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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • #91
    Forget about taking lots of painkillers. That is definitely not an option for you. You need to steer clear of the alcohol at the minute or you will start thinking like this.

    You need to go out for a walk, somewhere anywhere. If you can sleep before you go, that could also help.

    Are you near Sefton Park. That could be a good place to walk.

    Please don't give anymore details of where you are living as I don't want any risk that someone may identify you from your posts on this public forum.


    • #92
      I don't really know Liverpool very well, Might nip to shop and get some smokes and what not. I'm going to loose my job, my place at college, everything..


      • #93
        Here is the Samaritans number 08457 90 90 90.

        As others have said, just being able to talk 24/7 can make you feel so much better.

        Will you promise not to do anything stupid and if you feel like it that you will call that number?


        • #94
          You are worried that you will lose your job and college place, but you don't know that.

          A note from the GP should get you a couple of weeks to sort out what you are going to do.

          If you are in a strange city, try and find a local GP and make an emergency appointment. Use the Internet. Then phone first thing. Tell them you are feeling suicidal and I am sure they will squeeze you in.


          • #95
            I've lost my girlfriend, everything! she dosen't want anything to do with me now I have told her, she said "I will talk to you when its all over, but its too much for me now, I hope everything goes ok for you"


            • #96
              I can't work because I'm not in my home city at the moment, or go to college.


              • #97

                That sounds like she is just struggling to cope with the shock, which is understandable.

                You will come through this and you will be a better person for it. They say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. When this is over you may be surprised that your relationship with your girlfriend will be better than it has been before.

                If you do go to the shops, get some chocolate. Always helps to cheer me up.


                • #98
                  I hate chocolate!

                  It's all about Haribo.


                  • #99
                    Haribo it is then.

                    Pick up a greetings card and write it to your girlfriend. You don't need to send it.

                    You are sorry. Must be difficult for her, you understand, agree you need to get through this then talk, if she needs to talk to you at any point you will be here and that you will contact her as soon as it is all over. Try to give her an idea that is likely to take months rather than weeks so she has an idea.

                    As I say, you can write it even if you don't send it. Writing may help.


                    • Its amazing how you can go from happy to incredibly depressed in the space of 5 mins, I really don't think anyone can help me with how I feel, I suffered from depression before this and was on meds.


                      • If you can go from happy to depressed in five. You can go from depressed to happy too.

                        You have got the strength in you to come through this and you WILL be better for it.

                        Now go and get the Haribo.


                        • I am going to try and get back to sleep now. So take care.

                          I will check in when I get up.

                          Just focus on the positives in your case. Read a few other threads and you will realise how more negative scenarios can lead to NFA.

                          Take care


                          • oldjoe, are you still on meds for depression? if so the with some of them you shouldn't drink alcohol. Go to the shop and but those haribos....... going form happy to REALY down IS quite normal in this situation. At his point in time your brain has gone into overdrive and you will be thinking "what if" and unfortunately there is no way to turn your brain off!!!! are you prepared to give into this or have you somewhere deep inside got the strengh to fight this? Most of us NEVER thought we would be able to cope but with the support of family, friends, GP, Samaritans etc most of us have come out the other end. We may be damaged goods and trying to get your life back to "normal" is hard work every day, but the most important thing is the fact that we NEVER ever doubted our innocence, wouldn't let these awful women win and now try our best to support others going through this nightmare. PLEASE keep posting, you are in my prayers.


                            • No i'm not I came off them, I was originally on them for anxiety caused tension headaches. I'm dangerously close to doing something stupid. I'm feeling so low. I've had to give up everything because of this woman. I can't focus on anything I'm supposed to be composing a soundtrack for a low budget film over the next few months it was my big break, my first paid job doing music production I've had to give that up!


                              • Right then, try to do a little work on this soundtrack. While your brain is concentrating on something like that it can't be thinking of other stuff. My son's pyscologist taught him a trick to divert the brain....count backwards from 500. If you could do a little work on the sound track it would be like putting the fingers up to this woman saying you will not ruin my life!!!!! Have you managed to read any of the other threads? if you have you will see that the falsely accused come from a massive range of backgrounds and ages, there's even a 16 year old going through this nightmare. Somehow we have come though this. As a mother of a falsely accused who's case was NFA'd I can only say that there were awful awful days for our son, to see your child, and it doesn't matter how old they are, go through this is totally heartbreaking. Please don't do anything stupid, can you imagine what this would do to your family? and of course there are always those out there that would take it as an admission of guilt. You will get through this.

