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  • help

    can anyone help us 15 year old grandson accused of raping his 14 year old girlfriend.she was pregnant but had abortion told clinic he raped her he devastasted.police charged him lawyer told him to keep saying no comment throughout interview is this the right thing to do

  • #2
    Hi Suzzq,

    My hubby's solicitor told us you do a full comment or a total no comment interview,
    never a mixture of the two so on that basis your grandson has done the right thing.

    Do you live in the kent area (don't specify what town, just county) I and others run a support group which gives emotional support, practical advice, information to help those falsely accused and encourage victims falsely accused to take control of their case.
    I personally specialise in assisting those falsely accused of a sexual nature.

    Please read the other threads on the forum, there is a wealth of information and experiences that can be of comfort and help to you and your grandson.

    In particular read Worried and Midnights thread.

    Try not to panic.

    When you feel able let us know at what stage the case is at (but don't put any identifying info, just a basic outline).


    • #3
      As a teenager he was advised correctly.

      Had he been an adult going "no comment" on legal advice this can be used against him at trial. The judge would give a direction that they are not to place any adverse inference on going no comment on legal advice, but the Crown in their closing speech will remind the jury "yes he had advice, but that was not an order, he could have given a full and frank interview and he did not. What you have to ask yourselves, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, what did this defendant have to hide? Why did he not tell the his version of events to the police officers? We say it is because he is guilty and did not want to trip himself up".

      The ONLY time an adult would be wise in going no comment is if/when absolutely no disclosure as to what the allegations are - are not forthcoming from the police. These days that is rare.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        he has been bailed till may,what happens then


        • #5
          Originally posted by Verity View Post
          Hi Suzzq,

          My hubby's solicitor told us you do a full comment or a total no comment interview,
          never a mixture of the two so on that basis your grandson has done the right thing.

          Do you live in the kent area (don't specify what town, just county) I and others run a support group which gives emotional support, practical advice, information to help those falsely accused and encourage victims falsely accused to take control of their case.
          I personally specialise in assisting those falsely accused of a sexual nature.

          Please read the other threads on the forum, there is a wealth of information and experiences that can be of comfort and help to you and your grandson.

          In particular read Worried and Midnights thread.

          Try not to panic.

          When you feel able let us know at what stage the case is at (but don't put any identifying info, just a basic outline).

          thank you we all in shock.bailed till may then what happens.where in kent is support group we in kent to


          • #6
            Hi Suzzq

            If he has been bailed it sounds as though he has not been charged, but arrested and interviewed under caution. Is that correct? Many many people who are not familiar with the process assume that being arrested is the same as being charged - it isn't, it's completely different.

            From an outsiders perspective it sounds as though they had consensual sex and she fell pregnant. She was so terrified of the fury of her parents/judgement of her peer group that she claimed she had been raped. Being raped completely exonerates her from any responsibility for her sexual activity.

            I would urge you to get in touch with Verity - she is a warrior princess for those FA'd and she really feels passionate about this kind of thing. You will need to be a member of the site for a few days, and post a certain number of posts before Private Messaging privileges are permitted (this is designed to stop spammers and those who simply asked for advice via Private Message rather than posting on the forum).

            In the meatime, has the accuser given any specific dates? If so, get your grandson to write down everything he remembers about the dates. Even the tiniest detail can be significant.

            Has your grandson got any texts/emails/instant messaging correspondence from the girl? if he has, make sure you keep them in a safe place. I would also recommend monitoring anything she writes on a social networking site such as Facebook.

            Finally, I am glad your grandson has your support. Many people are of the belief that "there's no smoke without fire". It's good to know you are not.


            • #7
              will try and get him to remember dates.he so shook up.dates for baby are a bit odd at moment vairing from 4 to 6 months police doing tests.havnt heard from lawyer went missing at xmas with texts and photos of them sleeping together.he also autistic ,thank you to all thats answered


              • #8

                when you have made 10 posts I can pm you the phone number for the helpline.
                Last edited by RFLH; 23 February 2011, 09:15 PM. Reason: removal of information


                • #9

                  They are also on Facebook (only just started so would appreciate a new member)

                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    Fankoo for putting that up RF (why didn't I think of it? Doh!!!)


                    • #11

                      Girl who cried rape narrowly avoids custody

                      A 16-YEAR-OLD girl who falsely accused a boy of raping her was told by a judge that she had only narrowly escaped custody.

                      District Judge Joti Bopa Rai told the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, that a woman charged with the same offence would normally go to prison for years rather than months.

                      "The charge is very serious," said the judge at Cheltenham Youth Court.

                      "If you had been an adult there would have been no alternative to custody.

                      "Because of your accusation, a young lad was arrested and questioned by police, and that cannot have been easy for him.

                      "Had he been charged and convicted he would almost certainly have faced a custodial sentence."

                      The girl, who lives near Lydney, had denied attempting to pervert the course of justice but Judge Bopa Rai convicted her after a three-day trial last month.

                      The judge ruled that the girl had lied to police and to the court after consented to sex with the boy but then thought she might be pregnant and cried rape.

                      RF: Please click the link for more info - it might be worth pointing out this story to the lad's solicitor.
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • #12
                        thanks to everyone here at least we no we not there any one he can talk to for help.he doesnt understand that hes not allowed at his mums house or his dads as he has younger siblings.they are also confused that hes not there.autistic kids dont understand change.we cannot make up our minds weather to get medication for him to help him sleep.he not eating and looks like a stick insect he so thin


                        • #13
                          Get your GP to make an emergency referral if your son is not already under the care of services who deal specifically with the implications of autism.

                          Under PACE 1984 he is a vulnerable person.
                          Is the investigating officer aware of his condition?
                          Did he have an appropriate adult with him during his time in the custody suite and interview?
                          Did he understand what he was signing and why?
                          See PACE Code C 11.15 - 11.17, 11.18(a) through to 11.20
                          Also Notes for Guidance 11B - 11E
                          Also Annex E 1 - 13

                          Given his condition, was PACE G 1.3 (...The use of the power of arrest must be fully justified and officers exercising that power should consider if the necessary objectives can be met by other less intrusive means...) and
                          Code G 2.8, (necessity of arrest) followed by the police?

                          Dis your son understand the implications of the caution?
                          Does he understand the implications of the process he finds himself in?

                          Obtain his custody record from the bail sergeant.

                          Write to the duty solicitor to obtain:
                          The attendance record.
                          Attendance notes.
                          Clients instructions regarding interview.
                          Justification/reasons for attendance at police station.
                          Initial disclosure.
                          Interview notes taken down by duty solicitor.

                          It maybe an idea to get advice from a solicitor in regard to your son authorising you to obtain documents pertaining to the case on his behalf.


                          • #14
                            how do we find pace.i was with him at station,we were told that when he put in cell he could press buzzer when he got stressed out they would contact me as i had to wait outside the station.he told me he press buzzer but no one answered ,he was offered food and drink.kept in cell for 5 hours.not sure to this day he fully understands what is really happening.had very bad day today keeps thinking they will lock him up.saw report of time spent in cell nothing on it to say he pressed buzzer to contact me .we have sol she was one who said to say no comment through out interview.we go back in may.i need to find out if sol has any kind of dealings with this kind of case.could you recommend anyone in the bromley areawho deals with this.he is bailed to me.


                            • #15
                              Get in touch with:
                              Gerry McDonald
                              EBR Attridge
                              436 High Road
                              N17 9BJ

                              Mob: 07779 239708
                              Office: 020 880 80774 (24hrs)


                              They have offices in Tottenham and Holborn as well as Manchester.
                              Look up details on the website.

                              This chap is good with false allegations and won't let the police abuse their powers.
                              He has looked after My hubby, me and Worried and midnight's grandson.

                              I have a very good friend who lives near you and when she can attends the KAI meetings.

                              Please do at least four more posts then I can private message you with the KAI phone number then I can give you much more info and reassurance.

                              If you are on facebook go to the Kent against Injustice group and put in a request to join the group then I can message you so much quicker.

