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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • Glad you spoke to your solicitor. Sounds very positive. The other guys are right, you won't get your result overnight, but again look at how far things have come in the last couple of days.

    I know you don't feel it but you have made so many positive steps. You have your family behind you, you now have had some legal advice which sounds very encouraging, your friends have been able to corroborate your version of events. It is reassuring that your solicitor feels that this will be NFA'd.

    I know that mood wise things will yo yo for a bit, but every time you start to get down again, look at all of these positives. This period of your life will not last forever and you should come through it stronger and a better person.


    • I can't wait till this is all over, I'm going to be able to do anything,
      Just chillin with my brother now, playing Call of Duty.


      • Enjoy your Call of Duty. Should help to pass the time.


        • It seems the only way to escape this torture, is death.


          • Or at least computer games. I have been playing RISK on my iPad for the last couple of days.

            Anything which kills the monotony and takes your mind off things.



            • Its been almost a week, and I'm still here. I hope the future weeks go a lot quicker.


              • after all this is over I am moving far far away.


                • I wonder if this girl knows she is ruining my life, making me suicidal? with her lies?


                  • I doubt any false accusers know what hell they put us through and to be honest for people making these false allegations, I doubt they would care even if they did.

                    Hope you have a good day, try to get out and about.

                    Having a solicitor must really help.


                    • I'm off to the GP's today to get some help I think. I can't cope with this stress its killing me quite litratly.


                      • Good move, Joe. You are doing all the right things and hope you find it useful.

                        The solicitor was a major step forward for you. They are able to give a professional legal opinion upon the facts of your case and it sounds like they were very positive when looking at your particular false allegation.

                        As I said before hold onto the positives, they will get you through this.


                        • OLDJOE, good on you for going to the GP, you really do need to get as much support on board as you can. Most of us have ended up on meds, if it's only for a short time, to get through this nightmare. If nothing else it's somebody else to talk to and that's never a bad thing. Please let us know how you get on, get those blooming Haribos while you're out, give yourself a little treat.
                          I am assuming that none of these evil women give two hoots about the damage they inflict on the people they accuse, it truly is about time they were ALL named and shamed, one day somebody in authority may realise that this would be a good thing to do then, hopefully, it would allow the police to deal with GENUINE cases. Chin up mate, you've got this far. You are in my prayers.Sending you a big hug


                          • Thank you, I'm feeling extremely low today, I just want to ring up my Solicitor every 5 mins and see whats happening for some reassurance.


                            • Use the time to read through some of the other threads on this site.

                              And at some stage try to get out even just to the shops. The fresh air will help.


                              • Originally posted by OldJoe View Post
                                Thank you, I'm feeling extremely low today, I just want to ring up my Solicitor every 5 mins and see whats happening for some reassurance.
                                Please do NOT do that. Your sol will be very busy working on other cases - each one as important as yours. Remember - you are not the only person going through this and when he knows something - you will - as he will tell you. Pestering him every five minutes will not make this go away or speed it up.

                                Keep coming back here - it's the best thing you can do.
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

