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I had no idea!

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  • I had no idea!

    I'd assumed that the truth will out! I was in custody for 60 hrs. prison for 3 weeks and I am currently bailed to my son's house. I'd still be in prison were it not for the fact I'd known of this girl's previous false allegations. The CPS and the cops wouldn't have mentioned it to the judge.
    I'm coping well with all this plus the destruction of my reputation and the probability that I'll never work again - I've worked with vulnerable adults for 30 years.
    But because I thought this would all be dropped once it became clear that the girl is lying, I've continued to patronise the services of the solicitor I was given whilst in custody.
    No doubt, many of you on this really helpful site have done or are doing the same.

    Can anyone recommend a solicitor in the Tyne and Wear area who is on top of this kind of thing?

  • #2
    Sorry to hear of the ordeal which you have gone through and that it continues. I hope that you are able to clear your name.

    You could try contacting FASO, you can google them to get the number for their helpline. They should be able to recommend a local sol with a track record of false allegations.

    Best wishes


    • #3
      FASO's number is 0844 335 1992


      • #4
        Originally posted by michaelanguso View Post
        Can anyone recommend a solicitor in the Tyne and Wear area who is on top of this kind of thing?

        Gill Rutherford
        Andrews Angel sols
        2nd floor
        41-42 Sadler Street
        Durham County
        County Durham
        DH1 3NU

        0191 370 9890
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          Thank you.

          I've now got Gill as my solicitor. She's already doing a great job for me. I'd have been lost without your help.


          • #6
            She is one of the best up in that area of the UK. I am pleased to have been able to help.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

