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falsely accused
falsely accused
My husband was arrested due to an allegation of sexual assault from an ex employee, as a result he is on bail and suspended from his workplace. In the space of a day, our new home, planning for a family and our plans to visit family abroad have fallen apart. I am supporting him 100%, marriage means throught the good and the bad, but with each day that passes and hearing about what questions the police are asking of our friends and family it gets harder and harder. Any advice would be greatly received
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Hello, first of all this will be a verry long process my parter was on bail for a few month's then got charged! this does not mean that ure partner will get charged though There realy is no point in panicin just yet! the CPS might not hrage him "lets hope" but someone else will be here to help soon i'm sure in the mean time stay strong!
hi Iggy,
You have come to right place.There is plenty support for you on here and good advice from people who have gone and who are going through the ordeal that you and your husband are.
Its natural to feel the way you do and your life becomes overwhelmed with the case. get your hubby and yourself to keep a note of every little thing that comes to mind, you'll find as time passes you may overlook something really important.
It really is a waiting game now.It seems like a lifetime but its a slow process that will just have to run its course before you move on- hopefully no further action.
Read through other peoples experiences and you will see its not all doom and gloom.There are many who have been and felt exactly as you do right now and you will see that everything turns out great.
unfortunately for some of us its not the case, but either way , you still have it to face, so, until then be there for each other and go with the flow until you have something definite to work on.
keep us updated, take care
letty x
World falling apart
I have spoken to someone which has helped alot since my first post. To top things off this morning his work have sent a letter adding on 2 extra allegations unrelated to the allegation made by the woman. It's now the third day since he was arrested and still difficult but we are now seeing more of the positives. They can keep knocking us down, as hard as it is we are determined to keep getting up, even if we are left with nothing but each other and living back with our parents....
Want to scream.....
Can't believe it's only 2 days since first posted, feels like a lifetime. How can 2 hardworking people go from normality to feel like they are falling apart in space of 2 days?
Feel like we're been so annoying contacting people for advice as everything seems to take forever. Even getting a doctor's appointment taking a week, 3 days for a CAB reply. Am scared if I push too hard will upset people but I just need someone to help my husband.
Hard to believe there will ever be a light at the end of the tunnel. Trying hard to not let it affect my work but just keep breaking into tears, how can I deal with customers and staff when I can't even get out of my front door without sobbing.
Originally posted by iggy1979 View PostCan't believe it's only 2 days since first posted, feels like a lifetime. How can 2 hardworking people go from normality to feel like they are falling apart in space of 2 days?
Feel like we're been so annoying contacting people for advice as everything seems to take forever. Even getting a doctor's appointment taking a week, 3 days for a CAB reply. Am scared if I push too hard will upset people but I just need someone to help my husband.
Hard to believe there will ever be a light at the end of the tunnel. Trying hard to not let it affect my work but just keep breaking into tears, how can I deal with customers and staff when I can't even get out of my front door without sobbing.
It's not my partner that's been accused, but my little brother.
Not with rape, but sexual assualt. Not so bad you think, but the girl is under 16! And her family waited until the court case started the beginign of the week to come up with another 'witness' poor little witness is only 10 & wasn't even there when bro was! He isn't disputing being with the girl in a room, but just what she has accused him of when someone walked in! The person that entered the room didn't see anything untoward happening, but hates my brother & had beaten him up before that night, & beat him up again that night. They gave a statement saying they didn't see anything, but decided to change their mind on the next statement & say they did. I think that was after it was decided it was going to court. Which took months to decide to be honest.
It's not the youngesters I am angry with, it's the mother & this 'friend' of theirs that dislikes my brother that much. He waited a long time to 'get' my brother. And he is succeeding now.
So I know how nasty it is when they come out with something else.
People dont realise the stress they put whole families through, it's just as well you are strong!
Just make sure you look after you, because they dont give a shiney to be frank.
It makes you angry to think they are doing this for attention, or money even!