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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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    glad to hear that you are going back to work on Monday it will give you something else to focus on. Have you done any more work on that move score? Going to the GP was another positive move on your part and hopefully it will mean you can start getting some sleep. The waiting is the worse part but everything you have done over the past week means you are moving in the right direction. You are in my prayers.


    • Falsely accused of rape, feeling suicidal

      @ OldJoe,

      I've been reading your posts and want you to know that I am currently in the same situation. I dare not go into too many details but I have been having exactly the same feelings as you. I've find some solace knowing there is another innocent man going through the same living hell as me..


      • I spoke to the Samaritans for the first time today

        Is there anybody who has been through this that I might speak to on the phone? The Samaritans were very understanding but lacked empathy. I am at the very end of my tether. I need help desperately


        • FASO have a telephone support line

          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • Thanks

            I'll try FASO now. Reading through various member's stories has been of real help. I am, by nature, a confident out-going man but this has crushed the will to live out of me. The allegations I am facing are even more serious than most - I've never had any dealing with the police and my solicitor told me that the police were convinced of my guilt. My situation looks very bleak indeed. Thanks Rights Fighter for getting back to me so quickly. I am very glad I found this forum


            • I'm sorry that you've found yourself here Mr Underhill, you will receive brilliant support and advice here, its also a great place for having a shout.
              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • Thanks RFLH

                I just spoke to FASO, who were brilliant. I honestly believe I'm going to be put away for a very long time for a crime I didn't commit. My confidence is shot despite my friends and family being amazing. I have never known terror before but am now haunted by it. Forgetting about my situation just makes remembering more painful. I'm going to sell all my possessions to fight this thing (including my house) - I just feel that unlucky circumstances and the police's belief in my guilt means all the odds are stacked against me. This isn't a knee-jerk overeaction: I just think if it is a case of her word against mine, the jury will believe her. I have never felt so much empathy for those wrongly accused, it is a constant waking nightmare!


                • Dear Mr Underhill, so glad you found your way here. Even though you can't go into details it sounds as if you are going through hell. The fact that you find this forum helpful is good news and we will all do our best to support, just keep coming back.


                  • I’m so sorry you find yourself here , a lot of the members will offer you as much support as you need , most of us have been in the same situation and at some point felt the same way you are now ,
                    You can get through this no matter how hard it seems at the moment , have you s specialist solicitor on side yet


                    • Thanks 0990

                      I have a specialist solicitor. I have yet to be charged, I was bailed with an 8 week return date - At the moment my solicitors are trying to recover text messages and emails from before and after the allegation was meant to have taken place (which isn't proving easy). The accusations are so unbelievably horrific, the consequences of being found guilty of a crime I didn't commit - it is impossible not to terrify myself on a regular basis. I keep expecting the phone to ring and for them to tell me the charges have been dropped, but the more time ticks away, the more I come to the grim realisation that this waking nightmare may haunt me for months.. Not to mention years if I'm convicted. My friends and family have and continue to be incredible but there is only so much they can do - I'd give my right arm for all of this to go away.


                      • You havent been charged so thats a positive , they, the police do take time to follow this through checking statments and such ,

                        i was on bail for 5 months so this could take quite a while be fore the cps decide if to take the case further,the checking of your phone is quite normal

                        its good you have family around you , i know its really really hard to to do but you need to stay strong


                        • Dont worry the main thing when it comes to accustions about rape is time they always take time to process all the evidence to make sure there is a case against you before they take it to the CPS if u haven't been charged your already in good sted.

                          be strong take a look at some of the other threads and read others stories


                          • How do you know if you've been charged?


                            • When you answer bail there are three things that can happen:

                              1/ You can be rebailed while they continue investigations

                              2/ You can be told that there is no further action

                              3/You can be charged

                              The Police Officer will be the person who will tell you what is going to happen.


                              • Normally when you're charged - you stand in front of the Custody plod and he tells you what the charges against you are - if memory serves me - you get documentation of it too, but I daresay someone will tell me otherwise! The charges against me were dropped so it didn't get further than the desk after questioning.
                                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

