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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • I hope u were the ds who arrested me lol. But no u can't be u sound ad if u know what u talking about the one who nicked me was just a bully with a chip on his shoulder. Beds police did not know what they were doing hence they did not prosecute my false accuser and they buried it under carpet as their gross mis handling would of come out. As a matter of interest r u still in police and how long did they have u in cell for.


    • I would like to know if you can have your accusers mobile phone examined with this
      HEX DUMP and does she have a right to refuse , if it is important to a case? Would this not be obstructing justice?

      I am still reading through everyones threads and my thoughts are with you all in these awfull situations.


      • 8 Days to Go!

        Hey guys I have 8 days to go! not long! please please please pray for them sweet letters N.F.A !!

        With thanks



        • Originally posted by quinnb View Post
          I hope u were the ds who arrested me lol. But no u can't be u sound ad if u know what u talking about the one who nicked me was just a bully with a chip on his shoulder. Beds police did not know what they were doing hence they did not prosecute my false accuser and they buried it under carpet as their gross mis handling would of come out. As a matter of interest r u still in police and how long did they have u in cell for.
          Yes, I am still in the Police. I was in the cells for approximately 20 hours - not nice.


          • Originally posted by goldfish View Post
            I would like to know if you can have your accusers mobile phone examined with this
            HEX DUMP and does she have a right to refuse , if it is important to a case? Would this not be obstructing justice?

            I am still reading through everyones threads and my thoughts are with you all in these awfull situations.

            Under the rules of CPIA (Criminal Procedures Investigation Act), if you raise it as a genuine and credible defence statement early on in the investigation, then the investigator is really duty bound to apply for a HEX DUMP on any phone. If the OIC does not request a Hex Dump then the investigation is deeply flawed.

            I made sure that I requested a Hex Dump as soon as I was arrested, as I knew that the analysis would recover the deleted text messages on my phone. I do not know if they did the same on my accusers phone.

            Ideally the OIC should seize your accusers phone as well (Section 19 PACE), but all too often this is not done due to Police laziness. If the accuser denies the Police or the defence solicitor access to her phone then CPS would view this as very suspicous. This would deeply flaw any case file, and undermine the case.

            Ultimately the accuser can refuse to have their mobile examined, but any good Police Officer would seize it any way, and the accuser cannot object.

            The accuser would be commiting an offence if the Police wished to seize her phone and she did any of the following: concealed, lost, altered, damaged or destroyed the phone.


            • Now my case has gone to the CPS am I more likely to be NFA'd or the case go to court than I am to be rebailed?


              • for others along with me who are a bit puzzled - what's a HEX DUMP?
                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                • Anything you don't understand type into Google!

                  I found this:

                  What Is A Hex Dump

                  by elise on May 1, 2007

                  Q: What is a hex dump useful for? What exactly do you do with it and how do you turn the code into English (so to speak)?

                  A: A Hex Dump is a display of the contents of a digital file in Hexadecimal code.

                  Traditionally programmers could use the Hex code to determine where a computer program was failing. The most commonly recognizable use of Hexadecimal code is in web design. Hex Triplets are used to determine the colors of a web site when prefaced with a “#” in HTML and CSS code. Hex has also been used by spammers to obscure a URL so the person who has clicked on it does not know that they are going to a site they may not want to visit.

                  Since computers communicate in Binary, if you were to attempt to convert Hex to English, it may need to be converted to Binary first. There are several Hex to Binary converters available on the internet, some of which are free. Since the Hex Dump is the contents of a digital file, once translated the contents of a Hex Dump may not translate directly to English words, but may translate into commands that would only be recognizable to the application created to read that file.

                  This article has a good explanation of the use of Hex Dumps and Hexadecimal in computing. also has an extensive definition of Hexadecimal and explanation of its uses.

                  I'm non the wiser but that is one way of finding out!
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • Originally posted by OldJoe View Post
                    Now my case has gone to the CPS am I more likely to be NFA'd or the case go to court than I am to be rebailed?

                    Nobody can answer that question as we don't know.

                    You could be NFA'd or the matter could go to trial. Either way unless there are dangers that you might abscond or intimidate witnesses then you should remain on bail.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • and that's why I asked, RF - I read it and didn't understand it!!
                      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                      • Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                        Nobody can answer that question as we don't know.

                        You could be NFA'd or the matter could go to trial. Either way unless there are dangers that you might abscond or intimidate witnesses then you should remain on bail.

                        what do you mean?

                        You think they're gunna keep me on Bail?


                        • 6 Days

                          Only 6 days to go guys until I find out my fate, please please all pray for an NFA!



                          • Hi Old Joe, I don't think RF was making any evaluation of what might happen whatsoever - as she said - no-one can say.

                            The whole situation is very cruel on you and the waiting is the worst part but literally
                            only the police and cps know what they are going to do. Hopefully it will be NFA and then you can start to get on with your life.

                            Kind regards to you OJ

                            False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


                            • Old Joe

                              I know this must be a very anxious time for you and I really hope that your case is NFA'd but if not try to stay strong, there is still hope that things will unfold in your favour later.
                              Best Wishes

                              Detective Sergeant

                              Thanks for that information. This is what has happened in my husband's case and I think has been one of the many reasons as to why it was thrown out. The delay in time and the refusal by the accuser to hand over her phone to be examined as my husband's was by his defence, has ultimatly caused vital information to be lost.
                              I believe if the police had done a thorough investigation from the start my husband's case would not have gone on for so long.

                              I would recommend anyone in a similar situation take your advice on getting mobiles examined thoroughly by an expert either through their defence or the police.
                              Last edited by goldfish; 31 March 2011, 09:02 AM.


                              • Tomorrow's the final day (hopefully)

                                Hello everyone, tomorrow is the day that I find out whats happening with my case, thank you all for your amazing support and help, I'll let you know how it goes!

