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Glad you are eating and got out for a bit. The others are right and please listen to their advice. This is definitely not the end of your world, but it feels like everything has been turned upside down at the minute.
You have your family's support. They will help you get through it. If you feel like doing something stupid, please promise me that you will call the Samaritans. It was the best thing I did.
In ansŵer to your question on NFA'd by the police. I understand that it can happen, but if the girl gave a credible false account, it is more likely to go to the CPS for a decision, so that the police cannot later be criticized. It is likely that a specialist rape prosecutor has already discussed the case with the OIC. I understand that all rape cases need to be discussed with one within 72 hours of arrest.
Have you had a chance to talk things through with your brother?
but you ARE writing, and thats good, in any case what you think is horrendous could be "sweet music" to somebody else. Have you spoken to your mum today?
No shes at work, but my Oldest brother gave me a ring, called me a idiot for having a one night stand lol.
I'm slowly realizing things maybe ok, as I have done nothing wrong and I have got nothing to hide and been 100% honest with the police.
Good for you The initial shock is overwhelming and it's not uncommon for people to react exactly the same as you. Hopefully you may get a better nights sleep tonight and then things will be even better tomorrow.
Yeah, my little nephew is keeping me busy too! I have another interview this week to discuss what shes said against me and what I have said in my defence. Hope they give me plenty of warning I'm in Liverpool!
glad you are feeling a bit better. It will get easier.
A second police interview could actually work well. You have a chance to get a solicitor. They will be free for your time in the police station as it is covered by legal aid.
My advice would be to phone FASO (you can google them) and find a solicitor near you. They can arrange to be at your interview and you will get some free legal advice and explain everything which should also make things easier for you.
Oldjoe, I am sorry that I don't know the answer to your question about character statements. Not sure how the police would perceive them, especially as they were acquired by you.
Suggest you call FASO their helpline will be open after 6pm, so now might be a good time. They should advise you of a solicitor near you. You can then contact them and they will probably discuss your case on the phone before any interview. The solicitor should be able to advise whether these statements would be of any use.
Sorry I am late coming to this thread.
Listen, what you are experiencing (emotionally speaking) is absolutely normal. You are going from euphoria to despair in the blink of an eye. Probably the hardest thing for you to cope with is the fact that you understand that rape is an abhorrent crime and you would never do something like that. So to be accused of it is almost unbearable. But please let me try to shed a little light on your situation.
You have not been charged. You have been arrested and questioned. There is every chance that this will not progress beyond that.
In a case like this, there are lots of different stages to go through before you are convicted and imprisoned. The case could be dropped at any one of these stages. You are at the very first stage. (I am not an expert, BTW so if RF can correct me I would be very grateful! My own experience was back in 2003/4, so it could be clouded by memory-loss or changes in legislation!)
At the end of the day, you might not be charged. If you are charged, there are still a number of opportunities for your legal team to halt the process (depending on what the judge will allow). Finally, if the worst comes to the worst, the jury could still find you not guilty.
And if they do find you guilty,there is still life on the other side. My husband has been there. It felt like the end of the world but it wasn't. In fact we are now stronger, better, kinder people than we were before. It's a difficult and thoroughly unpleasant journey, but it can be done.
I echo the advice that others have given. Stop dwelling on the worst case scenario and get your metaphorical boxing gloves on. Do something to take your mind off the situation. Even going for a walk or sorting out your laundry can help!
Keep coming back. We are all here for you.
Last edited by Saffron; 24 January 2011, 07:03 PM.
I'd like to reiterate what has already been said, get a solicitor on board!!! Free for when you are at the police station. It will put your mind at rest as they have a better understanding of what is going on and can advise you properly. Chin up,you're doing great