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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • Just talked to the arresting officer, told him were I was staying, in case they wanted to speak to me. He was really nice to me and just was telling what he's going to be doing regarding the case, i.e. going to talk to my friends and her friend that was there.


    • Well that's good. Do you think you are a little calmer now? Lack of information is very trying. There really is nothing more you can actually do for now except try to concentrate on yourself. Try to get your haribos, little things like that are important, and see if you can give that soundtrack 5 mins...... You could come back on here in the future letting us know you are doing the soundtrack to a big budget film From small acorns!!!!!!!!!!!


      • Yes I feel a hell of a lot calmer. Why are they being so nice to me ? And telling me not to get worked up about it?


        • Are they like that with everyone?


          • some are some aren't. in our sons case the officer in charge told us we had nothing to worry about, they had to follow due process, and he WAS RIGHT!! the case was NFA'd. Going out for a while will be back later, hope you have the haribos by then


            • Haribos? Blimey that takes me back - I've always admired anyone who can compose music, was thrown out of music classes - can't imagine why!

              What's the soundtrack for? Action, horror, period drama?
              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • It's a Si - Fi , can't go into too much detail, as it would reveal my identity. Just been out with my Nephew and Sister - in - Law, didn't get Haribo's but did get a Chicken Legend meal.


                • Feeling low again ,
                  agh! wish this would all go away! Please God help me!


                  • best suicide song ever:



                    • NOW, lets not be looking at stuff like that, it does you absolutely no good. PLEASE ring the Samaritans,,it will help. Only yesterday you didn't want to tell your Mum, you found the courage to do that and she's behind you one hundred percent!!! If you did anything stupid I can't imagine how she would feel. You DO have the strength to do this, it may not seem like it now but it is very, very early days and we will do our best to get you through it.


                      • Sitting listening to that isn't going to help you. You've got to start fighting, start getting mad at the situation yo are in.

                        A fighting spirit will do you more good than sitting feeling low. Shut The Doors and try something better.

                        Start thinking about all the music you're miising out on composing because this is taking up your time and energy.

                        The only person who can really help you -is you. You don't sound like a wuss to me, so put aside the the gloom and doom.
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • Can a case be NFA'd before it goes to the CPS? and before the bail date is up?


                          • not sure about the first question, all I can say is that our sons case WAS NFA'd just a few days before bail date.


                            • The waiting is killing me.


                              • this IS normal and unfortunately nobody can tell you for certain how long this will take. Hard though it may seem you have to find some coping methods and your film soundtrack is the obvious one!!!

