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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • Good luck tomorrow Oldjoe. Hope you get the right result - NFA

    Best wishes


    • I hope all is well oldjoe.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • Best of luck Oldjoe, let us know how things go


        • Good luck Oldjoe, please let us know what happens.


          • I heard those sweet sweet words.

            No further action!


            • That's great news, you must be so relieved!
              Be prepared that things might not go "back to normal" immediately. It's common for the initial relief to be replaced by anger. Keep coming back here if you need support.


              • Great news Old Joe - really pleased for you. My bail date is next week - hoping for the same outcome.

                Wishing you all the best for the future


                • YES!!! So pleased for you!



                  • That is brilliant news Oldjoe - I'm so pleased for you
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • Thank God for that Oldjoe!

                      Do yourself the biggest favour of your life; Do not have one night stands under any circumstanses whatsoever.

                      Do not have sex with a woman until you have been going out with her for at least three months, have met her family and are sure you are in a long term relationship.
                      Meet her family first.
                      Do not have sex with a woman if you are drunk and most certainly DO NOT have sex with a woman if SHE is drunk.
                      If a woman comes on to you at any time, RUN and don't stop till you can't see her.

                      Keep your mobile phone fully charged when going out for a night out and make sure you have clear consent from a woman before you even think of getting into bed with her.

                      Get her to sign a sodding consent to sex form!!! (You think I'm kidding!)

                      Tell this to all your mates.
                      The biggest favour you can do to them is to tell them what is happening and that every man in this country is at risk of being falsely accused of rape, sex assault and child abuse, contemoraniously or historical.
                      No man in this country is immune to this canker and it has become endemic in this country.

                      The police and judicial system are doing sweet F A about it (They love it - easy convictions - hitting of govt targets and the state pays the liars making false allegations) so it is up to every man in this country to do something about it themselves.
                      PROTECT YOURSELVES.

                      If in doubt don't get it out!!!!!

                      Stay with us as you will need support in the coming months and I would advise you to go to your GP and ask to be referred to IAPS counselling services which deal with PTSD which you most certainly have (Print out your posts, it's in black and white)

                      For the sake of your mental health please do this and I say that for every man who has been the innocent VICTIM falsely accused.
                      It is time the mental health services were overwhelmed with victims falsely accused and their families.
                      Someone somewhere may just get it and do something.

                      I apologise on behalf of those of my gender who make false allegations of whom I am ashamed of and feel nothing but utter contempt for as I do to children and young people of both genders who make false allegations of historical sex abuse.
                      As the adult survivor of sixteen years of physical, psychological and emotional abuse and torture in which my mother on three occasions nearly killed me, I am incandescent with rage that false accusers use my horrific ordeal as a tool of vengance and monetary gain.
                      The police are idiots or criminal for allowing this to happen and continue.

                      I hope you do ask for support to deal with the fall out of the false allegation against you.

                      Wishing you all the best,


                      • Very Happy for you Oldjoe...
                        I've read your story and was following it week by i am involved in a similar horrific scenario... the support this amazing group has given you directly and provided me indirectly has definitely made us stronger...your good news today given me HOPE.... My bail date is next Tuesday - please everyone...pray for same outcome for me...


                        • Oldjoe, so glad that you got the right outcome. Good luck in getting your life back on track. Hope you are celebrating tonight.


                          • Great news Oldjoe !


                            • Thank you everyone for your AMAZING support and help over the last three months, I've woken up today with a very very sore head.... haha

                              I still can't belive it!

                              Anyone going through this just remember there is light at the end of the tunnel!


                              • well done , im so happy for you

