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Recently acquitted

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  • Recently acquitted

    ive recently been aquitted of rape and was the worst time of my life,i would like any info on regardin how you go about the complaint procedure has the police arnt being very helpful,thanks

  • #2
    Good to hear that you have survived what must have been a terrible ordeal for you,that in itself must be a great relief.

    As to making a complaint, who is it that you wish to make a complaint about, a little more information would be helpful obviously n ot going into too much detail.


    • #3

      the police they made some huge misteakes in my case,also i spent 12 months on realy tough bail restriction and then was sent on remand for 4 and a half months in prison,It was also in the papers all my details and now im finding it hard to find work has its also sill on my enhanced crb check,i think it very wrong regarding the papers has your supposed to be innocent untill proven guilty.


      • #4

        Hi ron100.
        My hubby was put on trial for a 'crime' the police, the CPS and the crown (as well as the judge) knew to be an utter fabrication and suppressed evidence that proved that fact.
        After a 10 day trial he was acquitted.

        We are in the complaints process at the moment and having to deal with the force Professional Standards (don't make me laugh!) Department, the Chief Constable and the IPCC.

        What I will do is gather all the websites that will be of use to you along with solicitors that deal with actions against the police.
        I will tell you from the start, you are in for one hell of a fight but if you do not fight for restorative justice the authorities will continue with this injustice as they know they will get away with it.
        Folks like us have a duty to expose this abomination for the sake of those who will come after us and most surley will if we sit back and do nothing.
        I promise you I will do everything I can to support and assist you and others who are prepared to fight for justice.
        It seems the powers that be have no intention to put things right so it is up to us to force them, kicking and screaming if necessary, to put a stop to this witch hunt.
        I shall be back with a list of websites.


        • #5

          thanks for the reply mine is similair in my caseit was a nine day trial and the police actually phoned up the complainent on the 1st day of my trial and told her to change her statement due to me having evidence that the sex was consensual,this the policewoman admitted while cross examination from my legal team,there are many floors in my caes and i will be fighting it to the end no matter how long it takes me.thanks for the support and help.


          • #6

            Hi ron,

            If you go to the justice section, I have put a list of websites I hope will help you.

            In particular the IPCC site. There is a PDF that you can download. It is the complete manual of the IPCC statutory guidelines.
            Also gizmonaut, there is a part called calm - too calm. It is a blog by David Mery and details his fight to get his DNA etc destroyed.
            There are interesting and useful links there.
            Hope it helps.
            Verity x


            • #7

              hi thanks for the info verity


              • #8
                would you be interested in doing an interview for an article I am writing

                My friend has recently had a rape allegation dropped and has agreed to do an interview with me. My tutor has suggested I try and contact someone who has been through the courts as it would be safer legally. Is this something that you would be interested in doing. Your identity can be totally anonymous if you wish and the interview can be conducted via email. Thanks, Beglox


                • #9

                  yes i would be happy to do an interview with you


                  • #10

                    My hubby and me would be very happy to be interviewed.

                    We did an interview with Anna King of Radio Glostershire last year.

                    I'm trying to work out how to get it on youtube.


                    • #11
                      Get it to me on a disc VJ and I'll post it for you


                      • #12

                        I'll bring it with me to the next KAI meeting.


                        • #13
                          cheers for helping. whats the best way to get in touch with each other. telephone or email?


                          • #14

                            The process is simple either write to the ipcc or go to the plod shop and ask to speak to the duty sgt. He will then take down your complaints whilst trying to put you off complaining. The force professional standards unit will contact you within 28 days and then begin an investigation. If you so wish you can then add further complaints, they will not do anything until after the court case. i am in the process of battering my local force.
                            I would also complain about the cps, i did and kept digging, they have now admitted that plod did not give them all the information at the time of charge( another complaint), that they were aware that the accuser had made a previous allegation which they did not pass onto the solicitor for 4 months (another complaint).
                            I would also copy in your MP, it makes plod and the cps take it a bit more seriously.... Good luck !
                            get a copy of pace as well you can use that to find what they did wrong.

