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Falsely accused! =[

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  • Falsely accused! =[

    Bare with me this ones a long'un...

    I'll start from the top.. I met this girl around christmas she was a friend of my younger sister (shes 19, I'm 21). We got to chatting found we had a few things in common music amongst them, I asked her if she wanted to meet up, she was fine and we went to cinema.

    The following week she was a bit funny with me, after probing the problem it transpires she was 'pregnant' (I now know shes a compulisve lier) by her exboyfriend, and she was so screwed up from the relationship she didn't want another boyfriend, I'm not going to lie I lost intrest and didn't really make the effort to talk to her (not really covering myself in glory I'm aware).

    Around 2nd week of January she text me out of the blue asking me if I'd be able to take her to the clinic for an abortion, I explained that I was at work and my department were short and I couldnt afford 2 hours to help her (That was the tuesday). We carried on talking through the week and arranged to meet up on the Friday, We went basingstoke shopping followed by bowling before I dropped her off home. During the course of the evneing she expressed her desire to engage in a casuel relationship with me, I was skeptical because its not something I was looking for, however I thought to go along with it hoping it'd lead somewhere.

    We spent the following weeks talking about the idea (she sent me raunchy photos, texts etc etc) and it all built up to last weekend, I was staying over my friends flat (his flat-mate had moved out and was lonely). She asked if on the Friday she could stay because she was going out clubbing and Didn't want to go home drunk. My friend was cool with it, but explained to her that theres only one spare bedroom.

    I picked her up from work at 7 and dropped her off to her mates I cheekly said ''What do I get for keep running you around?'' to which she said ''She said I'd find out tonight.'' We picked her up at 12 from town she was a little bit over the limit but not so drunk she was 'merry' in her own words. She stayed up till half 12-1ish before going to bed, I joint her later on she was wearing a spare T'shirt of mine and pj bottoms. I had shorts and a Tshirt on, she cuddled upto me and we spoke for a bit. She said to me she was 'pissed off that I was used to having girls hurt me'. I responded by kissing her (out of passion), I pulled away and aplogized but she pulled me back ontop of her and we were kissing and fumbling around. I said to her.. do you want me to carry on (reffering to sex) she said get a condom whilst she got herself undressed. We then had sex, afterward she told me 'how amazing' it was before falling asleep in my arms.

    The following morning, I took her to work she asked if she could come over sat night and hang out with me and my mate, he said it'd be fine beer+pizza=good times. She stayed over again Saturday however fell asleep at around 12 I took her to bed before returning to the living room with my mate (we were up till 4-5ish) before I went to bed..she woke up at 7 and started an arguement with me regarding not coming to bed earlier and that I hardly spoke to her the previous night.. Later on that morning I took her home..she hardly said two words to me other then to say again She didnt want a relationship with me and she jsut wanted to be friends.

    I went home cleaned my car began my week, little bit upset about things but putting it behind me.. Last night she text me asking me what my problem was, I replied saying I didnt have one and that I'd been busy, she then replies with the same spiel about just being friends and not wanting anything more. I replied saying if you just wanted to be friends why send naughty pics and sleep with me bla bla.

    She then said.. I didn't want to sleep with you, you kept pushing and pushing and you forced yourself upon me I only gave in because it was what you wanted. I said.. i dont like what your tryna imply thas not what happened. She said whats that..that you raped me? Well look at from my point of view you forced yourself onto me..But dont worry Im not going to say anything to anyone or the police. I never replied.

    Sorry for how long that was..I know its not the same as having the police break the bad news to you, but its scared me sh'less to be honest. I found out from my sister friend last night that this girl has in the past accused 3 diff guys of the same thing!

    Ive not slept at all last night and hardly eaten..Im not an angel but I have alot of female friends and this sort of behaviour is nto something Id ever consider..

  • #2
    I take it that you have saved ALL of the text messages?

    If you can, save them onto your computer and/or change your SIM card (if they are saved onto there - if not save them there) and keep the SIM card safe - you can still keep your phone number.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
      I take it that you have saved ALL of the text messages?

      If you can, save them onto your computer and/or change your SIM card (if they are saved onto there - if not save them there) and keep the SIM card safe - you can still keep your phone number.
      Thanks for the reply and aplogises for the late return, I've got an iphone so have made screenshots of the texts from the past 2 weeks, Ive backed those up onto a memory stick which a friend is holding for me (read another thread bout backing stuff up and keeping it away from your house).. Also on that disc are the convo' logs from MSN and copies of the facebook msg's, and I'm not sure if it'd be relevant but also copies of pictures she sent me (some graphic ones).

      Little bit of an update She did text me Friday evening I never replied (was a little drunk) basiclly it was 3 texts asking me if I'm alright n the 4th was ''**** you if your guna ignore me I can ruin your life''.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Decyfa View Post
        Little bit of an update She did text me Friday evening I never replied (was a little drunk) basiclly it was 3 texts asking me if I'm alright n the 4th was ''**** you if your guna ignore me I can ruin your life''.

        Save all of these. If the police DO come knocking you must show them COPIES of them. Unfortunately, although most police officers will do their jobs diligently a few do not, which often results in conviction after false allegations. Therefore we have to assume that any police officer on these cases is corrupt - and evidence might go "missing".
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
          Save all of these. If the police DO come knocking you must show them COPIES of them. Unfortunately, although most police officers will do their jobs diligently a few do not, which often results in conviction after false allegations. Therefore we have to assume that any police officer on these cases is corrupt - and evidence might go "missing".
          Thanks for the advice its all backed up safely.. I've had dealings with the police in the past I'm all to aware that there are more then a few coppers like the ones you describe!

