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  • #31
    thank you for that we have school support worker and phyc that he sees on board awaiting doctors appointment .he such a mess finding it very hard to he has gsces starting this week.hope ur son is coping does he understand what is happening.mine dosnt he just think hes going to prison because of the baby


    • #32
      thank you for all the help.trying to get help for all family


      • #33
        glad to hear you have support, my heart truly goes out to your son and you. It is so distressing to your child, whatever age, to go through this ordeal. you will be in my thoughts


        • #34
          thank you still trying to get hold of gerry the solsitor

          not having much luck.will try again today


          • #35
            Hang on in there

            Gerry will get to you as soon as he can.
            I have referred five people to him this week alone.
            He may also be tied up in court as he is a higher rights of audience solicitor so does quite a lot of court work.
            Try not to worry unecessarily I'm sure he will get back to you.


            • #36
              thank you verity can you tell us what will happen on the 6th when we go back.if he is charged will he be remanded or will he be bailed to me as he is now.


              • #37
                Did you get my message I left on your profile wall?
                Please join the Kent against Injustice website, Rf has put the link further up this thread.
                That way I can give you my contact number and talk with you and answer your questions and give you support.

                Your son is a minor, he is at home with you. The police would have to have a damn good reason to hold him.
                Remanding someone is not done lightly, especially a minor who has no warnings, cautions, convictions.
                Has Gerry got back to you yet?
                I feel you are getting near to panicking, I empathise with that horrid, overwhelming feeling.
                Try to take a step back for a moment and allow yourself to catch your breath and slow your mind a little so you can think clearly.
                All I would say in regard to your son's bail return date is:
                Under no circumstances whatsoever is he to go into the bail clinic on his own.


                • #38
                  not guilty

                  hi all today the best news possible not guilty and all charges dropped because dna on baby not my grandsons proving what a lying little cow she is.her father been phoning to say how sorry he is but we not interested.police have told us to press charges on her.we thinking about this .but thank you all on site who have helped xxxxxxxxxxx


                  • #39


                    I am delighted for your grandson and you that this nasty vindictive liar has been stopped in her tracks.

                    The fact that the police have said press charges against her is an indication that they have enough to charge her for perverting the course of justice by making a false statement that caused an innocent person to be wrongfully arrested and wrongfully detained.

                    The stark fact of the matter is that until innocent victim's falsely accused report this as a crime to the police, especially if they say press charges, females and young people will keep making false allegations as they know they will get away with it and there are no consequences for their dispicable behaviour.

                    Given her track record there is a case to argue that she has a propensity to lie and what guarentee has any male that she will not do this again?

                    To make a false allegation of a sexual nature is as evil a crime as the crime of rape itself.
                    Would any of us not press charges against a rapist and in doing so take the chance that the rapist would not find another victim's life to destroy?

                    The message must be put out into the public forum that false allegations are as unacceptable to us as a decent society as the act of rape itself.

                    Your grandson is the true victim of a crime, it is with him that victimhood truly lies.
                    He deserves restorative justice and closure.
                    Go to the officer who advised you to press charges and get him to get the process in motion to have your grandson's DNA, fingerprints and all other details expunged from the record as this info will come up on CRB checks and he could find himself unemployed for the rest of his life and his standard of living will be severely restricted all because of the lies of a nasty promoscious girl who won't put an aspirin between her knees and behave like a feminine young woman rather than what amounts to a prostitute who couldn't keep her legs together if they were superglued closed!

                    I make no apology for expressing myself in these terms.
                    I am sick to the back teeth with the false allegation industry. In this time of recession and contraction that is the only industry thriving and a very lucrative one too.
                    And guess whose taxes are paying these liars their fraudulently gotton financial gains?

                    Yes, I am furious that so many lives are being sacrificed on the altar of false allegations in our name and for a government statistic.
                    Lives are worth more than that.

                    Heartfelt thoughts to you and yours and especially to your grandson.
                    Verity xxx


                    • #40
                      Fantastic news Suzzq!
                      I know your heads are probably full of allsorts at the moment. However I urge you to seriously consider pressing charges against her. If you are given the opportunity and never take it you might look back and wish you had. The initial relief will eventually give way to anger. It would be good if you can deal with that now and press charges if given the opportunity. It will give you closure.

                      Sorry if I sound to pushy - it's not intended. I just know that if you don't press charges when given the opportunity, you might regret it forever.

                      So happy to hear that your Grandson has been cleared.


                      • #41
                        I'm with Verity and Saffron, please do consider going and giving her a taste of what she's put you all through - but in her case she is guilty.
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • #42
                          So nice to read a thread & get to the bit where all is well! Great news. I was reading a thread started by someone called Landlady earlier & real worried for them, her son is 16. And she hasn't been back since the end of february to say how he got on.
                          I hate the thought of youngsters going through this.
                          I hope you do get her charged, seriously, it may be ok for your son/grandson now, but what about other people that have to go through this?
                          If my brother eventually gets found not guilty, I am tempted to find a way to pay for him to be able to get her charged too.
                          My son is 16 & hasn't even had a girlfriend yet, but has a lifetime of relationships ahead of him, would hate him to go through that, all these false accusations towards people have to stop. And only people like you can help to do that.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by suzzq View Post
                            hi all today the best news possible not guilty and all charges dropped because dna on baby not my grandsons proving what a lying little cow she is.her father been phoning to say how sorry he is but we not interested.police have told us to press charges on her.we thinking about this .but thank you all on site who have helped xxxxxxxxxxx

                            Great result.

                            It is the police who press charges not you - I would ask them to do so because the more of these cases that hit the press the more potential liars might think twice about making false allegations.

                            Obviously if they do press charges then you would have to give evidence - well the falsely accused person will. All those directly mentally/emotionally injured by it can all write Victim Impact Statements.......
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #44
                              Pace is the Police And Criminal Evidence act. You can download a copy from the .Gov website. i suggest that you print a copy off and read through the sections that were mentioned. I understand how you feel, my youngest has downs and is autistic, when his brother was accused he spent days looking round the house for him.
                              You must get the Sol to get a copy of the custody record and find out if your son had an appropriate adult with him. He is a vunerable person and under 18. You may find that if he did not have a appropiate adult with him then it could be classed as an abuse of process.
                              Do not trust plod or the cps, they are only interested in gaining a conviction. You may find that you have to push for the Dna results as in my sons case we had to get the judge to order their release by cps as they kept stalling. Dna should take approx 12 weeks but may be longer as there is sometimes a backlog and plod may not put forward until a decision to charge has been made (it saves money)
                              Good luck


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                                Great result.

                                It is the police who press charges not you - I would ask them to do so because the more of these cases that hit the press the more potential liars might think twice about making false allegations.

                                Obviously if they do press charges then you would have to give evidence - well the falsely accused person will. All those directly mentally/emotionally injured by it can all write Victim Impact Statements.......
                                That's good to know. If it all turns out ok for us, I hope my mum could have her say as this has made her ill. And she is a beautiful person & mother that doesn't deserve it all at the age of 63. Part of me worries more about her than my brother to be honest!

