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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • #76
    being arrested does not mean that you are going to court. As already mentioned the national guidelines for the police mean that in every allegation of rape, they must arrest the "suspect".


    • #77
      I now how you feel about going crazy. I thought early on that I was having a breakdown. You have just gone through an enormous shock and your system needs to adapt to it. This will take time.

      This is another reason that a trip to the GP could be the right thing. It does not have to be pills, although they would help with the sleep. Sleep deprivation is making these feelings worse for you. The GP could arrange one to one counselling so that you can talk all of your feelings through and start to make sense of them.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Shatteredhusband View Post
        Oldjoe, I know the thing which I found most difficult was the waiting, worrying and wishing it was over with. Is that what you are struggling with at the minute or is there something else?
        I'm just so scared and I can't take this waiting.


        • #79
          come on oldjoe, this will not do, do you think that she is giving a second thought to you? Not on your nelly! As has been said - to the 'no smoke without fire' brigade - you'll make their day. Hold your head high, you are innocent, keep repeating it to yourself.

          Honestly - what you are feeling is completely normal for someone falsely accused - you will get through this and what it will do is make you into a stronger person.

          You'll have good days and bad days - make the most of the good ones and you'll get through the bad.

          Keep posting, it will help.
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #80
            The waiting is definitely the worst this stage it is difficult to concentrate and the false allegation fills your head constantly. This will get better but will bot disappear completely.

            Good advice elsewhere on the fourm was exercise, eat well and sleep when you can.

            Exercise could just be a long walk.

            Just remember you are innocent, you do not deserve this and you are not going to let some girl you do not know affect you this way.


            • #81
              This Brandy i'm drinking tastes lovely!

              I feel like I can't trust women, I don't want anything to do with them. This is ruining my life.


              • #82
                Oldjoe, what are you going to do today? It would help if you made some sort of plan to do something. Are you off of college or going in?


                • #83
                  now that's the brandy talking, get rid of it and make a hot sweet drink.

                  I tried that route and it really does make things far worse.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #84
                    My false accuser is an alcoholic. I know from watching her that alcohol is not a solution. It is a depressant and will only make you feel worse.

                    I enjoy a good drink as much as the next man but only had half dozen bottles of beer in the first six weeks. I knew if I had any more than a bottle that it would make me feel worse. Whenever I have tried alcohol to numb things, I just get more depressed about them.

                    Why don't you try and get a bit more sleep, when you get up, go for a walk. Try to get somewhere where you can appreciate the world outside. Even a park if you can get to one.


                    • #85
                      PLEASE at least go to see the GP and explain what is happening, if you don't want to take pills nobody will make you. Many, many of us found that they helped with the physical symptoms caused by false allegations, the lack of sleep makes everything seem worse as your brain isn't getting the rest it needs to properly process what it is trying to deal with. I would suggest that you also ring the Samaritans. I did on numerous occasions and found the fact that I had someone completely impartial to speak to was such a relief, and knowing they are there 24/7 meant i didn't have to disturb family members in the night if i needed someone to talk to. To some of us on here you are so young, don't mean to sound like an old f--t! and you have the rest of your life ahead of you, don't let this evil woman take it away....she will have won then.


                      • #86
                        No i'm in Liverpool, I might go to the beach but I feel like taking a lot of pain killers getting drunk and playing call of duty on the ps3.


                        • #87
                          Just thinking of the worst, what is the minimum and maximum I would spend in jail, if I get convicted?


                          • #88
                            have something to eat, have a hot drink - wrap up warm and go out for half an hour. It will help.

                            and stop thinking ahead! There's no pointing worrying about something that may not happen.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #89

                              Even if you don't believe in God, please pray for me, I'm really struggling to cope with this, I struggle to cope with normal life as it is.


                              • #90
                                oldjoe, we've all been there - and we're still here.
                                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

