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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • Your sol will sometimes have a good idea of what is going to happen when you answer bail, so it's worth liaising with them before you go into the copshop.


    • Just thought I would keep you updated.
      Not heard anything yet at all
      feeling very down, struggling to cope.


      • Sorry that you are feeling down again. This time is like an emotional roller coaster.

        Keep focused on the positives. Reread some of the thread to remind you what the positives in your case are.

        How is work?

        You were going back on Monday weren't you.


        • OLDJOE, you are going to have bad days, it's really quite normal, the waiting is so hard to deal with but there's nothing you can do to speed things up. Just remember you are NOT ALONE. Keep coming back and we will do our best to help you through this. Are you sleeping a bit better now?


          • Still heard nothing whatsoever.
            This is ridiculous.
            I'm really struggling to continue like this.


            • OLDJOE, now come on!!! They will not be rushed, sorry to be blunt but that's just the way it is! Remember "no news is good news" It is a very big struggle to deal with the waiting as many of us can testify to. How ever hard you try it seems to pre-occupy your waking hours. Are you back at work? How are you sleeping now?


              • Oldjoe, you will have good days and bad days. We know how hard this waiting, wondering, worrying period can be.

                At these times try going through the positives in your case it may help to give yoh a better perspective again.


                • the waiting is the hardest part , try too keep busy


                  • Calm

                    Hi OldJoe,

                    I so empathise with your frantic feelings and catastrophic thoughts.
                    My hubby, who was falsely accused of a historic act of abuse went through exactly what you are experiencing now.
                    What you are feeling is your mind and body in survival mode which occurres when something totally alien to you occurs.
                    You are in the equivalent of a plane crash and your mind is reacting accordingly.
                    It may be of some help to know that the reactions you are experiencing are appropriate and classic for the situation you are in.
                    You will find yourself feeling and thinking things you have never felt or thought you would and find yourself at a loss as to how to deal with or manage them or even make sense of them.
                    When you are feeling thie panic and urge to dissassociate yourself, step back, stop what you are doing, sit down and do nothing apart from concentrating on your breathing.
                    That helps to stop your mind running round like a headless chicken.
                    Do not attempt to fight on through the episode as it can make the feelings more intense and unmanageable.
                    Do take time out for yourself.
                    Look after your personal needs.
                    Make a simple daily routine for yourself that is easy to keep to.
                    Do go regularly to your GP so he can assess your physical and mental status.
                    Keep family and friends close to you.
                    If any friends seem distant, drop them. You do not need any further emotional worry or stress to deal with.
                    Have faith in yourself and your innocence.
                    Gather evidence that substantiates your innocence and your false accusers lies.
                    Follow RF's advice and guidance.
                    If you are unsure of anything in regard to the police, procedure, solicitors, information etc come here first so you can be pointed in the right direction and we can, from our first hand experience help you to avoid the potholes on the road you are travelling and we have been along.
                    You wqill survive this. You will be battered and bruised, but you will survive.
                    You have a duty to survive, not just for yourself but for all those falsely accused who will surely walk the same road in the future.

                    There is a saying: "He who endures conquers". Make that your maxim to take you through.
                    Mark and I did and we got through a horrendous time. We are war weary and battered but we are here.


                    • Hey guys, sorry its been a while,
                      Just had a word with my Solicitor, She's recieved an Email from the Police officer in charge of the investigation and the case has now gone to the CPS, please all pray for an NFA by the 6th of April (my bail date)

                      Thank you all for your amazing support!


                      • Hi Oldjoe

                        Will keep everything crossed for you. Be prepared that it may take a few weeks for the CPS to make a decision - don't expect them to come back to you by Monday! Most likely they will wait until your next bail date to let you know what their decision is.

                        Stay strong.


                        • here's hoping Oldjoe.
                          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                          • Hello Oldjoe

                            Wishing you all the best. I have recently been falsely accused of rape and will no doubt be going through all these emotions.

                            Reading through your posts has given me lots of positives.

                            You take care

                            kind regards


                            • morning OLDJOE
                              try not to worry about it too much, you've coped amazingly. fingers crossed for a positive outcome.Keep us posted.


                              • Oldjoe

                                You have my every sympathy - I had nearly exactly the same situation from the same scenario as yourself.

                                I was arrested last year and investigated. To make things really worse I am a Detective Sergeant and have investigated numerous rape allegations. I was subsequently NFA'd by CPS.

                                To start with I think that your arrest was unlawful. In order to deprive someone of their liberty, there has to be a certain necessity (i.e forensics). In your case the allegation was over 5 months old, hence you should have been interviewed as a Voluntary attender, and not under arrest.

                                In order for the CPS to prosecute they have to consider, firstly the evidence, and then the following criteria:

                                1. IS IT IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST TO PROSECUTE - in nearly every rape case the answer is YES.

                                2. IS THERE A REALISTIC CHANCE OF A SUCCESSFUL PROSECUTION - in your case definitely NOT. This is regretful sex - NOT RAPE.

                                If they (the Police) extend your bail, then you could ask them if they have dealt with your case expeditiously. It does not sound to me like they have. Unfortunately, when the case file reaches CPS it has to be seen by two lawyers, one of whom is a rape specialist or senior prosecutor. This can cause delay.

                                if you ever sent this individual a text message or email, then insist that your phone is examined. Always insist on a HEX DUMP. This is quite expensive for the Police to do, but a hex dump recovers deleted text messages, especially from smart phones.

                                It honestly sounds to me that the Police have treated this investigation with the contempt that it deserves. If they took it seriously they would have seized your phone, computer, clothing that you wore (even though it was 5 months ago).

                                In my professional opinion, based on your given facts, this has NFA'd written all over the file.

                                Any questions, then please post.


