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  • #46
    Originally posted by psychotic View Post
    i think its not fair for the police to go after individuals but should go after the websites or the people sharing on those download programs...
    The way I read that was that the OP was saying that the police should not prosecute those who go onto CP websites but should prosecute those who run the websites.

    The point I was making is that the police should go after individuals who deliberately access CP sites. I appreciate that CP does get caught up with adult porn - that is not what I was talking about.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #47
      The problem is that the police and cps don't differentiate between deliberately accessed, and non-deliberately.
      They just go by the mere presence of. So someone who has inadvertently acquired some images is fair game for plod. I think this is what the OP was saying should not be targeted for prosecution, it should be the websites.


      • #48
        Still not my point though!

        Psychotic said:
        i think its not fair for the police to go after individuals but should go after the websites or the people sharing on those download programs

        My point is that the people who deliberately access CP sites should be subject to prosecution in the same way that those CP site owners are.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #49
          .... and not just a slap on the wrist (weeny caution) if they are rock guitarists too.


          • #50
            More problems

            Well, there has been nothing from the coppers for months, then out of the blue last night a wpc calls to the house to inform my friend that charges against him have been dropped due to lack of evidence against him. She said that the CPS were not taking it to court.

            Then a phone call, from the sister of the wife of the accused, she says that because they are dropping the charges she is planning on visiting the Police Station to sign the statement that she made alleging that my friend also either molested her or made suggestions to her some 25 years previously shortly after my friend and his wife married. She had not signed the statement before when it was first made almost 6 months ago.

            Now we are back in the worrying state again... Can she go back and sign something that she declared months previously? Or will Plod realise that this is another attempt to hang my friend for something he hasn't done? Although he has not yet been informed that the bail conditions are dropped and is still staying at the bail address just to be safe and certain. Does this mean that Plod will come back and arrest him again if the sister does go ahead and sign as she has threatened? Or will they see through her lies too? Seems that the daughter who had made the original claim went totally off the rails last night when she was told NFA would be taken and the claim was being dropped...went out and got herself ****faced then declared to a friend that she was "going to kill herself" and ended up being taken home by Plod.

            I've known the wife's sister for some 20 odd years too, she is as jealous as sin of her sister's life...happy kids...faithful non abusive hubby... the works. She herself has been married 5 times, picks total losers that generally treat her badly and her jealousy of her sisters' life has been obvious to all who meet/know her.

            My friend and his wife are that fragile now they jump at the slightest noise, I am hoping that we can give them hope still, despite all that has gone on. Can anyone with the knowledge please let me know if this sister can do what she is threatening and if she does what will this mean?
            Many thanks in anticipation.


            • #51
              In thread: False accusation advice wanted, post 50 I wrote this:

              "False accusers have been known to make new allegations after being informed that the case is not progressing further, which due to Home Office policy and directives to police forces the police have to investigate no matter how implausable, outrageous, tenuous or clearly false and depending on the moral rectitude of the OIC. (It is a bit of a lottery)."

              Which corroborates this stunt being pulled by the sister of the original false accuser:
              "Then a phone call, from the sister of the wife of the accused, she says that because they are dropping the charges she is planning on visiting the Police Station to sign the statement that she made alleging that my friend also either molested her or made suggestions to her some 25 years previously shortly after my friend and his wife married. She had not signed the statement before when it was first made almost 6 months ago."

              The motive for her actions are pure vindictive revenge with malice.

              Get your friend to inform his solicitor of the phone call made to him and get him to keep a recorder by the phone to record any further calls made to him by this woman.

              This may be enough to get the pair of them arrested for wasting police time and attempting by actions to cause the course of justice to be perverted.
              I hope the OIC takes a dim view of the fact that this woman did not sign her 'statement' contemporaniously but chose to do so once the original complaint made by her sister had been dropped.
              Plain nasty and below contempt.


              • #52
                Although the wifes sister is supposedly making a statement the CID that is dealing is off until Friday, no word from Plod either yesterday or today so if she did make a statement nobody is doing much.
                I guess it's just a case of wait and see what happens. I am hoping they will realise that the only reason this woman wants to make a statement is pure hatred and jealousy, you never know...time will tell.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Standing-Solo View Post
                  Well, there has been nothing from the coppers for months, then out of the blue last night a wpc calls to the house to inform my friend that charges against him have been dropped due to lack of evidence against him. She said that the CPS were not taking it to court.

                  Then a phone call, from the sister of the wife of the accused, she says that because they are dropping the charges she is planning on visiting the Police Station to sign the statement that she made alleging that my friend also either molested her or made suggestions to her some 25 years previously shortly after my friend and his wife married. She had not signed the statement before when it was first made almost 6 months ago.

                  Now we are back in the worrying state again... Can she go back and sign something that she declared months previously? Or will Plod realise that this is another attempt to hang my friend for something he hasn't done? Although he has not yet been informed that the bail conditions are dropped and is still staying at the bail address just to be safe and certain. Does this mean that Plod will come back and arrest him again if the sister does go ahead and sign as she has threatened? Or will they see through her lies too? Seems that the daughter who had made the original claim went totally off the rails last night when she was told NFA would be taken and the claim was being dropped...went out and got herself ****faced then declared to a friend that she was "going to kill herself" and ended up being taken home by Plod.

                  I've known the wife's sister for some 20 odd years too, she is as jealous as sin of her sister's life...happy kids...faithful non abusive hubby... the works. She herself has been married 5 times, picks total losers that generally treat her badly and her jealousy of her sisters' life has been obvious to all who meet/know her.

                  My friend and his wife are that fragile now they jump at the slightest noise, I am hoping that we can give them hope still, despite all that has gone on. Can anyone with the knowledge please let me know if this sister can do what she is threatening and if she does what will this mean?
                  Many thanks in anticipation.

                  Good to hear your freind has been NFA'd and i hope he gets no further problems from this other individual.

                  I am in a simular situation to your freind but after reading back posts on here understood that any case involving a minor ie age 13 - 21 would automatically go to trial ? My oic has not said this but said i could be looking at one of four different outcomes one of which is NFA?
                  Thank you for any replys


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by worriedandconcerned View Post

                    I am in a simular situation to your freind but after reading back posts on here understood that any case involving a minor ie age 13 - 21 would automatically go to trial
                    I can confirm this is not the case, usually the criteria for the CPS taking a case to court is if they are more likely than not to get a guilty verdict.

                    It's probably fair to say that the younger the alleged victim is, the more likely that the jury are going to be swayed by emotions rather than the facts, so there is probably a greater proportion of cases involving a minor that actually get to trial.
                    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                    • #55
                      Agreed, CH. Thanks for the great advice!

