more in domestic violence cases now it seems, but this I think they would have a hard job without a witness though.


                • #9
                  The only person who can decide whether to "drop" charges is the CPS. The "victim" cannot make that decision. She can withdraw her complaint, but the CPS can still proceed with charges if they think the evidence is strong enough.
                  Sounds to me like she has got in over her head!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Saffron View Post
                    The only person who can decide whether to "drop" charges is the CPS. The "victim" cannot make that decision. She can withdraw her complaint, but the CPS can still proceed with charges if they think the evidence is strong enough.
                    Sounds to me like she has got in over her head!

                    Even if she has admitted to making the false allegations, cant believe she can bring the charges "back to life" she may do it out of spiteness again, how stupid is the system.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by psychotic View Post
                      even after the "victim" decides not to proceed with the case, the police and the crown still has the right to continue to charge... that is so weird.... the "victim" is already dropping out.... the police still wants to press more charges?
                      im not sure i thought they might want to charge the girl if theres a witness that says she admitted lyin......


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by help View Post
                        im not sure i thought they might want to charge the girl if theres a witness that says she admitted lyin......
                        In a land far far away, that happens, rarely. But not much on this planet unfortunately


                        • #13
                          so she can bring the charges back to life ?

                          im on bail till may 6th, if she changes her mind "because the wind has changed direction" this means i can still get charged and sent to court even though she has been the one approaching me and coming to my dads house etc etc and admitted that no rape happened.

                          what if her story all comes back made up, like she said i was on drugs that night i aint touched no drugs for years, i no i will be totally clean, and im sure other parts of her story will come back as lying if forensics do there job properly.......surely the police can put two and two together........if it did goto court would she be cross examined ?



                          • #14
                            OK, this is how it works.
                            She can say that she no longer wants to pursue the complaint. However, if Plod and CPS believe that they have more than a 50% chance of conviction without her testimony as a witness at court, they can still proceed with charges.
                            If the CPS and Police decide not to proceed to charge, the arrest can remain on file and can be re-assessed in the future if another allegation is made, either by her or someone else.
                            She cannot bring the charges back to life, unless she makes another, new allegation, and if this is the case, I suspect most plods would consider the fact that she had previously decided not to pursue the original complaint. Even then, the decision to charge or not rests with the CPS, not with her.
                            If she has told a thrid party that she made up the original complaint, then that person should go to the police and make a statement to that effect. She has effectively admitted to attempting to pervert the course of justice.

                            So to reiterate: She cannot "drop" the charges. Only the CPS can do that. She can refuse to co-operate, or claim that the process is "too traumatic" for her to give evidence at trial.

                            Hope that helps!


                            • #15
                              Yes thanks, i dont know how they would gather evidence when there was only me and her in the room it was consensual. so unless there was an eye in the sky backing her story and lying for her.

                              seems tome the law only care about convictions and stick up for women......women moan about equal right what about the lads out there that seem to have no rights at all when it comes to domestic abuse!

                              in one way that is bad as she is my gf for 8yrs, shes just been around the wrong people and suffers from severe depression our little boy died not so long ago, im not making excuses for her but at the moment shes not stable. and suffered depression for years.
                              Last edited by help; 20 April 2011, 01:08 PM.

