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Information on Bail and what happens next please

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  • Information on Bail and what happens next please

    My story is much the same as the others, i have been falsley accused by an ex partner of rape, anal rape too, she has picked a date i was not even near her house, but still the drama continues, the details are scetchy, but i was arrested, the day after she made the accusation, and it was supposed to have happened 3 weeks pror, funnily enough just to give her enough time to use me all over christmas spend my money, and start sleeping with someone else, the motive is clear shes done this to get me out the way so she can persue her own pleasures with several other men, however as always the police have taken it as a full on serious case, I have been interveiwed, gave no comment as directed by solicitor, but gave a written statement of the facts, i was placed on bail for 4 weeks, on my return i was rebailed 6 more, now the date is getting closer again, im concerned to what will happen now, apart from my current girlfriend being interviewed to back up my story of being home with her all night ive heard nothing, i feel im being set up by a vindictive ex who has just taken me for what she can get and tossed me to one side when someone else has come along, we where good friends so i thought, the fact children are involved makes it harder as now i cant see them either, i kinew the last time i was to be re bailed but this time i know nothing, the ex now claims shes pregnant too, but does not know who the father could be, nice lass, well my question is how do i find out the next move of the plod cps etc, and do i get any idea or does my solicitor to what may now happen on the return to said cop shop, i am told the options are NFA, rebail, charge, in all cases i would like to know, also if charged what would happen next, am i bailed to go home, ive not contacted the ex nor do i want too, ive barely left home in 2 months, i am strong enough to fight this case, but being locked up isnt my best idea of fun, i am told that if charge should arise it is then a journey into the unknown as the whole game changes, i would need to be able to defend myself and prepare documents, none of which i can do if held, i do not see they have any reason to hold me considering ive totally avoided the young lady since arrest, ive no previous criminal record, would someone like to supply an answer.


  • #2
    Hi KHA,

    Unfortunately the police have to go through the motions, even if they suspect it's all a smokescreen from your ex, so the process will grind on.

    Hopefully your case will be NFA'd rather than result in a charge but, at the end of the day, it's all down to how the CPS view the likehood of a conviction. It's good that you took legal advice from the onset, many don't.

    As you have already been bailed after your initial arrest and have not broken bail conditions, were you to be charged, the presumption is that you will be bailed again.

    Remanding in custody is really a last resort, for your own or other's protection, or if you are deemed likely to do a runner.

    It's good that you already considering a defence and motives and that you are taking a positive line.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      Hi KHA

      I can't add much to what Casehardened has already said, but wanted to warn you of the following:

      If you have a watertight alibi for the day/night she is alleging you raped her, be prepared for her to change her mind and claim it happened on a different date. Plod will sometimes go back to the complainant and explain that you have an unbreakable alibi for that date/time. She will then be invited to change the date, claiming that she was confused.

      Try retracing your steps for several days around the date she has already given so that you are prepared. This may not happen, but sometimes it does.

      You sound as though you are well-prepared which is good.


      • #4

        Hi Kickingherass,

        Glad you have come onto the forum.

        As far as plod is concerned as Casehardened has said they are in no rush to stop a case and IMO use the 'we have to follow procedure as an allegation has been made', even when they know its false.
        It depends on the OIC as to whether common sense and 'police instinct' is used.

        So as far as that side of things are concerned it is very much a waiting game which is cruel to the falsely accused.
        Having a decent solicitor on board who won't take no S*** from plod has been shown to be effective in getting plod to behave themselves.

        Use the time effectively by investigating your own case, finding evidence that proves your innocence and evidence that proves your accuser has lied to the police.

        Hand all info, material, evidence to your solicitor for safe Keeping and future use if needs be.

        Say nothing further pertaining to the case to the police and under no circumstances let them speak to you without your solicitor being present.

        Reading the other threads will reassure you that you are by no means alone and many are or have been in a similar situation as you.
        Use their experience to assist you in your fight against your false accuser.

        Keep Strong, I'm sure you have your partner and close family beside you.


        • #5
          thanks for replys

          Thank you for your replys, it is with concern i read many others posts on here, the law is certibally an arse and needs changing, the word of the so called victim alone to make a case is a joke, this leaves it wide open to let any nutcase say what they like and your get arrested for doing sweet fa, it seems the law needs seriously changing in this area, as time drags on I am starting to get the shakes and the usual response many of you have had, it is with sadness i find someone could be this vindictive and for the gain of ruining someones life to what, improve there own? i dont think no one really has the answer, but in my case its ridicluluis the poklice would even consider this to be genuine when the amout of clear cut evidence is so stacked against them, however i know they are a law unto themselves, many cases i read with inocent people being put through hell to breaking point while the so called victim gets support, financial gain, and sympathy, what an attention seekers dream, well all i can say is i have a few items they wont expect should it ever go that far, will keep everyone informed, be well.



          • #6
            Good luck, it is hard waiting for them to decide but, as others have said, if you have evidence to help yourself keep it safe. Try and remain upbeat and positive and remember that you have done nothing wrong and are the injured party.

