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  • #16
    Standing Solo thankyou for your kind words. Please, if possible, let this family know they are in my thoughts.


    • #17
      I most certainly will, many thanks for your continued support. This friday he has to appear at the Plod shop regarding his bail. Although it's more likely they will just re-bail him I dreamt he was told everything would be NFA from then on...can but hope I guess


      • #18
        Dear Standingsolo, please let us know how he gets on.


        • #19
          Of course I will Witsend

          Had an odd telephone conversation with my friend last night... he told me that the Plod had rung him regarding his bail date (he was supposed to return to the station on friday 18th/tomorrow) with regard to his bail.

          They told him not to attend the station, and that they had 'faxed it all over to his solicitor' and that they would then get in touch with my friend. Does this mean they are dropping the case against my friend, or is it just that they are so idle that they can't even be bothered to see him in person and that this is a common occurance?

          I'll know more later this evening as we are popping over to see him and his wife for a coffee and chat.


          • #20
            It could mean that:

            a) He is being re-bailed, or:
            b) He is being NFA'd. It is unlikely that they would proceed to charge without him being present. In fact I am pretty sure that you have to be physically present if they are going to charge you. (Could be wrong, other members feel free to correct me!)

            If it is A, it's not the end of the world. Better to be rebailed than charged. Please do let us know what happens.


            • #21
              Sanding solo
              I can't advise you on this matter, sorry. Please let us know what happens. You should be very proud of yourself for supporting your friend through this ordeal


              • #22
                How strange, After having been told via phone that the CID involved with this case is off duty on Friday, and advised that their solicitor would be faxed with all details they waited...and waited...and are still waiting.

                My friend rang his solicitor, she informed him that she had not had anything from the coppers, that she would chase things up and get back to him.
                As of late last night, still no return call from the solicitors, nor from Plod themselves. No word from either again today...and as far as his paperwork is concerned he is no longer under the bail conditions that were laid out to him as the date has now gone.?? We are presuming that this is not the case, and that he should still act as if he were under those bail conditions and remain living apart from the family etc and not to change how things have been this last 6 weeks. I think his best bet is to carry on as it was, that way nobody can dump any more cr*p on them due to him having broken any rules....

                They have been notified that the daughter wants all the stuff left at the house belonging to her, and a list has been provided of things they are supposed to drop off at the Grandmother's so that she can collect from there. They are in the process of complying with this request.

                One small note... she certainly has no compunction in treating her family like sh*t.... she turned up at Grandma's early last week....freely took the money Grandma offered to pay a years car tax for the her then promptly told Grandma after she'd forked out the money... that she didn't want anything to do with the entire family - including Grandma! In other words, the cheeky cow wants them to fork out cash to help her, but doesn't want anything to do with them because she feels ' let down' by her family. She's claiming that they have 'abandoned' her and that nobody is supporting her and all are taking Dad's side. Oddly enough, very few of her 'best mates' are supporting her either... most seem horrified and refuse to admit this of her dad.

                Pretty amazing really considering that A) Neither Mum nor Grandma etc were given the chance to offer support... she didn't bother to let them know what was supposedly going on and B ) That Plod have advised the close family not to have any contact with her.

                My friend and his wife are hanging in there and we are supporting them as best we can.


                • #23
                  she truly sounds like a nasty piece of work. let us know if you hear anything


                  • #24
                    Oh she is indeed, what I wouldn't give to spend an hour alone with her.. I'll be back with more updates as soon as I know anything more.


                    • #25
                      I think most of us would like that elusive "hour alone" with our false accusers!!!!!! unfortunately it will not happen


                      • #26
                        Well our local Plod have not let their reputation down....

                        Instead of either popping around or calling my friend on the phone he gets told that the CID dealing is having a day off, and that his solicitor will be faxed with the new details of the bail conditions etc... and of course nobody bothered to ring back. All weekend they have waited and still no call, so eventually first thing yesterday morning they rang to see if they could find out what the hell was going on...

                        Of course, despite all promises, Plod had not bothered to let my friend's solicitor know what is going on, and they finally told him over the phone that he is to remain as is, and that his bail is now ending 21st April. This has been a bit of a shock for my friend's wife - no amount of me explaining to her just how long these things can drag on I think she was still kidding herself that it would all end. But of course we know different and she has taken it better now she's had a bit more time.

                        But we are now right back to where he was first arrested, with the whole sorry business still hanging over his head


                        • #27
                          Standing solo, sorry to say that being re-bailed is quite common, it's a nightmare. Sorry I haven't been about the past few days as I had to get my son into hospital on Sunday


                          • #28
                            Hi Witsend

                            Sorry to hijack this thread - I hope your son is OK. What happened? Is he alright now?



                            • #29
                              Re-bailed until 21st April, meanwhile she posts daily about how much fun she is having and what a ball life is... how damned unfair! I pray if this ever comes to court that they throw the book at her.

                              Witsend, I'm really sorry to hear your son is in hospital ~ do hope he is going to be ok. You are in my thoughts.


                              • #30
                                I hope you're doing screen shots of the messages?
                                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

