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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • Falsely accused of rape

    Hi Old Joe, I recently read your post about being wrongly accused of rape.
    My brother was arrested on Monday following a false accusation of rape from a woman he had been seeing for about 4 months

    Its such a shame that people can try and ruin lives like this, he even has a broken leg and has to use crutches to walk. He couldnt possiibly hurt anyone, and wouldnt want to.

    I read your story and feel i know exactly what are/were going through, everything you mention my brother has the same thoughts. I noticed your bail date was 6th April, I hope it went okay for you. Please can you give us some advice as to how you got through this and what was the outcome, did this get NFA'd? I hope you can help.


    • Hi Lianne,

      Welcome to the forum.

      You are doing the right thing by reading the posts.

      Would you like to start a thread just for you and your brother?
      That way your thread is highlighted in it's own right rather than be just posts on Oldjoe's thread.

      It's fab news for Oldjoe he really went through the emotional wringer, a situation your brother is now experiencing.

      Hang tight, read and learn from the posts, take notes of the info we have posted to help your brother with the procedure and process he will be put through.
      Knowledge is power.
      Take control of the case and both of you must be pro-active.

      Others will be along to support. Any Q's just ask and we will help all we can.



      • Lianne

        Yes my case was NFA'd , if you need any advice or any support you really have come to the right place.
        The last three months has been ABSOLUTE HELL for me, however you just need to tell your brother to carry on and not give up hope, I was very very close to totally giving up, and its a good job I didn't because I was NFA'd in the end! (thank God)

        This forum is fantastic and has helped me out more than I can describe. If you need any help or any advice feel free to drop me a PM.


        • Thank you

          Thank you Verity for your advice.

          Oldjoe I'm so happy for you, i'm glad you got the best news.
          I'm so worried for my brother, he isnt the same person. he was arrested on monday and hasn't spoken much since. His mind must be working overtime.

          He has told my mam now, thank god!! I think that has helped a bit.
          If the police have any sense they will notice he has a broken leg and cant walk very well, all she would have to do is knee him in the leg!!!

          Did you hear anything from the police over the 3 months, did you get in touch with your duty solicitor. I feel so helpless I dont know what to do to help him.



          • Lianne,

            Google FASO. They have a helpline. Ring them.

            They will be able to advise and reassure you and your brother.

            It sounds like your brother is in shock and is displaying post traumatic stress disorder.

            Get him to his GP ASAP he needs psychological and medical support as probably do you.

            He is responding as so many males do. Us girls come out fighting, that's the maternal protecting our cubs instinct kicking in.

            Men, like male lions when seriously injured, find a bush under which to lick their wounds or to quietly fade away.
            This is why he needs help.

            Be strong.

            It is good he has told mum.


            • Lianne

              Stupidly I didn't have a duty solicitor, but I did contact FASO and they we're brilliant! First thing you got to do is get a Solicitor on board, They will ask the police every so often how the investigation is getting along, and then they'll update you.
              Get your brother to the GP they can really help and have a lot to offer regarding support for this situation you have found yourself in.


              • please help me too det Sgt

                Sorry to bother you but you seem to be really knoweldgable and helpful please could you look through my threads and tell me what you think.

