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Help me! Falsely Accused of Rape!

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  • Old joe im sorry if this seems harsh
    but this is a serious allegation and it takes time for thing to work through the system

    I was accused of raping a lady on the 31st of december 2010 i was interviewd on the 14th
    i have not heard anything from the police since and the police said i had nothing to worry about and they dont believe this to be a rape allegation!

    there are a lot of obstacles and loose ends they need to tie up before this can be declared NFA'd soo please i hope ur able to understadn why i'm saying this you need to get on with your life and need to stay active and positive! if the police thought u were a threat you would be arrested and charged by now mate

    Hopefully you can feel better soon god nows it took me a good couple of weeks but this forum is full of angels who are here to ehlp

    Kind Regards


    • Oldjoe mentioned A&E as I am led to believe they always have somebody from the mental health dept there or on call. Glad to hear that you are managing to eat something. If you do read through some of the other threads you will see that most people go through this period of utter despair when they are falsely accused. I would guess that this is a normal reaction. I promise it will get better, next battle is trying to get some sleep.


      • yes agreed with the above night was my worse enemy its a time your alone with your thoughts swimming around your head i found sticking on a DVD and nodding off the best.

        talk to your friends and your parents they will support you and reassure you through this period.


        • Just to confirm what is available at a+e: If you go to a+e and say you are suicidal they are supposed to call the psychiatric liason who will see you to assess your mental state and talk about what is causing the problems. A+E departments have been known to suggest you leave because it will be ages until the psychiatric liason team are free. You must insist that you want to see them. They HAVE to see you. When you see the psyciatric liason team (which will probably consist of a psychiatrist and possibly a mental health nurse or mental health social worker) they are concerned primarily with safety (whether you are at risk of suicide, self harm or harm to others) but they will also speak to you about what is going on in your life. How much you get from this meeting depends on how much you open up. They can also suggest to your GP that you need more help and this can speed up the referal process.

          A+E is there to deal with any health emergency. Being suicidal is a mental health emergency. Don't be afraid to use the service if you need to.
          "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


          • Friday
            Thanks so much for clarifying that, i wasn't sure about the ins and outs of going to A&E but remembered being told we could do that with our son, Thanks again


            • Just written down a full account of what happened the night this alleged rape occurred, made me realize there are lot more positives than I originally thought, for example:
              She slept in the same bed with me all night after we had intercourse, now you wouldn't do that with someone that had raped you.
              Secondly, there was a point were I was away from the bedroom after intercourse for about 10 - 15 mins she could have easily used her phone to report a rape, or called for her friend who was about 15 meters away in a room upstairs.


              • anyone here?


                • It gets a bit quiet here at night. Keep what you've written down. Don't give the police any orginals and add to it if you remember anything else. And stay positive,



                  • I would tend to agree with your logic. The problem is that when the police go back to her to ask her, she will simply say she was too distressed, traumatized or terrified. This unfortunately is the double standard we face - the "victim" gets to change her story frequently as the facts come out. If you or I wished to change our story, that would be used against us.

                    Still think that you should make the point at the police interview; that she had the opportunity to leave at any time especially whilst you were absent, but was happy to stay.

                    Glad you are feeling more positive


                    • Do they sieze your Laptop etc, straight away?


                      • Am I going to get in trouble for all my torrents I have downloaded ? When they do / if they do a forensic analysis? Not that I have downloaded anything bad, just wondering.


                        • Oldjoe, they took my computers whilst I was still in custody. I don't think they are so interested in music downloads. Might be worth checking what is on your laptop so you don't get any surprises.

                          Think they are looking for evidence that would support the allegations which she has made.

                          Some people have posted that the police were not really interested in their computers. I was surprised that they didn't take your mobile at the first interview. So perhaps they won't.


                          • Feeling a little better now, been reading through some other posts and what not.
                            No doubt i'll feel like **** again in the morning.
                            please pray for me, and please pray that the police can see that I am an innocent man!
                            thank you all.


                            • OLDJOE,,, in our case they never took our sons computer, don't think they have any interest in the fact that you have downloaded music. As others have said this is going to take a while for the police to sort out but you will get through it. Have you had any joy getting to speak to someone at FASO?


                              • Originally posted by Shatteredhusband View Post
                                Oldjoe, they took my computers whilst I was still in custody. I don't think they are so interested in music downloads. Might be worth checking what is on your laptop so you don't get any surprises.

                                Think they are looking for evidence that would support the allegations which she has made.

                                Some people have posted that the police were not really interested in their computers. I was surprised that they didn't take your mobile at the first interview. So perhaps they won't.
                                they took my phone for about 5 - 10 mins and gave it me bck.

