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good for you!!!! our on had a fit, only the second he's ever had, bloody frightening. Was old that stress can lower your seizure threshold, would love to get hold of his FA and throttle the life out of her for what she has done to him
oh don't we know it, depression, panic attacks, threatening suicide too frightened to leave the house. We have the whole gammet. Reading other threads this all seems quite "normal" for the FA, this women need the full force of the law to deal with them. Hope your friend is holding up ok
Nothing new to report, still no sign of Plod taking it to court or anything else, just rebailed and left to live in limbo. The daughter is still out partying night and day, still claiming victim status. seems to be milking it for all the sympathy she can get, meanwhile my friend and his wife are hanging in there but cracks showing with all this stress etc.
How is your son now Witsend? Hope he is feeling a bit less panicky now and more able to cope with it all. It is so unfair all the help that accusers get, yet nothing for those accused regardless of whether or not they might be innocent - really gets my goat it does! Why is the justice system so biased.
Still bailed, still not charged, still waiting. Meanwhile madam struts about telling all her friends how terrible her life is - total disregard to what her lies have done to her family and seemingly without any of this affecting her. She is out on the pop most nights and generally seems to have no ill effect of any of this.
Her folks are not doing so well, mum and dad are barely hanging in there, both have ended up on diazepam due to the stress and the grandfather has had 3 small strokes since all this began....
So far none of the family members who's details were passed to the Plod have even had so much as a phone call to verify or make a statement either. It seems that nobody is in a rush to do anything, that's def not helping.
So far none of the family members who's details were passed to the Plod have even had so much as a phone call to verify or make a statement either. It seems that nobody is in a rush to do anything, that's def not helping.
The police generally will not interview anybody who could assist with the defence case because their job is to gather evidence to ensure a conviction in order to meet Government rape conviction targets.
If you are charged is when you pass on all those contact details to your solicitor.
I guessed as much. We have lists of names of people prepared to give him a good character reference and a list of everyone who has stayed overnight at the house too. He is due to be rebailed this week on Thursday again.
Thanks felix, I think they will rebail this time too as there are still people the Plod want to speak to. I wish I could take as much time with my work as they seem to get...weeks sat doing nothing then the odd phone call here and there.
i think its not fair for the police to go after individuals but should go after the websites or the people sharing on those download programs... luckily i don't own any of that on my laptop... i barely download anything... they seized my computer made a big inconvenience for my daily work... and luckily my case does not involve a minor at all
If individuals did not go onto those websites and pay to view that disgusting muck then the sites would not exist - so in my view the police should go after both the site owners and those who view illegal material regardless of whether they share it or not..
Whether the images depict minors or adults - if there is no consent then offences are still being committed, regardless.
If individuals did not go onto those websites and pay to view that disgusting muck then the sites would not exist
You'll find it mixed in with freely available (and google-able) adult pornography. You don't actually have to go looking, or pay for it.
As said before, if men look at adult pornography sites, then there WILL be cp on their computers.