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Well taking a step back, without reviling to much about my case.
It doesn't look too bad, I have two people that saw her all over me kissing me etc (one of which is her friend) , I have one person that heard her shouting "yeah baby" during intercourse with me, I have another that can confirm something else... and I have an array of past lovers that can say I never pressured them into anything.
Lets just hope the Police can see that I'm an innocent man!
I've read your thread and i can hponestly realte i was in a similar situation i held of telling my parents because i was embarassed ashamed and frankly ****TING myself! but
my family stuck beside me and supported me amazingly they all knew instantly i was innocent! im a little older than you so i can relate but please DO NOT focus on what can happen it destroyed me i found myself alone at my local canal and though i could just end everything here i realised that was a stupid thing if u innocent u have nothing to worry about believe me there are some EXTREMELy nice DC's out there who aren't out to hang everyone but there to Protect and Serve the Innocent!
i wish you all the best in this battle feel free to PM me if you wanna talk to someone your own age who has been through similar
Morning oldjoe, something good? Well you made it through yesterday, you have your friends and family supporting you, you know you are telling the truth, I believe these all to be good. You are going to feel low and mornings are sometimes the worst part of the day especially if you've not slept. Glad you found the Samaritans helpful, many of us on here have. See, there's another good thing,,,, you were afraid to tell your Mum and you did, and you phoned the Samaritans. These things are not a sign of weakness but of strength. Have you given any more thought to seeing a GP? even if it is for something short term to enable you to get some sleep?
Oh my goodness, feeling more low than I have before. Constant head ache. Praying constantly that they see I'm innocent and the case gets NFA'd. Feels like my heart is dropping all the time.
my life is falling apart I just want this to be over I just want to wake up and it all be over.
I can't go on anymore.
I'm so close to killing myself. I have nothing left because of this and no chance of living a normal life because of this.
Well done on getting this far. The first week or two everyone says are the worst. Your world is not over, you are not thinkings straight with your headache and lack of sleep. Seeing a doctor will be worth it. You will get more than some sympathy, you should get support, advice, possible counselling and some medication if needed to help you sleep.
Did you get a response from FASO regarding a solicitor? Best to get one near where you were arrested if there is one who specialises in false allegations. If you get the number you can telephone them and then you will feel you are being proactive and doing something about your situation.
Have you got some paper and a pen. You can start by writing down everything about the accuser and the allegation. It helps to get it clear in your head and will make sure you don't forget important details. It will also give you a focus and help you feel that you are doing something useful.
Are you going out for a walk today. Fresh air and exercise won't make it go away but they will help, and may also help you to sleep. Don't be afraid to nap during the day. This early morning wakening is pretty usual in our situation. If you don't want to get ill take sleep wherever you can get it.
Final question did you get those Haribos. If not that might be your first job.
You are a good person and strong. You will get through this, she will not win. Whenever you feel low, look back at your posts when you were positive.
Please everyone pray for me, even if you don't believe in God. Please pray this whole thing gets NFA'd, sooner rather than later, I'm struggling to cope!
I know you are struggling. I think everyone feels like you do at some point during this. But things do get better. You are an innocent man and you are contemplating ending it all because this girl has made a false allegation. You are worth so much more than this. The majority of cases are NFA'd. From what you describe it sounds like yours is likely to be one of them. So please do not do anything silly.
A walk will make you feel better. If you need someone to talk to, take the Samaritans number.
The next stage of this emotional roller coaster is when you decide this girl is not going to win and that you are going to fight it with every fibre in your being. That is the stage you need to get to. Get angry about it, this should not have happened to you. Hell it should never happen to anyone. You are going to see her lies exposed whatever it takes.
Well the Police are going to talk today to the people that were there and saw her all over me and heard her during intercourse with me. Hopefully after they have talked to these people they can see through this girls lies.
I have no idea what shes said though. not until my second interview where they said they'd be comparing what I said to what shes said.
this time I WILL be taking a sol with me.
If you are having another interview, that might be another reason to write everything down. So you don't forget to mention something important. Contact FASO tonight. If you still get no response, someone may be able to recommend if you say which region of the country the arrest was in.
Hang onto the positives and it sounds like you can channel your anger to make sure you get through this.